
The birth

It was just a day like like any other Before I was born at least that was what I was told. They say it would always be sunny in summer spring fall and winter. Now every fall and winter cold fall the leafs fall from the trees and winter snow falls from the sky. As I was told it started off as any other. Mom was walking around and knew she was nine weeks pregnant(In this universe instead of nine months is nine weeks) She didn't expect much just an easy birth like my brothers. But her water soon broke. As she was cutting a watermelon in the backyard as soon as the watermelon let out its first Drop of juice her water broke. her health started going downwards. After I was born she went from being the healthiest person on the planet to getting sicker and sicker as I get older and older. Some may say I'm draining her of her power some may say it's just because she's getting old. but I just think it's the meds that dad keeps giving her every time I try to convince her it's poison she pushes me away. Dad knows the truth and convinces her it's not. Big brother is older than me and he has already started working so I barely see him anymore. So I can't help her. I was given the mask of the Bear as that is are animal. Everyone wears their mask they ar never aloud to take them of other for the test.