

After the tragic end of his life, he was born again in the body of Akir, the only son of the count's family, the strongest in the use of the element of fire. He thought that he would live a comfortable life until the day came when it was discovered that he did not inherit the magic of fire. Here his life turns into hell and he is replaced by an illegitimate son, so he decides to escape from the family To discover this unfamiliar world and make himself stronger to become a miracle of the world and the most powerful lord in the empire

Wild_Kity · ファンタジー
23 Chs


-"How did you know the teleporter would arrive at this hour?"

A low voice, close to mine ear, disturbed my senses. An unseen presence sent shivers down my spine. I whirled around to face a man whose eyes were as sharp as daggers, his smile sly and fox-like, awaiting my answer. Instinct warned me that this man was perilous, and that I should speak as little as possible with him.

-"Oh, he told me he would return at this time...".

I stammered, swallowing hard. Would this answer suffice for him? The smile vanished from his face, and he spoke in a cold and reproachful tone.

-"...it doesn't seem like it."

He began to advance toward me, his eyes darkening with each step. Suddenly, Horner intervened, positioning himself between us. Horner glared at the man with a fierce expression and spoke in a rough voice:

-"Counselor, refrain from approaching members of our mercenaries."

Could this be the counselor who had so startled Edgar and Horner?

The counselor's eyes briefly darkened, then he offered a slight smile.

-"My apologies, I meant no harm, merely curiosity."

-"There is no time for curiosity,"

Horner retorted sternly.

He was silent for a moment before speaking again.

-"Then I shall depart..."

He was abruptly interrupted by Sam's voice calling me:

-"Raiden, come on, it's time to leave."

The counselor's eyes widened slightly, then he looked at us and remarked with a hidden smile.

-"Ah, you are bound for the mine..."

He whispered to himself,

-"...how unfortunate."

Raising his voice, he added:

-"I shall let you finish your work. Until we meet again."

-"The counselor is very strange,"

Sam said, surprised, after he left.

-"Indeed, he is. Stay away from him, Raiden,"

Horner advised.

-"I shall certainly avoid him,"

I replied.

-"Let's leave. We are already tardy, and everyone is awaiting us,"

Sam said, pulling me by the hand.

-"I'm coming, I'm coming,"

I responded.

In truth, everyone was gathered in front of the gate. My farewell with Alvis, who was engrossed in discussions with the advisor, was brief.

Donelle was absent, busy securing the castle's perimeter, but she sent me a farewell message delivered by her large crow, Black. I read her note with a smile while stroking Black's head.

-"Return safely, if you sustain a scratch in the mine, then you are a fool."

I bid the rest of the mercenaries farewell as our belongings were loaded.

-"Take care, and if you need assistance or encounter trouble, call upon me through the bracelet,"

Edgar said, patting my shoulder.

-"Of course, I shall do so."

The bracelet, a magical communication device crafted by Dara, could transmit messages over great distances, though it consumed much mana during its creation.

Edgar looked at me with deep concern, as if torn between leaving me behind and taking me along, though he knew that my accompanying him might be more perilous. I grasped his arm firmly.

-"Don't worry, Edgar, as you know,I am strong."

His eyes widened momentarily before he smiled.

-"Sometimes, you remind me of Evone."

That confidence, those bold eyes—how could you resemble Evone so closely? Edgar mused, recalling old memories of his friend saying those very words with a smile.

-"That pleases me,"

I replied with a broad smile, happy with the comparison.

Despite my show of confidence, a nagging feeling of foreboding lingered in my heart. Nonetheless, there was naught to do but follow the plan.

We crossed the gate and beheld a grim sight: a towering black mountain surrounded by desolate lands, as if we had entered the realm of the dead.

-"I too was taken aback when I first arrived here,"

Sam said, standing behind me.

-"That is why no one desires to dig this mine,"

I replied.

-"Yes, and it is full of monsters. Fortunately, we have fighters, including you. I had hoped Tyrone would join us."

-"He went with Edgar and the others."

-"Do you feel discontent over this?"


Sam's question surprised me. Did I appear upset?

-"You seemed troubled since we arrived. I thought it might be because you did not accompany Edgar."

-"no, it is not so. I merely have a strange feeling. As for Tyrone, I trust Alvis's organization. I am sure he has a specific reason for this."

