
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Action
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 17(Bonds of the past final part)

As zodia activates his sword of calamity after breaking free of kazuma's sealing technique with a crazy and powerful amount of energy overflowing all over his body, he uses his sword of calamity to create a giant magic circle all over the continent that the demon country resides in. Kazuma seeing this then yells at him saying "You cant do this! Please stop!", zodia responds "You cannot change the mind of a man who has already made his decision!". He then calls out "Calamity technique: god of destruction" as a giant beam of light flies down to the continent, ready to destroy it. As this attack was headed towards the demon country, kazuma does a few hand signs as he says to himself "I should be able to teleport this giant attack away by using my sealing circles and combining it with my teleportation ability!". After kazuma weaves the necessary hand signs, he calls out "Ultimate teleportation technique: Release:" as he was able to create a giant magic circle In order to teleport the attack away. But as he does this, he gets a strange vibe on his body as he groans in pain and collapses on his knee, kazuma had already realized that he had used too much energy and that if he used any more then he'd die. As this giant beam of light was heading toward the demon country, zodia tells kazuma "You were a worthy opponent, kazuma the spirit lord! But I'm afraid this is were things come to an end!". Zodia's body then begins to wrap up with energy as he gets sealed away but the giant attack was still heading towards the demon country. Kazuma who was in pain weaves some hand signs as he teleport back home, as he teleport himself home, misaki while carrying the baby rushes towards kazuma as she yells his name out of fear. Kazuma then tells her "We are all going to die! I'm sorry,but I failed." Misaki then hugs kazuma while holding her baby with tears in her eyes as she says "Its not your fault! You did everything you could, so dont blame yourself!". Kazuma then says "We need to teleport alex to a safe location or else he's going to die as well!", misaki who extremely worried then says "Let's go together, we'll go to the city! Remember that's were we grew up in and had all our fun memories!". Kazuma then responded "No we cant, if we do that then we'll be targeted as threats! Why do you think yuji died, ichiki?! I have an idea, I'll teleport Alex to ranpo sensei. Sensei will take care of him and train him." Misaki then gets even worried with tears rushing down her eyes as she says "But if we do that, alex will be labelled as a threat! And I don't want my child to die! I want to have a future with him, a future were me, you and alex can be together. I want all of us to smile together as a family! Please kazuma! I want to be with you forever!". Kazuma then smiles and responds "I feel the same way! But as the lord of this country and your husband, I will die here with you all!", kazuma does a few hand signs as he summons a red stone and says "This stone is the millennia stone that holds the divine beast of power, I'll seal it inside alex. Alex took your demon traits and without proper training he won't be able to control his powers well. Which is why I'll seal this divine beast in him, so that even if he goes out of control, the demonic energy he'll use will be controllable and limited!" Misaki then Carrie's alex as she tells kazuma that she wants to talk to Alex, as she carries Alex, she tells him "Alex, I really wish we could spend our lives together but I'm afraid that's not possible! Be a good boy okay? Dont cause rampo sensei too much trouble. And become strong so that you can fulfill your dreams, be a good boy." As she drops the baby, kazuma places the millennia stone on him as he creates a small magic circle and seals it inside alex. Kazuma weaves a hand sign and tells misaki "This boy is going to become strong, I can feel it.", he then monologues to himself saying "Ranpo sensei, diablo, I'm counting on you to make this child strong, stronger than me and his mother. Alex please be careful. There are alot of dangers in this world! Please be safe." After weaving the hand signs, kazuma says "Teleport" and the baby teleport away. As the demon country was getting destroyed by the giant beam of light, kazuma and misaki hug each other as they kiss and then get incinerated by the attack. The attack ended up destroying the demon country and the entire continent it was on as everything reduced to nothing but ash and became a wasteland of a continent. Meanwhile as diablo was in the city while having a meal with veronica at a restaurant, he senses something as he then looks up into the sky with a face of shock and sadness and says "Kazuma sensei?! Could it be?!" Veronica then asks him if he's okay and then diablo just sighs in sadness as he tells her not to worry about him. As ranpo was walking in the forest, he hears a baby crying. He goes to check it out and finds out its a white haired baby. Ranpo picks the baby up and then instantly thinks of kazuma and misaki. He sheds out a tear as he then says to himself "I swear I'll protect this child. He will become extremely powerful, I swear it!". The flashback comes to an end as Alex sheds a tear after the whole story. Misaki then says "I know it's sad, I wished I could have a happy life with you and kazuma, but I guess misfortune was just not going to let that happen." Alex then gets a cheerful smile on his face as he says "I'll become the strongest, you'll see! In fact I'll be so strong that people will wish to be like me. I'll be known over the world and the entire universe, best believe it!" Misaki starts to faid away as she tells alex that her time is up and she has to to go, alex then says "Mom wait I still have alot of things to tell you!", misaki hugs him while faiding away with tears rushing down her eyes as she says "I cant wait to tell kazuma how matured and grown you have become. Take care of yourself, Alex." Misaki disappears as the place filled with white flowers and white sky vanishes and alex returns to the void of blood on the floor and black sky. Alex then realizes that he is wearing a cloak made out of red energy with white shining clothing, Alex had successfully activated a new power.