
Ajẹ (Witch)

My name is Miri, I'm an ajẹ...... Born a witch, raised a human, lived like an abomination. My story is dark, wild, bloody and beautiful, such is the life, of an ajẹ

Seyfost · ファンタジー
19 Chs


It was a new day in Une and there was a lot of work to be done. Kim alongside all the other witches were preparing to receive the new recruits and make sure they were settled in the place that had been prepared for them.

"Lady Kim Clara called, the recruits from the demon Lands have arrived". 

"Okay get them settled, make sure they are thoroughly examine before they are allowed to enter the castle we don't want them thinking they could bring contraband into our house without us knowing. Those kids from the demon lands are always trouble. No offense Keren" she said to the lady beside her, who just shrugged.

She looked at Clara and was surprised she was still there.

"Why are you still here?" Kim asked

They brought six people my Lady".

"What? Why Kim said as she followed Clara


"So this is the famous Une, a young man said as he glanced at the castle, after of traveling via the ibi mirror. It seems kind of grand given that's it's my prison for the next six months". A young demon named Leon said

"You shouldn't have pissed off your mom, she was already angry at you, why do you have to make her angry when you know how crazy she can get." Krishna another recruit said

"She's always mad" Leon said.

"It least here I'm free from her". Leon said.

Immediately they got to the castle they were received by a witch.

"Welcome to Une. The witch greeted with a smile. I'm Kemi" she further introduced herself.

"I believe you all brought your passes". Kemi asked

Each brought out a document and the witch in charge checked it with her own if it corresponded. She found out that they were expecting five only to receive six people.

"It says here the demons were sending five, so who's the extra baggage?"

"I am" a young man with white hair and blue eyes said.

The witch in charge looked at the boy and she could tell he was a very good looking and she could not help but be drawn to the young man.

After some awkward seconds of staring, one of the others waiting cleared her throat making the witch snap back into reality. 

"O yes-" the witch said noticing she had spaced out for a while back there making all those present to giggle.

"Ummm why are you…?, umm". The witch struggled to speak from the earlier embarrassment

"I'm the extra baggage, I was sent hear by her majesty, the white witch queen Lilith, for a special assignment".

"Special assignment? We weren't told of anyone coming here from the demon lands for any special assignment" Kemi said having regained her composure. 

"Ahh yes, it was an emergency situation so she couldn't get the required paper work across on time but if you could just get Lady Kim I'm sure she would be able to confirm my presence here". 

"Ok then just a minute" the witch replied.

After a while Kim made her way towards where she saw a young man was waiting.

Immediately she saw him she recognized who he was immediately.

"Oh my...." She said immediately

"What are you doing here Prince Beltas?" Kim asked with a surprised tone and a slight bow.

"P-prince?" The witch who had addressed the prince earlier said 

"He's the white witch's son?" She asked in a whisper.

"Umm it's actually Leon" the young man said. Just call me Leon Lady Kim".

"We are sorry for the strictness your highness but they are necessary precautions we must take, hope you don't mind."

Kim immediately guided the prince into the Lucianne's office.


After Kim had left, Keren was put in charge of making sure the new recruits were well take care of, she ensured they were all settled and there were no hiccups. Immediately a group from any region arrived she would confirm and send a message the required people from the region to notify them of the arrival of the group. By the time it was late in the evening, the final group from the elven Kingdom finally made their way into Une. Five of them were warmly accepted and were shown to their quarters.

Kim who had guided Prince Leon into the castle took the young prince to Lucianne's office. Lucianne was a bit shocked seeing her god son in Une. 

"Leon? Lucianne said, what are you doing here?"

"Aunty Anne". Leon answered with excitement it's been too long Leon replied and hugged his god mother

Lucianne was happy to see him after so long. The last time she visited Lilith he was not around

"Why are you here?" Lucianne asked after disconnecting the hug

"My mom has tasked me with a mission of helping you to carry out the training for the demon recruits since there are some odd balls amongst them she has asked me to assist in any way I can."

Lucianne looked at Leon for a while… Knowing he was spilling bull she asked.

"She sent you away didn't she?" Lucianne asked

"Yes she did". Leon said with a smile

"And now you are my problem, give me one reason why I shouldn't send your ass back to where you came from".

"Come on Aunt Anne, don't send your favorite god son away, let me stay here and help you. You know I'm quite strong and useful, I promise I won't get in your way". Leon pleaded with the cutest smile he could muster.

"Your charms don't work on me Young man, but I'll bite. You want to help start by helping Fiona in her office I'm sure she would be excited to have someone to help her". Lucianne said.

"Thanks Aunt Anne". Leon said

"So about the odd ball, which of them should I worry about?" Lucianne asked.