-"Few that reassures me."

-"Mr Sam, Raiden, we are ready to begin excavation,"

Ethan called out, holding up the mine's diagram.

Entering the mine, we found remnants of previous excavation attempts. They must have been desperate to obtain mana stones. Fortunately, this allowed us to commence work more swiftly than anticipated.

The clanging of tools was loud as we dug for the mana stones embedded deep within the mine walls. We employed mana and magical tools for the task. The noise soon drew out several dwarves, who had made the mine their den, wielding weapons stolen from fallen knights or mercenaries. They posed little threat to us, for we were skilled swordsmen.

-"Another monster attack!".

I cursed in anger:

-"damn it ,why won't they die? "

These monsters delay our progress with their incessant tricks and mocking laughter. Enough! I shall slay them all.

I swung my sword, decapitating three of the vile creatures. Finally, peace fell upon us. Their voices, so grating, were silenced.

-"Hey Raiden!"


-"you are impressive with the sword,"

said a mercenary, eyes shining with admiration.

-"Indeed, he is. He was trained by Master Horner."

another replied,

The matter of my training under Horner had stirred much debate among the mercenaries. Some thought it unfair that I alone received such an advantage, while others believed I was merely lucky, not talented.

To address this, Alvis had revised the training regimen for all mercenaries, calming the dissent somewhat, though envy still lingered in some hearts.

-"Thank you. It is an honor to be praised by a senior colleague."

The mercenary blushed, stuttering in his response:

-"Y-yes, indeed..."

-"Enough chatter. Go back digging,"

Marcus shouted, his anger palpable.

-"Forgive us, Mr Marcus, we shall resume at once,"

the mercenaries replied.

Tsk, we had just repelled monsters, yet Marcus demanded we resume digging immediately. His disdain for me persisted through the years, a childish grudge.

-"You seeme to slack off often,"

he accused.

He is the one who conspirest and does nothing. I shall show him how to rile his temper,so I replied :

-"But Dara instructed me not to overexert myself I don't want to make her upset"

Marcus's face turned red, his breath coming in furious gasps. He seized me by the collar.

-"you bast...!"

-"Mr Marcus, Raiden, stop this at once! Such behavior is unbecoming...".

Ethan interceded:

-"...We are behind schedule. It has been three days, and our yield is meager. There is no time for fighting."

-"Tsk, return to work then,"

Marcus ordered.

His nerves were aflame.

Ethan, anxious, explained:

-"He is not usually so. The delay in excavation weighs heavily on him."

-" it doesn't matter. Let us just continue our work."

Five days passed . They should arrive soon. Though our journey here was lengthy, their return would be swifter, unburdened by luggage and heavy equipment. I hoped they fared well. I went to check on Sam and Ethan, who were counting mana stones.

-"We have gathered many stones,"

Sam noted.

-"And found some rare ones too,"

Ethan added.

-"Good. We shall finish on time,"

He said,

Suddenly, a voice called out.

-"Enemies approach! Get ready ! They are fifty strong, armed, and advancing!"

-"How knew they we were here? They outnumber us by twenty warriors,"

Ethan said, alarmed.

-"Prepare for battle. The support team, hide within the mine. Warriors, mount and attack!" Marcus commanded, organizing the lines.

We descended the mountain quickly, mounted our horses, and charged at the enemy.

They were formidable knights, heavily armored and armed, exuding a deadly aura. We drew our swords and clashed.

Exhausted from digging, we struggled against their relentless assault.

-"Hah, why are the mercenaries so weak?"

How knew they we were mercenaries? Under the pressure of the enemy's sword, a mercenary wondered.

-"It seems we have exaggerated our number,"

another knight remarked.

-"Damn it, we shall finish you off!"

-"Haha in your dreams!"

A knight retorted, disarming the mercenary and preparing for a fatal strike.

Exhausted from battling monsters,and digging the mine the mercenary feared this might be his end. Suddenly, the enemy's horse stumbled, Seizing the unexpected opportunity, he had no time to ponder the cause

He gripped his sword tightly, his resolve unshaken, and shouted,

-"I will finish you now!"

