

Did you ever consider whether you can live without anyone? It may seem like an easy task, but have you ever experienced it before? Loneliness is a multifaceted and individualized emotional state that can affect anyone. It is not solely caused by one factor, making its prevention and treatment methods highly personalized. The experience of loneliness is characterized by a sense of disconnection from others, despite a strong desire for social interaction and connection. Scarlett was filled with an overwhelming sense of boiling with frustration and felt like throwing her phone away when she received another message from the app. It read, "Dear Scarlett, only I can be the cure to your disease. Your treatment is my company." Initially hesitant, she decided to investigate further and responded with a skeptical, "Are you kidding me?" The response was serious, and Tracy was intrigued. She asked out of curiosity, "What do I call you?" The response came back promptly, "You can address me as Mathew".

Amy_llac · SF
14 Chs


The light began to fade, when a few people from Irizon cautiously approached the portal, their eyes wide with wonder and amazement. They could feel the warmth of the light on their skin and the hum of the portal vibrating through their bones. The people of Irizon tentatively stepped through the portal, unsure of what they would find on the other side.

But as they emerged from the other side of the portal, they were greeted with a world unlike anything they had ever seen before. The sky was a brilliant shade of blue, and the sun shone down on lush green landscapes that stretched as far as the eye could see. The air was filled with the scent of exotic flowers and the sounds of strange creatures that they had never heard before. The people of Irizon were amazed at the beauty of this new world and the diversity of its inhabitants, who coexisted in a strange harmony.

It was a moment of awe and wonder as they explored this new world and tried to understand its mysteries. They marveled at the towering mountains and the sparkling oceans that stretched off into the horizon. They were fascinated by the strange technology and architecture of this new world and the language that its inhabitants spoke.

As the people of Irizon began to explore this new world, they realized that they had stumbled upon something truly extraordinary. This was a world of endless possibility, a world without magic.