
Alchemist and the Alderan Academy

Teen years ago the earth was constantly devastated by thousands of meteor storms and created ecological disasters of various sorts. Along with the catastrophes came Blue Stone, a crystalline mineral left behind in the aftermath of catastrophes. Blue Stone is widely used by humans as a source of energy, substitution of fossils.  However, exposure to Blue Stone Haze leads to Blue Syndrome, a condition of being life emptiness, those who got Blue Syndrome would die in fifth month. Nevertheless, those who survive are known as Survivor, notabene with their blue eyes. They are known to have strong physical power and be able to perform an Alchemist, using Alchemy Stone that came from Blue Stone core, a stone that could manipulate known elements.  In the midst of it all, Neraka's Gate appeared. A gateway for Ghouls to terrorising the peace. Since then, humans have been fighting against the Ghouls. *** Akimitsu Yamazaki is one of the Survivors, and had a normal life as a student at Himeji High School.  Everything changes when the Summer Camp incident occurs. Aki joins Alderaan Academy, an organisation backed by the UN, engaged in finding the way to stop the appearance of Ghouls from Neraka's Gate. "I will not let my tragedy happen to others." Enters conflict with The Truth, a violent non-state rebels consisting of radical Survivor and those called open minded peoples. They think the emergence of Neraka's Gate is due to the use of Blue Stone. They intend to punish Alchemia Corporation who brought Blue Stone as a power source and bring humans back to using fossils. . . .

Adityo_WN · ファンタジー
70 Chs

He's a young tycoon now

A few months passed. For they great successes as enterpreneur, Faris and Blacky were able to rent a small boarding house on the edge of town, so that they could sell more efficiently. They also opened a small medicine stall near the main street of Tokyo city.

Like any other businessman, Faris wears a vest, and a black suit, plus a tie and white shirt. He's a young tycoon now.

However, there were disturbances. In front of the main door of their boarding house, there was a paper that read, "Get out of here, go back to where you came from, you fucking dog!"

"Silly human, I'm a cat and Faris is a human, not a dog, nyaa," said Blacky, sitting on Faris's head.

"Never mind, let's go fishing for some money."

Policemen in light blue uniforms with black long pants patrol the crowded sidewalks with batons behind their waists. They observe how long the queue is this morning on the sidewalk. This was a common sight after the opening of the cheap medicine stalls. Even the policemen had to discipline queues that spilled out onto main road.

Faris paces the sidewalk with a stack of four large wooden boxes in his hands, bearing the words Faris and Blacky elixir. After seeing the long snake-like queue of buyers, he laughed proudly.

"I can't believe we're this successful, Blacky."

Blacky coiled on top of Faris's head enjoying the morning breeze, letting out a weak sigh after hearing her words. "This is what I was afraid of, nyaa."

"Afraid of what? That threat early?"

"Yes, that one, and I've heard of trade regulation. You just destroyed those regulations by selling drugs below the market price. Getting caught could be dangerous, nyaa."

Smiling, Faris peered up. "Take it easy, I'm sure other alchemists do this for money, right?"

"Money, nyaa? I don't know, when people become alchemists, they are too busy trying out new recipes and searching for alchemist ingredients. They don't have time to sell medicines like this, nyaa."

Faris chuckled in annoyance without being able to argue. At first he just wanted to complete the quest, but when he realised the profit was amazing, he stuck with it until he almost levelled up to level D.

"Then Blacky, why become an Alchemist if not for the money?"

"Yeah, I know money temptation was furionated, but there are many reasons for someone to become alchemist besides money. You'll realise how thrilling and exciting it is to be an alchemist when you go on an adventure, that's the main reason why people want to be alchemists. Please for our morality, stop. We degenerated alchemists, nyaa."

"Soo everyone can become alchemist, heh Blacky?"

"No, only those who can channelling they stamina to pentagram—don't change the subject, nyaa!"

Faris let out a long sigh. He knew that, but money was still tempting. With money he could buy fancy clothes, live well, eat well, and be respected by people. Maybe after this he would stop. Tomorrow, the day after, maybe in a week or two she would end it all. Maybe in a month.

After putting all the boxes onto the simple wooden table, Faris flipped the small board on the table that read closed, to open.

"Ha, it took you so long. I need some cold medicine!"

"I'll have a penis enhancer!"

"Me me me!"

"An eye medicine, please!"

"Please, give me medicine!"

Faris was overwhelmed with customers. Blacky helped by counting the money. In the eyes of ordinary people, Mana like Blacky was just a normal cat, no one cared about him. After a few hours, Faris's medicine was sold out.

The residents who did not get it, bowed in disappointment and went home empty-handed. What else could he do? Due to time and materials, Faris can't create more medicine on time.

"Son, here, grandma cooked a pie for you. Thanks to your medicine, my grandson recovered from his fever." The grandmother who had helped by Faris a few days ago by giving him medicine for free, approached. The aroma of apple pie wafted from the box she was carrying.

"Uwah, thank you, grandmother. But you don't need to bother. I'm willing to help for free because I want too."

"Then I'm also willing to give you this for free because I want too. Please don't refuse."

Faris shared the pie with Blacky. When the sweet piece of pie entered their mouths, they simultaneously said, "Hmmm delicious! Thank you, Granny!""

The pleasure of selflessly helping others was far greater than that of having a lot of money.

Time passed so quickly. The sun was just at its zenith when Faris and Blacky headed for the suburb to return home while counting their money.

"Wow, two hundred thousand Yen, isn't that great? 20.000 Yen a day, whereas the police only get paid 250.000 Yen a month."

"Yes, nyaa!" Although he had acted defiant this morning, when he saw the money Blacky's eyes turned green and he forgot about so-called moral of alchemist. "Don't forget to buy meat, I want to eat premium sirloin and beef ribs."

As they passed by on a deserted road, a mysterious figure suddenly blocked their way.

"Hey damn it!" A large man dressed in a vest and shirt came carrying a baseball bat. "Yes, you, damn it! Your name is Faris, who makes strong medicine, right?"

"Eh?" Faris cringed at the sight of the creepy man. The man's body was twice his thin frame and his face was as red as boiled meat. "I-yes, I'm Faris. How my I help you, Sir?"

He swung his staff at Faris, luckily Faris avoided it by crouching down for a moment, unfortunately, Blacky became a victim.

The cat flew away and hit the wall across the street. He was lying on the side of the road. "Sirloin beef, sirloin beef with cheese..." and he passed out.

"What did I do wrong, sir?"

"Because of you, my drugstore almost went bankrupt. Here, let me send you to the afterlife!"

Faris dodged the second and third attacks. He could have escaped from there himself, but not without Blacky, His only family.

However, a few other men came by and their faces were upset to see Faris. Without needing to ask, Faris realized that they also had a problem with him.

Blacky was being held hostage by them.

One of them said, "Listen, loser. Bring all your money on main park, or I'll make your stupid black cat soup. Now scram, dog!"

Faris was running with his tail between his legs. What should he do now? Which should he choose, Blacky, or money?

She bit her lower lip until it bled, she clenched her fists and her fingernails dug into her palms. Yes, this, his own mistake. "Blacky, please wait for me."

If only he had the superpowers to fight back.

Hello, thanks for reading my novel.

So how it is? I hope it is good.

I would update it every day because I love to write this novel. If there are any misspellings or any wrong grammar and vocab, I'm sorry.

Happy reading.

Adityo_WNcreators' thoughts