Rats and drunks

After their arrival, each group had been given instructions to rest and that at night there would be a feast in their honor. The other groups that had arrived earlier had rested so some of the decided to explore the castle of Une. 

It was always a great honor amongst witches to be a member of the witches of Une. Apart from the access to countless magical books, relics and unlimited knowledge from all over the world.

The prestige itself was enough to make one respected in the world of witches and even feared.

Young witches of each region mostly strive to become members of this great group, but only few are chosen.

Currently Kim was going over the names of each member sent by the council and she could not help but notice a few of them specializes in some amazing aspect of magic.

Naturally, witches were tuned toward various branches of magic. Be it blood magic, light magic, nature magic, runic magic, transformation magic and other various aspects. A mage had the capability of practicing all these branches, but they were only well tuned on one, the rest they were only able to perform some basic spells, not the most powerful. An example is Lucianne being able to perform, Kim's blood bind on some of their assailants when they were searching for the missing amulets, but she couldn't perform Blood explosion, a more powerful blood spell, and even her blood bind will not be as powerful as Kim's, since Kim was more tune to blood magic while Lucianne was tuned to enhancement magic. She could enhance the natural properties of many form of matter, in as much as the said object has the potential to possess such properties, she could enhancement it. That was one of the reasons she was hailed as the queen of witches. Her ability to toy with almost anything was considered a cheat even in the witch world. 

Kim looked at the document she had a could not help but feel this batch had a lot of promising young mages


From the sea of destruction in Atlantis

Denzel (gravity wizard) 

Kyra (light witch) 

Fin (darkness wizard) 

Vic (sun magic) 

Aziza (moon magic)

From demon Lands

Krisha (vampire), 

Zara (phoenix), 

Nathan (dragon), 

Amara (kitsune), 

Jack (gluttony).

From the Blood lands

Ene (shadow magic), 

Ada (Half human half water spirit). 

Gono (warlock, hunter magic),

Timi (enchanter), 

Amina (Blood mage)

From the land of elves

Eleona (wind) 

Helen (healing magic) 

Gina (lightning magc) 

Kamila (fire magic)

Vanessa (water)

From Mindian region

Sana (succubus)

Binna (priestess, fore sight)

Jake (brain, archive magic), 

Katherine (telekinesis)

Leah (telepathy)

From Une

Miri (unclassified)


She saw Miri's name a there was a bit of worry in her heart. She loved Miri and she was afraid allowing her to practice magic would do more harm than good. She wanted to try and stop Miri but the girl had grown up amongst magic her entire life and she had always hated the fact that she couldn't practice the art. It was no surprise that when she realized she could, there was only one path left to follow as far as Miri was concerned.

Kim left the document in her office and made her way to the hall were the feast was going to take place.

After she left her office a shadow was seen entering into the room from the window. The shadow made its way from the window to Kim's desk and grabbed the document containing the name of every new recruit. The shadow glanced at the paper and when a she saw Miri's name and saw her magic was labeled unclassified it peaked her interested. Immediately she heard the sound of the door and left, dropping the paper on the floor.

Kim came into her office and saw the document on the floor. She looked around and walked towards the window, she observed it was slightly opened and she closed it. 

"It seems we have some rats amongst this batch too" she said with a smiled and left the room.


Before the feast began, two girls from the demon lands were walking around the castle. Unlike any other castle the girls had visited, they both found this one superior both in grandeur and magic. The walls were carefully enchanted with runes even they had problems understanding. Zara and Amara walked around the castle both activating their eyes. Since there were both mythical creatures, their sight granted them access to some of the hidden runes that were carved into the walls of the castle. 

"Come look at this one Zara called, she stared at one of the walls. It says, 'bear in mind all that you seek might be in your sight, but trust not your sight, for what eyes may see means something else it does not'". 

"That's sounds enlightening" Amara said

"Yea enlightening shit" Zara replied. Making both girls giggle

"That's not we're looking for" Amara said

"Well it might be" Zara said as she stretched her hand to the wall, she looked around if anyone was watching and chanted. 'Re-write' immediately her hands started writing some runes of her own magic after writing it Amara casted her own spell 'Break' which allowed the barrier that prevented the runes on the wall from being re-written to be penetrated by Zara. After a while they were successfully able to re write the rune. 

"That was quite easy" Amara said

"For you" Zara who was now panting replied

"The witches here are something else. All that just for a rune on a damn wall?'

'Well at least we succeeded'. Amara the demon fox replied 

They both looked at the wall and there was now a small opening in the wall. 

"Where are they?" Zara asked as Amara brought out one of her tails where they had kept several drinks, potion and even some dry leaves some may or may not call weed. And they kept it in their new storage.

"Well, that should do it" Zara said as she closed the wall with her magic.

"Now only we have access to it."

Both girls walked away before anyone one could noticed them.