

After the tragic end of his life, he was born again in the body of Akir, the only son of the count's family, the strongest in the use of the element of fire. He thought that he would live a comfortable life until the day came when it was discovered that he did not inherit the magic of fire. Here his life turns into hell and he is replaced by an illegitimate son, so he decides to escape from the family To discover this unfamiliar world and make himself stronger to become a miracle of the world and the most powerful lord in the empire

Wild_Kity · ファンタジー
23 Chs


I feel suffocated, a sharp whistling sound penetrates my eardrums, oh, it is not a whistling, but the sound of my mother's screaming, lying on the ground, holding my father's wet robe, the servants are muttering, features of tension and surprise appear on their faces, my father's eyes are on her, they are dry, while her eyes are sunken in tears.

I am very angry with him

What do you mean by doing that?

-"For the sake of the creator of hell, what does it mean when you suddenly have an illegitimate son and bring him to the palace as heir? Am I a joke to you?"

A shriek broke through the other sounds that sounded after it as mere whispers...


How did it turn out like this?

I was in training with Sir Evon, in the training ground, where no one cared what I did anymore, it was raining outside, It is the beginning of the winter season. I finished training and decided to go back to the main palace, i get wet because of the long distance between the training grounds and the main palace.

Suddenly I heard a loud scream, which made me run quickly, as soon as I crossed the door of the palace, a disgusting scene met my eyes.

My father was standing next to him, a woman with a child of my age.

My mom was holding her head and crying:

- "No, please, don't say that, please."

She collapsed to the ground and started begging my father.

-"What's going on here?".

I asked.

He looked at me and pointed at that child and said:

-" From now on, this child is the heir of the Herodotus family. Everyone should deal with him on this basis, and I do not accept any objection."

What ? What does he mean by this?, a new heir?.

Is he trying to replace me with him?

This kid is the same age as me.

And I thought that despite his cruelty, he was merciful and did not want his son to live the suffering he experienced.

Rather, this was his plan from the beginning, to have many illegitimate children and one legitimate son, and whoever inherits the strongest fire will survive.

Does this mean he will get rid of me??.

Although I do not have parental feelings for this man, my heart hurts.

I couldn't stand it I yelled at him for the first time

- "You were plotting to replace me from the start...".

That rigid face had changed, his eyes widened

-"...what are you going to do now, you are going to kill your son because he is not useful?".


He said threateningly in a quiet voice, then his tone rose to a scream

-"...This is all for the honor of the Herodotus family."

-"All you care about is the honor of the family, but your actions will destroy it. I will never forgive you, go to Hell Herodotus!"


A slap sound filled the room

The first time my mother put her hand on me, she slapped me, then grabbed my head and pushed it down, so we both bowed to my father and asked him for forgiveness:

-"Please, sir, forgive him, he is just a child who does not understand what he is saying."

It was clear to everyone that all I had said were the words of an adult man, which it is impossible for a child of seven to think.

He looked at us with disgust and called the servant

- "Transfer them to the side palace at once, and prepare rooms for the heir and his mother."

-"Yes sir"

She bite her lips , while he left the place as if nothing had happened.

As ordered, we were transferred to the side mansion. As soon as all the things were moved, my mother called me straight to her new room.

-" "Now sit on the ground."


- "I will not repeat my words twice."

Her tone of voice is unusual, her facial expression looks discontented.

I sat on the floor as she commanded, and then she called to Maria:

- "Maria, bring what i asked."

Maria approached her and gave her a thin black stick

What are she going to do with that stick?

she said in a disgusted voice:

-"Did you want to kill us by answering your father like that?"

-"I did not mean that"

She interrupted me with the sound of the stick hitting the air, you could tell how painful it would be from the intensity of the sound.

-"Who allowed you to talk huh? You have become rude despite being useless, you should be punished..."

What's wrong with her, did she go crazy?

-"...raise your hands now."

Are she really going to hit me? I'll try to apologize, maybe she'll get back to normal.

- "I'm sorry, I swear I won't do it again."

-"Are you an idiot, didn't I tell you not to speak without my permission..."


She hit me with a stick on my head until I fell on my side

It hurts so much, I hold my head and I feel my hair wet, I'm bleeding, someone to call a doctor.

I looked at her...she was smiling, she liked the sight of my suffering, but she didn't get enough, she hit me again without stopping until I fainted.

From that moment, a series of tortures began.

