
Akasha no Me

Sirius Chishiki, an 18 year old boy with an extremely potent abnormality, was blamed for something he didn't do and was hated by everyone, including his family. On the day before Graduation Ceremony in his school, he was summoned to another world. Soon he will discover that this world is crying for a savior. The other world, however, will have no idea that its savior will save them with his strongest weapon: His Love For Knowledge.

muhammed_ismail · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Arc 1 - Chapter 1 - The Journey Begins...Not

The flash of light faded in the same instant it appeared in.

Sirius: [Where...]

Sirius looked around him. He saw his classmates on the ground, as confused as he was.

Just a few moments ago, they were in a classroom, but now...

Sirius: [...]

Now they were in what looked like a castle, a grand one at that.

??: [Welcome, Heroes of another world!]

Sirius and his classmates wiped their heads towards the voice's source, only to see a man in his middle age, but he was keeping his youth features. He had long flowing white hair, black eyes, and a flowing white beard. His clothes said that he was from nobility. The guards with shining silver armors and spears emphasized that.

Next to him was a beautiful young lady with blonde hair, and a white dress. Sirius assumed it was his daughter.

??: [Hey! Who the hell are you?! And what the hell are we doing here?!]

Guard: [Imbecile! How dare you talk to King Ophelius like that?!]

Ophelius: [Silence! How dare you talk to our Beloved Heroes like that?! Leon! Execute him!]

What happened next caused extreme silence to govern the area.

When Sirius' classmate, the delinquent Kazui Honda spat out his words in an impolite manner, a guard stepped in and pointed his spear at him, which turned out to be the last thing to do for him as a rather tall and muscular man with an eyebatch on his left eye lifted up one of the axes on his back, before swinging it down.

The guard fell in two pieces. And everyone from Sirius' class, except for Sirius himself, were on the verge of panicking.

Ophelius: [Forgive me for this unsightly behavior, my Beloved Heroes]

The king's voice snapped them to reality.

Ophelius: [Allow me to properly introduce myself, and explain the situation here. My name is Ophelius Archana. The King of one of the Four Human Kingdoms in this world, The Kingdom of Shaddai... Or they would have been four kingdoms if it isn't for the dire situation we have here]

As Ophelius explained this, his facial complexion shifted into that of sadness.

Ophelius: [500 years ago, the Demons led their armies to ravage our lands. It was at that time when humans were incapable of properly using magic. For that reason, our ancestors proposed to make a truce with the demons. Where they can live with the humans, but the demons were blinded by their greed, and took this chance to steal one of our kingdoms: The Kingdom of Adonai, for themselves]

The King took a deep breath,before continuing.

Ophelius: [Fortunately, we were able to defeat Brahman Armageddon, the Demon King, and seal away one of his offsprings, his daughter Helel, but still, the other daughter, Hestiaca, is trying to make an army, and that's where you, my Beloved Heroes, come to our aid. We want you to help us to take down the last kin of the Demon King]

Kazui: [And how are we supposed to do that?]

As Ophelius finished his explanation, Kazui butted in with a question.

Ophelius: [Glad you asked. I would love to introduce you my daughter: Serena. She was the one that summoned you all here]

Ophelius pointed his arm at the young lady beside him, to which she stepped forward.

Serena: [Nice to meet you. My name is Serena Archana. I am the one that summoned you all here. I would love to explain to you about your powers]

Saya: [Powers?]

Another classmate of Sirius, Saya Suika, tilted her head.

Serena: [In this world, much like demons, humans are able to use magic. Magic is divided to attributes: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning and Healing Magic. Each person holds the connection to mana, the source of magic. Mana is infinite in the air, so Demons can easily absorb it, but Humans can't due to their psychology that differs from Demons. Each living person holds a Mana Core, a device from which Mana passes through in order to be filtered. Unlike Demons, however, Humans cannot absorb Mana from the atmosphere, but instead, Mana is created inside of them, so there is a limit to how much Mana a human can use before being forced to recharge it]

As the long explanation went on, Everyone, except for Sirius, was in awe.

(A Fantasy World!)

(Cool, man!)

(Tis da best!)

Sirius nearly snorted at the thoughts that he heard.

While he can control his telepathy power to allow him to read or not read or even read everyone's minds, he wanted to make sure people around him were not dumb.

And dumb they were.

Serena: [Now please, come close to know about you magic element]

As the princess said this, Kazui Honda jumped like a baby in front of the princess.

Serena: [...]

Muttering under her breath, a white light illuminated from the princess's hand which was touching Honda's head, before the light faded shortly.

Serena: [Hero Kazui Honda. Your element is fire. May you guide us to victory]

Kazui: [Heck yeah! This freakin' rocks!]

After Serena's declaration, the delinquent jumped like the baby he was after knowing his Mana element.

After that, each one of Sirius' classmates had their element known by Serena. The process took around an hour to be complete for the entire class.

Serena: [Hero Sirius Chishiki. You may now come forth]

And now it was Sirius' turn.