With a fierce swing, he decapitated the fallen rider, the enemy's head rolling away as his body crumpled to the ground. He then took a deep breath and roared:

-"Advance with all your remaining strength!"

-"Hmm, that's good,"

I murmured, a fleeting smile crossing my lips. In those brief seconds, no one noticed that I had been using my small gates to trip the enemy's horses. The trick had taken its toll on me, leaving me with numerous injuries. I had been so focused on saving those on the brink of death .I had underestimated the enemy's hidden strength. Their numbers belied their true power, and now I faced a formidable opponent, one who would not fall easily.

This man in front of me was resolute, his gaze unwavering despite the chaos around him.

-"You seem bold at your age..."

he taunted, observing me through narrowed eyes.

-"..You look around you despite your weakened state."

Damn, this boy is strong. Even with my relentless assault, he remained steadfast. His comrades' disappointed gazes only fueled his determination.

"Huh, because you don't need... huh... all this focus from me,"

I retorted, each word a struggle as I fought for breath. The bleeding from my head had obscured my vision in my left eye, further complicating my efforts.

-"You little bastard..."

he snarled, his patience wearing thin.

- "...I will stop playing and kill you now."

The opportune moment had presented itself. As he approached me, his gait steady and resolute, I enacted my plan. A portal opened at his right leg, and as soon as he stepped within, I sealed it, severing his limb. He fell to the ground in a cacophony of agony and despair.

-"What the—aaaaaaaah!"

His cry was guttural, raw with pain.

He clutched at his mutilated leg, writhing and thrashing on the ground like a fish out of water. His face contorted with the intensity of his suffering, his eyes wide and wild, mouth agape in an unending scream.

-"Damn, it hurts, aaaah,"

he moaned, the sound barely coherent through his spasms of pain.

-"You look like you are in severe pain ، i shall end your suffering,"

I declared, my voice cold and resolute.

-"No, no, don't..."

His protest was weak, his voice trembling with fear and pain.

With a swift, decisive motion, I drove my sword into his forehead. The resistance of bone and flesh gave way, and his screams ceased abruptly, his body collapsing into stillness.

-"We have vanquished all our foes!"

Our mercenaries' victorious screams echoed through the battlefield, their faces alight with the grim satisfaction of survival.

-"Raiden, are you well? You are grievously wounded, and your brow bleeds,"

a comrade called to me, concern etched upon his face.

-"I am alright huh..."

I replied, though my breath came in ragged gasps.

- "...The last one fought fiercely."

Exhaustion weighed heavily upon me, each breath a labor. The strength and relentlessness of our enemies perplexed me. They had not come for the mine alone. These were no mere brigands; they were knights, intent on our eradication. A sense of foreboding settled over me, my heart pounding with an urgency I could not fully understand.

A portal shimmered into existence nearby, from which Marcus and our remaining comrades emerged.

-"Is everyone unharmed? I shouldn't have put so much pressure on you".

Marcus's voice rang out, his eyes scanning the weary faces of our group as healers moved to tend the injured.

-"Yes, save for a few wounds, we are all accounted for,"

one of the mercenaries responded.

-"Good, no fatalities,I would blame myself if one of you died"

Marcus sighed in relief.

Ethan approached me, his hands glowing with healing light as he tended to my head wound.

-"It's a deep wound, but don't worry, once it's healed, not even a scar will remain"

-"Ethan, this was no ordinary assault,"

I said, my voice heavy with the weight of realization.

-"What do you mean?"

Marcus interjected, his eyes narrowing with concern.

-"They knew we were mercenaries,One of the knights called me by that name."

another mercenary added. "

Marcus's eyes widened in alarm.

-"They knew of our presence here."

Ethan said in a low, wavering voice:

-"It's a trap...".

We all looked at him in shock.

Suddenly, the bracelet on my wrist began to glow, emitting a faint, intermittent voice. All fell silent as I lifted it to my ear.

-"Raiden... Raiden, can you hear me?"

The voice was faint but unmistakably Tyrone's.

-"Yes, I hear you. What is happening?"

I responded, my heart sinking.

-"Raiden... a trap... we're doomed."

-"What? I cant hear you well"

I exclaimed, my voice barely a whisper.

-"I repeat,it was a trap ,we are finished,"

Tyrone's voice crackled before fading into silence...