

After the tragic end of his life, he was born again in the body of Akir, the only son of the count's family, the strongest in the use of the element of fire. He thought that he would live a comfortable life until the day came when it was discovered that he did not inherit the magic of fire. Here his life turns into hell and he is replaced by an illegitimate son, so he decides to escape from the family To discover this unfamiliar world and make himself stronger to become a miracle of the world and the most powerful lord in the empire

Wild_Kity · ファンタジー
23 Chs


In fact, I no longer know if I am dead or not, I am in a dark place, I can hardly see myself, a completely empty place without voices or people, I only hear the sound of my thoughts.

I wondered if I would stay like this forever, I thought I would disappear completely, I don't know how much time has passed,

After a while, I began to hear faint voices whose words I could not distinguish well, and my vision gradually began, but in a dark and hazy way, I could not distinguish anything.

-"Dear son, are you awake? My beloved Akir."

A soft voice full of warm feelings, but a strange language I had never heard before, and yet I understood it, it was the first clear thing I heard,

Over time my vision has cleared up a bit

From my understanding of the voices that I listened to, I discovered that my name is «Akir» and that I am a very important person, and that the woman with a soft voice is my mother.

She always called me and spoiled me.

-"Akir my beautiful and lucky son, grow up well and become a great person."

Also, I discovered how I sound from listening to other women's voices who used to call my mother «my lady ».

Voice number one:

-" Oh, madam, he really looks like the Lord "

Voice number two:

-"Yes, he has soft, thick black hair"

Voice number three:

-"But he inherited my lady's beauty, and he also had her charming blue eyes."

Then my mother replies

-"Haha, that's right. My son will grow up to be the most handsome and strongest man and lead this family to prosperity"

The same conversation is going on between them like this.

After a month had passed, I was able to see close things well. The first thing I could see was my mother.

My God, she was the most beautiful woman I saw, long and blond hair, with a light movement, her hair strands flew in the air, white and smooth skin, and her eyes were like jewels in the color of the sky.

No wonder these women admire my mother's eyes, I'm lucky because I seem to have inherited hers

After a while I was able to see clearly, I noticed my mother's strange clothes, not like the clothes of modern times, and those women were her servants because of their clothes and how they behaved with my mother.

The design of the room is strange, it was medieval designs.

Thus, I discovered that I had gone back in time to this era, and that I was born into a noble family.

At first I did not believe it, especially since I am a person who does not believe in rebirth or going back in time, but I am getting used to it.

I got used to the daily routine where the maids argued about my genetics, and my mother kept bragging that I was her heir,

At first I wondered if my father was alive because I did not see him or hear his voice, but from the way everyone spoke it seemed that he was alive but he was absent

What is this? His son was born and he did not come to see him even once. He must be very busy.

There is no need to think about him now. I have to focus on more important things, which is learningto control my limbs.

When I was five months old, I started trying to move all I could do was just turn right and left

-"Come on, try it, you can do it, Angh... I give up."

I tried to learn to crawl with the aim of exploring my surroundings, but most of my attempts ended up with only a few centimeters

-Kya, ma'am, you see, the young lord crawled, at an early age".

The maid shouted excitedly.

But I only loved a few centimeters.

-"My son seems like a genius, he seems excited to lead the family".

In a proud voice, my mother said it, as there were strange looks on her face with a suspicious smile, but she soon returned to normal.

After three months had passed, I had mastered crawling, so I explored all corners of the room. It was very luxurious. The walls were covered with high-quality paper decorated with panels of nature. The furniture was made of oak wood and decorated with golden colors.

My many movements caused a lot of trouble for the maids, especially when I hid and they ran like chickens to find me, then I showed them with an innocent smile

-"Sir, why are you doing this to us?".

The maids "Maria" who carried me after finding me, with both "Lucy" and "Rita" were my mother's assistants and the only ones who had the right to see me, While the other maids sneak out from behind the door to see me, but they were soon caught by Maria.

My mom is overprotective of me.

I started learning to stand and walk by leaning on the furniture, with my mother's encouragement and the applause of the maids.

I could walk at an early age around the ninth or tenth month. I was considered smart because I could do everything early.

When I was one year and seven months old, I could say simple sentences, thus capturing the hearts of the maids

- "I love Luthi"

-"Kya, did you hear, did you hear, he said«I love you, Lucy»"

-"Young master, do you love

Rita?" .

Rita said in a sad voice with a pitiful look

-"I love you too Weta."