He then moved forward, before standing firm in front of the princess. Said person then paced her hand on his head, before suddenly.

Serena: [Eh...?]

The light from her hand never came.

The next thing everyone knew was the princess yanking her hand away from Sirius, as if she touched filth, with a face filled with absolute disgust that contradicted her angelic appearance.

Serena: [Father! He's...A Mana Deficiency Syndrome Holder! He holds no Mana! Not even a Mana Core!]

Ophelius: [What? Impossible!]

Serena's declaration had made everyone gasp in shock, but Sirius was just blinking emotionlessly.

Ophelius: [My dear Heroes! It seems that the Demons have done it again! They struck one of your comrades with a plague that can never be cured! And now he became one of them! He must be exterminated immediately!]

The King simply made his declaration, to which Sirius' classmates immediately snickered.

"Go to hell"

"Good Riddance"

"About time you get what you deserve, rapist!"

Lots of insults were shot at Sirius, before a pair of guards took him by both arms, and threw him in what appeared to be a black hole that suddenly appeared on the ground.

The last thing Sirius saw was his classmates mockingly laughing at his falling form.




Sirius: [Ugh...]

He groaned in pain, clenching on the wound in his left arm. His body riddled with injuries, bite marks, scratches, cuts and bruises.

Sirius was no fan of Isekai content, but he saw that everything was real, ranging from the pain to the monsters. It was the first time ever he would see a Goblin.

Anymore than that and he might die on the spot. He had to find a safe place to hide.

Limbly walking, the red haired youth noticed what resembled a temple of sorts, like the ones that he read in history books.

Sirius: [I guess there is no other way...]

Hearing the groaning behind him from the monsters investing the forest, and realizing that he might faint at any moment now, Sirius used what little left of his strength to pull himself inside the temple.

Sirius: [Haa...Haa...]

He panted heavily upon reaching the temple. Once he was inside of it, he noted that the monsters no longer followed him.

Sirius: [If only I was able to release my First Seal...But...I promised Grand Mama...]

He cursed his weakness. He wanted to do something about it, but the only method was sealed from him.

Shaking these thoughts off, Sirius used his limited telekinetic powers on his injuries. The cuts and bruises started to vanish rapidly, the broken bones mended themselves and the dislocated cartridges were stuck into their sockets once again.

Sirius: [Ugh...]

The process was painful, especially fixing the bones. It was like having a surgery without being subjected to anesthetics.

But it was necessary, so he can't afford to complain.

He then resumed his walk inside the temple. It looked completely barren, with thorns and vines sticking here and there. Judging from the dry blood patches that were staining the old looking floor, it appeared as if there was a fight a long time ago in here.

Sirius: [This does look like a fantasy world, but...]

"It feels so real", is what he would have said, before suddenly...

??: [Get them!]

A Goblin with an armor made out of bones passed beside Sirius, while holding a woman in his arms. Sirius didn't see much, but he only caught a glimpse of the woman's vibrant crimson red hair and her elegant red dress that made her look like a noble.

Sirius: [Like the nobles that kicked me out for almost no reason...]

Scoffing at the unpleasant memory, Sirius saw a group of four. Two men. One clad in armor with a sword and shield, with blonde hair tied in a ponytail and brown eyes, and the other was wearing gloves and iron combat boots, with short black hair and eyes, and their other companions were two females. One appeared to be in her early 20s with hazel brown hair and eyes, slender posture and a bow in her hands, and the other looked like a kid with black eyes and short green hair who had a short sword in his hands.

Sirius: [Tch...I guess I have no other choice]

Groaning in annoyance due to the bad memory of royalty leaving him for dead, Sirius approached the human group.

Sirius: [Please! There's a red haired woman that was dragged by a Goblin just now. Please save her!]

He acted in a shocked way to trick those people. Maybe they can help him out, considering the fact that they were not seen by him in the castle, so maybe...Just maybe...

The people simply stared at him before...

Sirius: [Huh...?]

Blonde Armored Man: [Are you with her?]

Glaring at Sirius was the blonde man with a sword, the same sword was drawn and stabbed in the air right beside Sirius, causing a cut to appear on his right cheek and draw a stream of blood.

This time Sirius wasn't acting. He was genuinely scared.

Blonde Armored Man: [Answer me. Are you with that woman?]

The glare coming from the man meant business, and this was no joke. One false letter means certain death.

??: [Knowledge Sage-dono!]

When all hope seemed to be lost, a male voice shouted behind Sirius, causing him to look behind him, only to see what looked like a vampire-like butler, if the pale complexion and butler outfit was any indication to that.

??: [Hurry up! Over here! While your legs can hold you!]

It was obvious that he was calling to Sirius, but 'Knowledge Sage'? That had a ring to it.

Sirius: (No time to think of that!)

Shaking off these thoughts, Sirius sprinted towards the source of the voice.

Unbeknownst to anyone, the decision that this one human took would change the foundation of All Creation.