Whenever she heard news about that boy or that her mood was bad, she called me and tried to torture me, and the maids stood and watched silently.

I can't take it anymore, it hurts so much, I have no choice but to hide...

knock knock

-"Young master, the lady is summoning you... sir."

The maid entered the room and found it empty. She searched all over the palace and did not find anything more.

She went to the lady.

-"Ma'am, I searched the place, and I couldn't find the young master."

The lady was sitting on a chair, the wine in her left hand and the cigarette in the other.

-"Really, you couldn't find him. I'm in a very bad mood and someone should take responsibility."

She looked at her three maids and said:

-"Either you find him, or I cut off the hands of five maids, and you are not exempt from this matter, so you better search well."

The maids did not believe what they heard from their mistress. They had no choice but to bow to orders and run quickly to find him, fearing for their lives.

The side mansion turned upside down in search of Akir, who was hiding under one of the desks inside the mansion's rooms, unaware of the insane orders his mother gave to the servants.

They are still looking for me, that woman desperately wants to torture me, she blames me, even the servants didn't have mercy on me, they didn't give me food, fortunately I snuck into the kitchen and hid the food I stole inside my gate.

While I was safe, I felt someone approaching, but I'm not sure.

I started hearing footsteps approaching towards me, Lucy found me.

Will she tell where I am? .

Although she is calm and wise, she is loyal to that woman.

I put my index finger to my mouth and whispered to her:

-"Please don't reveal my whereabouts."

She smiled and said:

-"Heh, young master, I won't be punished for your mistake, you have to take responsibility."

She grabbed my arm and pulled me so hard, that my arm dislocated

- "He's here, come help me."

I began to resist, but the servants were strong.

The torture was more severe this time because I made her wait so long.

I later found out why the servants were so obsessed with finding me.

It was the moment of realizing that no one has mercy or common sense, everyone wants to live for himself, and if there is anyone who can do this brilliantly, it is me, I will not act like one of Herodotus, I will not act like a child , I will act as I want, and damn them.

I spent the whole night trying to widen the gate, finally a gate opened that I could crawl through, I took a survival strategy, not staying in one place, every time I changed my hiding place whenever I felt someone was coming, I would move from one room to another because of the limited area that I could move to, and this An ability that I discovered is to sense the objects around me in a specific area, which was very useful for my survival.

On the other hand, the news of my mother's madness spread, she cut off the limbs of many servants, most of them on their deathbeds.

Luckily, because of my ability development, I was able to meet Sir Evon in the nearby woods where we used to train.

Of course, I couldn't open a gate outside the palace because of the mana barrier around it. I dug a hole in the wall that allowed me to pass through into that forest.

- "Little Mister, are you alright?"

-"Yes, better than the rest of the days."

Sir Evon was in pain when he saw the tiredness and pallor on his face, even his eyes, which had become empty, and there was nothing he could do but provide him with food and medicine.

-"Sir, I'm sorry I can't do anything."

Sir bowed his head in embarrassment

-"No need to apologise, it's not like you can do anything, your support is enough for me"

Sir Evon started crying while saying to himself:

- "Why does a young child have to live like this, his cold facial expressions, his mature speaking ,makes my heart hurt."

I approached him and wiped his tears

-"The knight does not cry, but faces difficulties resolutely"

Those words were enough to stop Sir's tears and make him smile

-"Yes you are right".

The situation continued for a whole year, during which that woman was able to catch me several times, either because of the heavy deployment of servants or the exhaustion that afflicts me from the severity of moving, but this was as a training for me in which my strength developed so strongly that I could control my ability easily and the area of ​​the field increased to include the palace The main one, while I was hiding, I used to open a small gate in plain sight, watching the main palace and collecting information about the illegitimate son.

His name is William, and his mother is a commoner born with rare magical powers. I do not know her relationship with that man, but she always says certain words to her son.

- "You must do your best to return the favor to the Lord".

He looks like an idiot trying to please his father so hard, I was like him before, but seeing it makes me sick of myself.

That man is personally supervising his education, he is afraid that his plan will fail again.

I can't lie and say that I was not amazed at the strength of that boy, I never saw that man use fire but when I saw that boy's magic, and everyone was amazed at him, I realized that he is a powerful magician, he cannot control his magic now because he is a beginner, but if he makes more effort he will become strong .

Apparently I don't have a place here anymore, I have to leave as soon as possible.

While Akir was hiding and thinking of a way to escape, his mother was planning other things