-"Kia, now I will die happy"

Huh, it's easy to control women's feelings, especially with that handsome face

My mom came in and looked at me and said with her usual smile:

-"My son seems to capture the hearts of women at a young age."

Suddenly turning to the maids, her tone of voice and expression changed from warmth to seriousness and she said:

- "Take care, I'll be busy getting ready."

- "Is the master coming today?"

Maria asked.

-"No, he's coming in two days, I must prepare myself early.

Come with me, Lucy and Rita. Take care of my baby."

Then she added with a smile:

- "And you better not have anything happen to my child."

- "Okay, ma'am."

The maid answered nervously

I was amazed at my mother's behavior and the sudden change in her expressions

Maybe that's how the bounds are set with the server, I don't care as long as she treats me privileged.

After that, my mother did not come to visit me even though she used to visit me every day, so I wondered what my father would look like for my mother to act like this, and why he had not come before.

I knew from Rita and Lucy's words that he was in the war at the border and that he is a person who loves power and responsibility and that he is the strongest man in the kingdom.

- "Young master, your father is the most powerful man on the continent. He is on par with the Elemental Lords, and he is the strongest fire user the continent has known."

Lucy angrily criticized Rita's words

-"What ?his Majesty is more powerful than them?"

While Rita and Lucy were fighting, I was in deep thoughts

Hey Lords of the Elements? firepower? What is this, wasn't I born in an ordinary ancient era??! Am I in a parallel universe where there are superpowers?.

Various thoughts were running through my head, but I didn't have enough time to think that it was time to meet my father...

Rita was carrying me in her arms and Lucy was walking behind her, heading to meet my father.

The place is really amazing, the luxurious curtains and unique valuable carpets, the furniture pieces in dark colors made of carved wood and golden colors that suggest sophistication.

Oh my God, the place is so luxurious, and I thought my room was the best

We reached a huge door guarded by two people. As soon as they saw Lucy, they bowed and opened the door, saying:

-"Hello, young master".

I entered the room, it is huge and has a distinctive design, the windows are large, and the walls are covered with paper with elegant decoration, the office at the window, with a large and solid surface on which are stacks of documents, in addition to shelves full of books, I turned my eyes towards the people in the room, they are five in addition to to my mother ,

I was able to recognize my father easily, he is the person sitting next to my mother,

Sharp looks that suggest cruelty, with a majestic appearance, as soon as you approach him, the air becomes heavy, and breathing becomes difficult.

My heartbeat started to accelerate.

My mother quickly got up to me and took me from Rita's arms, then hugged me and looked at my father smiling

- "Sir, look at him, he is your heir, Akir."

His eerie aura stopped and he looked at me with a smile

-"Yes, he looks like me."

He looks like a dangerous person, is this how powerful people in this world look like?

He extended his arms towards me, he wanted to take me from my mother's lap and examine me .

-" let me see my son well."

He sat me on his thigh, then he looked at me carefully and said:

-"Hmm, how old is he? Babies can't speak well at that age, can they?".

-"Hhhe, sir, your son is completely different. He is a genius. He has surpassed his peers."

My mother spoke proudly.

-"Oh, is that right? Then tell me, boy, who am I?".

I do not know why, but I feel that this question will have a role in his view of me. I thought carefully and then told him:


My father burst out laughing, his voice filling the entire room

-"Ha-ha-, well done، yes i am the lord but im also your father , do you understand?"

I changed my answer

-"my father"

Then I returned to my mother's arms .

An expression of relief appeared on her face that follows a feeling of fear.

The intensity of the atmosphere decreased, now I can notice the people in the room.

The four people were Chancellor Hubert, Knight Commander Gabriel, Strategist Raymond and Chief Butler Dillon. They were discussing some issues that had occurred in his absence before I arrived in the room.

My father ended the conversation with them and told them to leave

-"We'll continue the discussion later, you can leave."

- "Yes sir"

After they left the room, my mother had a conversation with my father, telling him how much she missed him and what he had missed during my growing up.

The day passed smoothly, Rita took me to my room, the maids changed my clothes, and they chatted and as usual praised my intelligence.

Before I went to sleep, my mother came to my room, approached me, and said with a strange smile:

-"Well done dear, be a good and obedient boy and never disappoint your mother, this is for my benefit and yours, good night my beloved child."

She concluded by kissing my forehead and then left

What is that suspicious smile?, What do you mean by these words.

my mother sometimes acts strange and says scary things