
AKIRA: Her Royal Majesty

In the realm of 12 grand nations, each ruled by 12 different rulers, begins the journey of an illegitimate princess who has no idea of her true origin. Her name is Akira, a princess and a warrior, the illegitimate daughter of King Edward of Astrra. Ambitious all her life, she does everything to gain recognition from her father and the people. While other princesses attend balls and parties, she leads the entire Astra army in war and longs to sit on the throne of Astraa. She will do anything to gain her father's approval as the heir, but the queen holds the king's ear. With war looming, King Edward attempts to form an alliance with the Wraitmoor Nation, known as the most powerful and strongest nation, but they never reply to his letters. This leads him to seek an alliance with the Spook Nation, known for their barbaric traditions and wild behavior. The queen suggests offering Akira as a bride to their king. After returning from war, instead of being proclaimed as the heir, she is informed that her marriage has been arranged. But what happened when the Wraitmoor Nation finally replied to their letter? Will Akira be able to defy the destiny that is being forced on her and rise to her rightful position? Is it really true that the realm has no strange things happening around it and are all legends and myths really just folklore, or are they really true? Join me in uncovering the secret of the realm, which is being passed on as just myth and folklore. The realm is full of supernatural beings, somehow invisible to normal human eyes, but as the journey begins, history unfolds.

13 Chs



Sitting on the throne for what felt like an eternity, the droning voices of the officials reciting their reports blurred into the background. My gaze remained fixed on my wedding ring, the polished gold glinting in the throne room light, and my mind drifted off to Akira.

I remember vividly the day I first scented her when she entered this very palace. Despite the fact that she was not dressed in any delicate gown or adorned with glinting jewels like the other noble ladies, but just in her battle armor, she stood out among all the women in the hall. As soon as she entered, the scent of her reached me and my wolf within me howled, 'Mate.'

Her presence was not a surprise as I had already been informed that my mate was one of the Princesses of Astraa. That was why I strategically sought a marriage alliance with Astraa's most esteemed princess, but who would have thought that she would be an illegitimate daughter of the king and, to make it worse, from a slave. That alone has already tainted my reputation and the purity of my bloodline, as it would all be filled with weaklings.

My instinct told me to reject her on the spot, but I really had no idea what actually came over me that made me claim her as my own. Now there would be unrest in this nation, as no one would accept a human as their Luna.

I am Darrell, Darrell Halls, the King and Alpha of this nation. I have ruled since the day my brother slit my father's throat right before my eyes at the age of twelve. The harrowing sight made me what I am today, a ruthless ruler feared by all, including my people. I became a heartless ruler with one sole purpose: to protect and fortify this nation, even if it meant spilling rivers of blood to prevent history from repeating itself.

And Akira was nothing more than my weakness. My Luna was supposed to be my pillar, a partner of strength and wisdom, strong and capable of ruling by my side. But instead, I have a human mate. That was definitely our doom and downfall.

"Don't you think she will be lonely? " my wolf, Ryder, said but I didn't give him any reply as I could not accept her because she was weak and my pups would just be as weak as her.

"Haven't you heard of her history? She isn't weak. She has been in numerous battles before and defeated all enemies. She might not be one of us, but she is stronger than just any average human, and that makes me love her more," Ryder said, leaving me at a loss for words.

I saw that he was right. But I wondered why the Moon Goddess gave me a human mate. Maybe I should have just rejected her and married Elsa instead.

I sighed in frustration, not having any idea what to do.

"That is the end of today's report, Alpha," Brandon said, and I lifted my face and gestured for them to leave, which they promptly did.

As they all left the courtroom, Maverick, my Beta, rushed in with urgent news. He knelt before me with his head bowed.

"I'm very sorry to inform you that the queen is missing," he announced, and fear surged through me as I realized he was referring to Akira.

