

Reading this story you will see why I did all of this. You will see how they left me, how they disappointed me and how it all started. Sometimes the best luck is to die at the right time or to kill the right person at the right time, some people aren't made to kill . After a little while, they regret that they left you alive, at that point you need to kill them so they won't come after you. Let's see together how everything started, shall we?

Red_him7 · 都市
2 Chs

The House Where It Started

Let me introduce you to my fairytale , shall we? I was born in a monday and left in front of the tent of some circus on a rainy Tuesday and named Ezekiel Montegue in the same rainy day. I was found by Richard and Merlin Montegue, the owners of the Circus Alegría .They are two amazing people they took me in and loved and raised me , and I'm thankful for that. I love them with all my heart, they taught me everything I know.... I still remember how proud they were when I managed to make my first quadruple without the safety net. Life at the circus was wonderful until one day I accidentally missed one of the ropes and fell from 20 feet , what can I say gravity can be a bitch sometimes .

The fall was supposed to kill me , but what can I say , I'm a lucky bastard and I just got some broken bones and a cracked kidney. So I needed an urgent transplant, not knowing the names of the blood relatives ,Merlin and Richard hired a private investigator to help us find at least one of them. That was a huge pain in the ass, so let's skip this part. So the detective found the idiots who abandoned me, their names are Martha and George Adams (who by the way lived happily in a huge condo with three children. Isn't it beautiful how some idiots are so successful and happy ?) Martha was a lawyer and George an pediatrician, and as you can see they didn't give a flying fuck about the little shit they abandoned in the rain, in the middle of a place full with freaks and perverts. Sorry about that, so where were we?

Oh, yes the transplant. So the detective found the two idiots , Merlin and Richard went to talk to them, explained the situation , offered to pay for the kidney and the two refused to make any kind of effort saying that they had no other child other than the three little -fuckers- angels.

My only hope was shattered, somehow Merlin managed to find a donor outside the family, and saved my life ,again.I didn't ask about the donor ,something told me that it was better not to ask . The two tried to hide the ''your birth parents are some bastards'' story from me but in the end they still told it. After I recovered I seriously thought about what happened and what it was like to almost die because I didn't have any relatives willing to help me, so I decided to make sure that in the future I wouldn't end up in this kind of situation. How? Well, I'm sure at this point you'll think that I'll be more careful, I'll cherish my life and shit. Well you're so sadly mistaken, I'm going to harvest every organ I could ever need from my wonderful blood relatives.

"And how will you do that Ezekiel , wouldn't they rotten? " would you ask . Well, aren't you a little curious today? But for the sake of the story I'll answer you but remember everything remains between us . I'm going to find my beloved idiots and then I'm going to *collect the stuff* and keep them properly in my new 'hiding' ,now that I'm thinking ...I don't have one.

Well... fuck it.

The proper order was hideout and then cutting you. Well, I'm going to find the hideout after I collect the organs of the three little angels hiding in the closet in your room. Seriously, you think I'm stupid? I can hear them, the walls aren't as thick as you think.

Hey! Stop that, it's annoying*I yell at George who is hitting the foot of the bed * . Now let's see, what should I do with your head. I don't need a head it's just annoying, I guess I can use it to remind the childrens who's fault  is . You know, for two pieces shit , you two are very good listeners. In the hope that both of  you still have a pulse *I put the knife down to check the pulse of the   laying corpses. *

Oh, apparently you are the only one alive Dad, or do you prefer Daddy? You can choose how do you want me to call you , you just lost your beloved wife. I'm a maniac but I have a soul, huh? What did you say? I guess I should have asked you before I to cut off your tongue. Eh, everybody makes mistakes. Now let me tell you one last thing before I send you into the burning pitch of hell, all this are on you and the bitch that lays next to you, your three angels will feel all my suffering. All the pain I went through when I found out that my parents refused to save my life, to help me, the fact that I was abandoned like a piece shit in the middle of the circus so that you two can live your dreams and then 19 years later to disappoint the little child you left behind again, don't worry Daddy I'll make sure that you will be with your little angels until they will choke with your blood. Goodbye now! \I take the knife and decapitate the two bodies, close the black bag I shoved them into so I won't lose the blood of the two. I get up seriously and go to the closet door, knocks as hard as I can and scream.

Come on little angels it's playtime. I'm going to count to three if you don't open the door willingly I'm going to break in by force. One, two, fuck it *I forces the door and enters the closet, the three children look scared at me . They begged me to let them live trying to promise me total obedience. One of the girls stands up trying to protect her two younger sisters, her name was Becky and shewas 14 years old, the other two are Vanya 9 years old and Teodora 5 years old .You'd think that kind of gesture will sofs me, maybe if there were other people , but the fact that they do that just annoys me more.

I stab the two little ones and slams the big one to the ground. I'm taking them to the basement of the house where I find a giant aquarium, the aquarium is tall enough and width enough that you could put three people in it without a problem, I wonder why they have this . I tie the three girls up and throw them in the aquarium, the girls are unconscious so this will give me some time to go upstairs after the parents. The three girls look a lot like each other, blue eyes and dark hair, their bone structure is similar to that of the parents. My mother has black hair and blue eyes and the father has black hair and green eyes, as far as I can see I have my father's structure I have green eyes and black hair , 6'10 feet tall and a crazy love for hoddies. When I get to the top, I grab the two bags and drag them all the way down. I turn back and put water in the aquarium, start removing the organs of the two parents and throw the useless parts into the aquarium . I put the useful parts in the special crates brought, to my astonishment one of the girls is awake trying to sing but the duct tape from the mouth prevents her from making any noise. I turn off the water in half and throw the blood inside, take the duct tape off the girls' mouths and wake up the other two.Their cries and their screams for help bring me immense pleasure, while the three girls drown in the cold soup made of their parents I'm going to go check the house .

There are three important rules when you want the perfect crime:

No fingerprints


No witnesses

And normally the most important rule ,murder weapon has to be clean, don't try to hide it that will help them find you. In my case I used the kitchen knife, so I clean the knife and put it back in the kitchen. Use plastic bags too movs the bodies from the crime scene and clean the crime scene too, if they don't know wherw the crime took place or what weapon you used they have no clues and they can't find you. I used black gloves so I can't let fingerprints, women shoes to hide my gender two sizes smaller (Sometimes the shoe trail helps investigators determine your gender), even though my hair is short I had to make sure that I would not fall even a thread so I use a black hat, because of the time I decide to hunt, I also choosed a black hoodie without any distinctive marks and black pants . The way you are dressed can help people finding you, so a mouth mask is required as well, as my fully black costumation I choosed the mask the same color without any marks. 

Everything is perfect, I'm going downstairs to make sure the girls are dead, I'm not going to collect their organs, they're too small and that would be too much work for me. Lucky for me, they died, I take the crates with my parents' organs and Leave. One of the advantages of this crime is the location of the house, positioned in a field, without neighbors or security system.