
Ain Soph Aur: The Holy Maiden's wish (DxD X Fate Fic)

Everyone is aware of the three-way war between angels, devils, and fallen angels but what sparked such bloodbath that leads devils’ annihilation. Read the story of a mysterious boy and his journey with Jeanne d’Arc, the holy maiden whose selfish wish became a disaster for the supernatural of the DxD world. ---- Now then here is my other work. I will try to write and make this story as much good as my previous one so please remain positive. I have no idea if I could even add a harem of DxD standard but I will try. Please note that most of the story will follow a timeline before 500 years old war. MC will be weak but soon become incredibly strong so don’t even try to complain about it. --- English is not my first language. Nothing in the story belongs to me. Even I don’t belong to society. Important!: Various mythologies will be discussed that include some religious figures so if you find anything inappropriate or offending, please let me know. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan Discord: https://discord.gg/vfWgNbskJt

J_Titan · アニメ·コミックス
47 Chs

Chapter 23: Second Kill!!

(3rd Person's POV)

"What is taking him so long? Did he get himself killed by that weak human?" Dick muttered before he resumed his walk towards the position of his partner.

Before he thought that maybe Pike was taking his time enjoying torturing that human but soon his guess turned another path and his doubt about the death of his partner was confirmed when he spotted the headless body of Pike.

"No way! How the hell he gets himself killed?"

Even though Pike was his partner for a long time, he was not sad but curious as to how the hell human named Mael even kill his partner.

His queries were soon answered when he saw the arrow sticking inside Pike's eye. After investigating a little, he soon concluded that Mael was not a simple weak human as even with the broken arm, he was able to trap Pike and eventually kill him.

"I guess he deserves to be killed. So weak." Dick sighed and tossed Pike's head like garbage before unsheathing his sword.

"Human, don't expect me to fall for the same trick," Dick smirked and then started chanting some spells. He was not a full-fledged wizard but he knew some spells to enhance his physical parameters.

He then saw the footsteps of humans leading further deep in the forest. So instead of tailing Mael, he decided to wrap this up in hurry before making his way towards his master Francois Marbas.

He materialized wings and rushed towards where the weak human was hiding.

On the other hand, Mael was sitting in a room of an abandoned two-story house. Luckily he was able to locate the supplies post that Robbie had prepared. However, he didn't expect to be so well equipped. In addition to horses, there were also some old weapons left by the previous owner of the house.

He could have left the forest on the horse but it would be just delaying the trouble. He had to get rid of the last bat before anything. Besides, he had to avenge Robbie's blood

"Hah… God, please help…" Then he prayed.

He could have thrown tantrums like God doesn't exist or he just doesn't care about the suffering of people but he knew that truth was still hidden. After all, he was acquainted with an angel too.

Speaking of the angel, he didn't know what Eliza had been going through but whatever is happening, he didn't have a good feeling.

"I have to move…" He took a deep breath one last time before getting up.

He was still barely holding his consciousness as he had lost too much blood on the top of using his Emperor's Eyes, he was unsure when he was going to lose his stamina.

But luckily he still had the strength to sort out a plan. He didn't know when and how but for the past few days he had been feeling a new strength inside him. He felt less weight when he used to run out of stamina and his healing speed was also getting better and better by day.

Then after some search, he found a single stretchable rope, some spears, swords, and a wooden small chair to make a trap.

He then began to make a trap but not before equipping with some weapons.

He was just in the middle of finishing his trap when the whole house shook tremendously.


"Come out, you fucking insect! I know you are in there!" Dick yelled while levitating in the air and shot another magic attack to the house where he sensed Mael was hiding.

He was not being coward but cautious as he didn't want to fall into the same trap his partner get himself killed. He knew that Mael was a crafty human and will spare no efforts to make Dick fall for the same trap.

Dick didn't believe if Mael was stronger than him as that human was recorded to be weak in strength and only good with long-range combat so he wanted to find Mael and confront him as soon as possible.

After flying around, he noticed moments in the upper story of the house facing a deep forest. Then as soon as he got closer, suddenly one of the windows opened and a showy figure leaped towards him.


Dick smirked and bisected the figure in half.

"What the?!" The reason for his confusion was the figure that he thought would be the human but it was a damn chair covered with a dark sheet.


He knew that he had stepped into the trap and just when he was about to move, he found a spear right in front of him.

Mael smirked as Dick was no exception of a dumb devil that will fall for traps.

He first baited Dick using a chair before he shot a long spear with the help of stretchable rope.

However, the odds of winning against Dick turned against Mael when the spear bent slightly slipping right through the devil cutting only the skin of his ribcage.

"Aaaagg! You human!" Dick groaned and flew straight towards confused Mael before kicking him on the chest.

Mael didn't even see the attack as flung backward before colliding with the wall.

"Khuh!!" Mael coughed a mouthful of blood before helplessly falling on his knees.

'Crap! Why the hell my foot slipped at last moment!?'

Mael cursed his luck as he saw Dick slowly approaching Mael.

He knew the reason why his aim missed the target was that his foot slipped at the last second.

"Hehehe! Hahaha! Now let's see who can stop me from killing you!!?"

Mael saw Dick approaching with a sword scorching with demonic energy.

'What a cringe! He sure is an idiot.'

However, there was no fear on Mael's face as he smirked and was somehow able to stand on his feet before unsheathing his sword and took a stance.

"What brave human you are but still a pity for you to die here. Well, never mind you are going to be eaten by our glorious Demon Lord along with your oracle lover~."

Dick smirked and waited for Mael to charge in aggression by mocking his lover but Mael didn't respond like he didn't even care what is happening to Jeanne d'Arc.

However, on the contrary, Mael wanted to crush this dickhead and tear him apart but he knew that he can't lose his guard as the latter was not a regular human he could underestimate.

"One question before I die," Mael asked.

"What is it?"

"What happened when you demons die? I wanted to ask the same but your weak friend died before I could even ask." Mael smirked.

"Why you! Die!!" Dick leaped forward and swung his sword diagonally to cut the human in half.

The attack was so strong that it even formed a giant arc behind Mael.

Dick thought Mael was good as dead until his eyes fell on the said human standing right in front of him.

"Full counter," Mael spoke those words softly before he also swung his sword.

"Is that it, human?" Dick smirked as Mael's soft swing didn't even touch him.

What kind of lousy attack was that?

"Just wait for a little." However, Mael's evil sneer didn't vanish as he retrieved his sword and began to walk out of the room like he didn't even care if Dick was there.

"Don't under- Huh…?"

Dick didn't know the reason behind Mael's cockiness before a straight line formed on his chest until it met his left shoulder and lower right thigh.


Before he could even scream because of fear of death, he was bisected diagonally before exploding with his own demonic flame.

And that's the end of two arrogant devils who died at the hands of weak Mael.

On the other hand, Mael was slowly walking towards his horse that he had tied in one of the rooms since he knew Dick will attack his escape route before coming after him.

He didn't even care if Dick was alive as he was sure that the devil won't be coming after him.

Huff* Huff*

However, after walking for few more steps, his body collapsed.

"That was rather difficult…"

Thinking about previous events, he felt incredibly refreshed after killing two devils. He was not a ruthless psychopath who enjoys killing people but devils were another story.

"Jeanne… Eliza… Please be safe. Wait for me a little…" He gritted his teeth before gathering every bit of strength to stand again.

Next destination, Rouen.


Just throw all the stones on my face and help me write exciting content.

Lets set a goal: 1k for the end of this week.



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