Akira couldn't be referred to as Luna since she hadn't been marked by me, and I couldn't do that if the people hadn't accepted her for who she was. But for the past week, instead of working towards gaining their acceptance, she had been running around the palace looking for me, trying to beg me to let her leave, and even accusing me of cheating on her just because she saw me with Elsa in bed.

It was true Elsa and I were in a relationship, but ever since I had married Akira, I hadn't touched her. I only went to her chamber because I was trying to avoid Akira.

"Who saw her last?" I demanded.

"Elsa," Maverick replied, and I knew why she had run away from the palace.

I stood up from the throne and dashed out of the grand hall to Elsa's chamber. As soon as she saw me, she went down on her knees.

"I really had no idea she..." she began, but before she could finish her sentence, I grabbed her by the neck, lifting her up as she struggled to breathe.

"Where is she?" I asked in a commanding tone, sending shivers down her spine. She knew I might rip her apart if she refused to tell me the truth.

"I have... no... idea," she managed to say. I took a deep breath, listening to the sound of her heartbeat.

"She is not lying. She has no idea where she went," Ryder said, and I threw Elsa away, causing her to slam against the wall.

"No one messes with my Luna," I seethed in anger as I stormed out of her room with Maverick beside me.

"Yes, Alpha," Maverick replied as he quickly left to carry out my order.

"Dispatch soldiers and let them search everywhere for her," I commanded before returning to my chamber, patiently awaiting the results since I couldn't scent her.

"Alpha, I think she must have escaped," Maverick reported.

"To where?" I asked, fearing the answer.

"She left the... Nation," he replied, sending a surge of fear through me. It was dangerous for her to be alone as she could become an easy target for rogues.

Without hesitation, I left the palace alone, not even taking my Beta with me. It had been revealed that someone saw a lady secretly entering a carriage that left the nation, so I needed to find that carriage.

"Let us go with you, Alpha," the guard at the gate offered, but I refused, knowing they couldn't leave their post. I headed out of the nation alone.

As I ventured out, hoping to find the carriage, I saw tracks of someone jumping down, indicating that she had likely jumped out of the carriage and walked. I dismounted my horse and began to follow her footsteps until a scent hit me.


Tracking them to a large cave, I could hear distant laughter and smell burning meat. I made my way inside and I saw twelve rogues to that surrounded the burning fire.

"It seems we have a visitor," One of the rogues remarked, and they all burst into laughter, standing up from their seats and preparing to attack me.

Glancing around, I spotted Akira in one corner, her hands and legs tied down.

"You should be careful; they're monsters. I saw them with my own eyes as they transformed from wolf to human," Akira warned in a tense voice, but the rogues only laughed, knowing I was also a werewolf.

"How dare they tie our mate down and mock her," Ryder seethed in anger, ready to tear them apart.

Seeing Ryder in a fighting mood, I let him take charge. Stripping off my clothes, I transformed into a huge black werewolf, and Ryder let out a loud howl.


The rogues immediately fell to their knees as they recognized me, the legendary wolf with the mark of the crescent moon on his forehead.

"I'm very sorry; I had no idea she belonged to you," The leader apologized, but it was too late. Fueled by anger, I launched at them, slashing with my claws and tearing through their skins. They fought back, some transforming into wolves, but they were no match, they were just bunches of weaklings. I dip my claws into their leader's spine, and another one in his throat and then ripped him apart. With only one left on the ground which now seems to be scared as he slowly retracts his foot step. But the truth is, I didn't leave anyone alive on the battleground and I lunged at him, and dropped him down, dead.

Standing victorious amidst the torn bodies of the rogues, my claws dripping with their blood, I turned back to our mate. Fear was evident on her face as she dragged herself back with her hands and legs tied together. Despite her fear, I moved closer, trying to reassure her that I would never hurt her but protect her as I was different from Darrell.

"Stay away from me!" she screamed silently, slowly backing away

" STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!!!!" She screamed out, then fainted and I whimpered as her words hurt me deeply; being called a monster by my mate.