
Unluckiest person?

As soon as the announcement sent by Hisashi reached all members, the chat went silent.

Nobody wrote anything.

This was for a few minutes before the messages returned to being sent by the members.

Edward Newgate: "I never expected to have such an opportunity after I reached my 70s. I can finally keep watching my kids. I, Whitebeard, am so grateful to this chat group!"

Whitebeard never expected it, if before his wish was that this chat group was something magical that would help him to continue watching his children, it was only a wish. Still, now that it has become a reality, he doesn't know how to react. He is thrilled in his heart.

The old heart, now marked by all kinds of events, has started beating a little stronger. His former distrust has now completely disappeared. In its place, there is only a great deal of respect, not only towards this chat group but also towards this leader who united them together, thus giving him this opportunity.

Queen's Watchdog: "You are absolutely right. This is an opportunity, an opportunity to reach my goal. I can finally get my revenge on those who have destroyed my life and family."

Mad Scientist: "Oooo, calm down there, ok? What are those words!"

Mad Scientist: "Still, I never expected to be invited to such a magical place. With this, I can really make my dreams come true!"

Primo: "You're absolutely right. Making your dreams come true is something that fascinates everyone. I'm not excluded."

Edward Newgate: "The group leader has yet to make their dreams come true? I never expected it!"

Edward Newgate: "I had almost lost my dream by now, but thanks to this chat group, I think I have found it again."

Queen's Watchdog: "Me too, I thought my dream would be something unreachable or tough to reach, but apparently I still have hope. I thank you with the bottom of my heart!"

Just as the members talked to each other about their dreams, Othinus, also known in the chat group as Goddess of Middle Two Diseases, showed a complicated expression.

Her one remaining bright green eye showed a confused expression. No, Othinus's entire face is confused.

Her expression is as if lost in the void, without a goal to follow, like a loose cannon.

Othinus seems to have noticed her expression. Showing a smile on her mouth, she murmured.


After a few seconds, however, she became more serious.

"My dream, my dream is only one, and it is to erase all forms of crime or pain from this universe, no, to rebuild the whole universe, to make it more attractive, a perfect world, a world worthy of my presence!"

At the same time, however, she can only show an expression of desire. Her eyes brightened, just as her smile got a little bigger.

"Not to mention this leader of this chat group ..."

Othinus herself has confirmed that this leader's strength is far superior to her. One could never imagine connecting dimensions in which totally different laws reside with each other.

Together with her 'dream,' she can only add a small wish, meet this chat group leader, and get to know him.

In this way, Othinus put her focus back into the chat group.

Primo: "Have you already redeemed the group's daily points?"

Mad Scientist: "Oh, right! There was also this in the announcement, where can I redeem these points?"

Edward Newgate: "I second the message above. I'm really confused as to where I can redeem them. This chat group, even though I understand what it is, is still something new for me."

The other members did not speak, but it seems their idea was the same as 'Edward Newgate' and 'Mad Scientist.'

Primo: "If you check above the chat, you can see a small rectangle with a number on it. Click it to receive your points today."

Edward Newgate: "Gurarara! Leader, you could say calendar! Gurarara, my world is not so backward that I don't know what a calendar is!"

Hisashi showed an embarrassed smile while lying on his bed, he never expected to receive such a response, but that only means that even though it's been only almost two hours, the members are bonding slowly with each other.

Primo: "My bad, my bad, hahaha!"

Whitebeard, on the other hand, could only show a smile while still having his eyes closed. He understood that this chat group leader is not as unreachable as he had thought at the beginning. After all, the stronger a person is, the more their pride, ego magnifies. He is no exception, so seeing a person you can joke with is not bad at all.

Whitebeard immediately clicked on the calendar symbol positioned above the chat as indicated by the leader. As soon as he did, he saw that a message came out with the number of points received.

Edward Newgate: "It seems that I'm not so unlucky. I received 67 points. I would say that's a good number! Gurarara! [Screenshot]."

Queen's Watchdog: "Let me see mine, one second."

Queen's Watchdog: "[Screenshot] 53 points, not bad."

Edward Newgate: "That's right; that's a good number!"

Edward Newgate: "The others instead? How many points have you received."

Primo: "90 points, [Screenshot]."

Edward Newgate: "It was to be expected from the leader. After all, along with strength, luck is also essential!"

Hisashi didn't expect his luck to be so good, but what Othinus sent next turned his smile 180 degrees.

Goddess of Middle Two Diseases: "[Screenshot]."

Edward Newgate: "100 points ?! This is unexpected!"

Queen's Watchdog: "I feel my points are few compared to yours ..."

Primo: "@Mad Scientist, how many have you received?"

Hisashi is curious. Only Rintaro Okabe hasn't said anything yet. This can't help but intrigue him.

Mad Scientist: "Can I not tell? Please!"

Edward Newgate: "Now you're just making me more curious! Gurarara!"

Queen's Watchdog: "I approve of what Edward Newgate said. You made me curious."

Mad Scientist: "Please don't laugh! I beg you!"

Primo: "Don't worry. Nobody here laughs at anyone else."

Mad Scientist: "[Screenshot] ..."

Primo: "I withdraw what I said, most of the time no one will laugh at others, but sometimes ... sometimes it's impossible, hahahahahahaha !!!"

Mad Scientist: "Don't laugh !!!!!!"

Edward Newgate: "Gurararara!"

Queen's Watchdog: "1 ... 1 point?"

Goddess of Middle Two Diseases: "I have no words for this luck of yours. Now I can't help but wonder how you manage to live with that misfortune."

Mad Scientist: "I beg you, don't say anything more!"

Hisashi in his room could not help but laugh without trying to restrain himself.

He can't do it. He would never have expected to see such a result. What is the likelihood of getting such a number, especially a 1?

Daily points are based on the person's luck but also on the probability of the number.

Civilians who were walking down one of the main streets suddenly heard laughter coming from inside a house.

Looking at that house with strange eyes, they kept walking, but not before taking a look.

They don't know what's so funny. They'd probably laugh if they knew it.

Hisashi only recovered after a few minutes.

He wiped the tears that had come out of his eyes as he laughed before with his finger, and then, after coughing, he once again showed a serious expression, even though his face had a slight smile.

What he saw as soon as he entered, is still Rintaro Okabe screaming (writing) at the top of his voice, begging the other members to stop teasing him.

Mad Scientist: "Enough, please!!!!"