
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · アクション
60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 13(The bonds off the past part 1)

Sixteen years ago in the demon country also know as the demon clan, kazuma(Alex father 24 years old) just came back from work. As kazuma enters his house, he takes off his white Cape with purple designs as he just drops it on the chair and sits down. Kazuma sighs as he says to himself "Being a lord isn't easy at all. You have to run some paper work, you have to also make sure that there is proper circulation of funds in the country. And the tiring part is that i have to make peace with other country leaders. The demon clan is a country with the most insane and powerful people, other countries are scared of it and try to destroy it!" As kazuma sighs, he see's misaki(Alex mother, 24 years old) wearing a skimpy red costume while wearing a Santa's hate as she says in a seductive manner "Hey honey, back from work all ready!". Kazuma was in shock as his mouth was wide open while he was stuttering "Mi-Mi-Misa-ki?! Wha- are you wearing?!", misaki then walks up to kazuma seductively as she rolls her arms around his neck and sits on him. Misaki then says "I've been so lonely all day you know! I have been waiting for you. I've been so horny lately and my klint cant take it anymore." Kazuma was still in shock but then had a wierd smile on his face as he replied to her "Oh really? Why dont you let me take care of that dripping hole of yours?! I'd gladly satisfy you." As they were about to kiss, misaki hears a beeping noise from the kitchen as she quickly gets up while kicking kazuma on the face on rushing to the kitchen saying "I almost forgot I was cooking something! I hope it did get burnt!", kazuma after being kicked on the face had a funny expression on his face as saying "This woman for a wife makes me sexually frustrated sometimes!". While they were eating at the dining table, misaki asks kazuma how work was today. Kazuma responded saying "Work was the usual today. Did some paper work, signed some documents, had a conference meeting with some world leaders! Stuff like that.", misaki then gets a funny and jealous expression on her face saying, "Oh, you spend much time with your work than me. And plus I need you around since I'm preg- I mean feeling so lonely without you." Kazuma was abit confused as he asks her what the matter is, misaki trying to hide the fact that she is pregnant, tells him that there is no problem. Kazuma gets a funny and suspicious look on his face saying to himself that "She is hiding something. But I just dont know what", misaki then tells kazuma that she has been feeling abit sick lately and wants to go to the doctor tommorow, kazuma replied saying "sure, I'm free tomorrow so I'll take you there" misaki then smiles telling him "Thanks honey. After we get back, let's have sex all day tommorow, okay?", kazuma then gets a wierd expression on his face as he tells her"We all ready had sex ten times last week and four times yesterday. I need a break!", misaki then says "I'll give you hard core blow job if you promise we'd do it!" Kazuma then yells in excitement saying "Deal!". The next day while kazuma and misaki were in the doctors office, the doctor informs them that misaki Is two months pregnant, kazuma was in shock asking the doctor if he's serious. The doctor then says "Yes I'm serious! And judging from the scans, it's a boy.", kazuma's face lights up with excitement on hearing the news while misaki was just giggling. A few hours later, kazuma and misaki get home as they burst through their bedroom door while kissing and starts to take their clothes off. As they lay on the bed while kissing each other while kazuma was playing with her nipples and pressing her boobs, misaki tells him that he should calm down abit as she was moaning. A few hours later at night, misaki and kazuma were laying on their bed while staring at the ceiling, misaki then tells kazuma "Hey kazuma? What should we name our son when he's born?", kazuma replied saying "I have no idea! What do you want to name him?". Misaki then says "I'm not sure about that! But..... I feel our child is going to be a very strong one and achieve great things" kazuma just smiles as he says "You seem to already be attached to the baby even tho he isn't born yet! Looks like your motherly instincts are starting to kick in." Misaki then says "Alex... we'll name him alex.", kazuma then smiles as he replies "Alex huh? That has a nice ring to it!. The next day, ranpo(38years old) was in kazuma's living room as he yells in surprise "What!!! You mean she's pregnant?! That's amazing!", kazuma with a nervous smile while scratching his head replied "Yeah she is. In due time I'm going to be a father. That's in the next 8 months.". Ranpo then laughs in excitement as he says "Well that's good news. It's nice to hear my students are doing well, I'm so proud!". Kazuma then says "Um ranpo sensei, I'd like to ask you a favour" ranpo looks confused as he asks him what the favour is. Kazuma then says "I'd like you to train this child please. Please, infact treat him like he's your grandson. You are like a father I never had, so please train this child like.. like the way you trained me as your son!". Ranpo was abit stunned but then ended up laughing, kazuma asks him if he said anything funny and then after ranpo is done laughing he says "It's my bad kazuma! You said you wanted me to train your child like he's a grand son huh? Well that's what I intended too do!". Kazuma smiles in excitement while rampo says "I'll train him on how to be a perfect and strong soldier! And if the boy comes out having his mother's powers then it will make thing even easier. That way he can become even stronger by learning how to control his demon powers! I'll shape the kid to be the ultimate power house!". Kazuma with a smile on his face then says "Thank you sensei, this means alot to me." Meanwhile at night, a man with spikey long white hair, blue eyes, and an Armour was looking at the demon clan as he monologues to himself saying "I'm sensing four powerful sources of energy in this country. Even the people have a huge amount of power. I'll take that large energy source and gain my full powers

Yes! At long last, I'll achieve my goals!"