

In a realm where might is right and the scales of power teeter precariously, the strong bask in glory while the weak are left to languish in obscurity. Yet, the wheel of fate spins in mysterious ways. Enter Ye Chen, an unassuming soul from Earth, whose life was cut short in its prime. As his consciousness flickered on the brink of oblivion, he found himself reborn in a world beyond his wildest imagination. Armed with an advanced AI companion named Xiao, Ye Chen embarks on a thrilling journey that pits him against formidable adversaries - ancient martial artists, enigmatic cultivators, omnipotent magicians, fearsome demons, and savage beasts. With Xiao by his side, the universe becomes their playground, each challenge a stepping stone on their path to greatness.

Frost_16 · ファンタジー
48 Chs


In the grand tapestry of existence, humans yearn for treasures beyond measure, worldly desires that weave their silken threads through their hearts.

But the capricious fate takes it away at the end when old age and death cast shadows upon the desires of man.

Many souls depart with unfulfilled yearnings with no second chance to redeem themselves or have to have what they painstakingly acquired in life.

Leave that alone, what about justice? A phrase that dances upon the tightrope of endeavor, an elusive wraith it is. Only a few get justice in their lifetimes as the unlucky lament over its deceit.

But the world spins and pirouettes upon its axis wherein we lay in the paradox of finding our desires as we thread the mortal stage.


"But one thing shall remain clear," the judge intoned as he adjusted her transparent glasses, "you shall face a death sentence for the murder of your employee and alleged lover…"

The courtroom held its breath, the air heavy with finality.

The accused, Ye Chen, stood there, a mere silhouette against the harsh light filtering through the high windows.

His heart pounded with each beat echoing the words of the judge.

'Why is this world so cruel, did I deserve this?'

No appeal, no salvation, only the inexorable march towards the gallows.

"As per the stipulated state laws, no appeal is given as justice will have to be served…"

Tears streamed down his face after hearing this. It was over for him, death, something he did not expect was beckoning at him.

His voice once eloquent now failed him as his mind froze, caught within the weight of guilt and the inevitable noose.

Outside, the crowd erupted in cheers, their voices a cacophony of retribution. Justice had been served they echoed.

"That man deserved it…"

"He is too ruthless, I wonder how he lived among us for all these ages…"

"The society will be safer without him…"


Media houses covered the whole story in detail as this case had dragged on for two years.

Ye Chen was an orphan taken in by Hope Orphanage at the age of five. He was found on the streets after he had left home as all his family was killed.

Life at such a crowded orphanage was not for a delicate person like him but he still had to hang on as he had no other alternative.

But as time went by, empathy eluded him, compassion became a foreign language foreign language.

His hands inflicted pain on his peers as he failed to control his rage and anger. Those who ever crossed his path bore scars, both visible and hidden.

He had a dark past and since then, life for him was already miserable as no one wanted to associate with him.

A silent desolate warrior he became, threading his path. The road he had taken.

He really wanted to be a good person deep down but the situation did not allow him. How could he just stand the bullying and insults from others?

He felt he was right and why would he engage with you in talking when you were not willing to reason out?

Let the fists do the talking, simple. He never wanted to be submissive to anybody and no one was allowed to make him kneel or lower his head, never.

With such crooked principles, he was sure not to survive in this submissive society where one had to beg for favors and even lower his head.

Graduating with a First Class Honors Degree in Information Technology could be considered the only greatest achievement he could have ever made in his short life.

With such good brains, he joined the military just at the age of 23 years. A young soul donned in military uniform, marching to a cadence of discipline and duty. But deep down a storm brew, a rebellion etched in his bones forced him out of service as he was not ready to be commanded.

They were all humans, why would he listen to them and do what they wanted yet they were the same? Those were some of his thoughts.

Surely, no one would keep such a person in his company of work and he was thus kicked out.

But coming out, he did not give up but rather signed up for a private security job, more of a bodyguard you can say.

And this was where he met his fulcrum of tragedy, Miss Ning.

A young talent in the business world. A beauty that took away his breath.

Stories continued to circulate in public and media to slander him.

Accusations hurled like poisoned darts.

They said things like:

It was a cause of infidelity and betrayal that prompted him to silence her.

He allegedly shot the other three guards after assaulting and killing Miss Ning.

Neighbors vouched for this as they swore to have heard her frantic screams followed by gunshots for a short moment before silence paved the way.

Mr. Ye was said to have slipped through their fingers and made a fast escape towards the sea. 

It was only the following morning when the border patrol intercepted him.

He was painted as an embodiment of the devil, a killer, and a demon.

Shades of malevolence shrouded his reputation.


Cold cells.

'The cold unforgiving bars of my cell press against my temples. I sit here, a hollow echo of the vibrant gentleman I once was. My name has been slandered but I have no place to voice my grievances.

Deep down, her face still lingers in my mind. Her laughter and her beautiful smile still haunt me two years after she was laid to rest. But fate, the cruel puppeteer, had other plans for us.'

'Why am I even thinking about this? It was supposed to end like this anyway. A poor commoner like me has no stand in the grand schemes of the powerful…'

'You might pity me, I know. Thank you for your concern. Tears, unshed pool in my eyes. I want to cry out badly, but my friends always told me this, men don't shed tears that easily, they have to be shed for a purpose. There is nothing to cry for anyway, I rather have this monologue as I await the morning sun before I face the hangman.'

'But if this world gives me a new chance, I swear to seek justice. But I know all that is chicken sh!t as my best buddy used to say. Outside, they are condemning me. Do they know who the devil really is or do they just love the paparazzi going around? Once their savior on the borders, now a criminal in these cold slabs.'

'It is December 30th, 1999, the only day I lived to see the sunset. Tomorrow I face my demise. And as my last words to fellow earthlings, should you be where I am now, cry as much as you want, but trust me, no tears shall come. Justice or injustice, we still face the same end. Death eagerly calls upon us the moment we make it to a new day, slowly by slowly your days reduce.'

'My last parting words, try to read the Road Not Taken, maybe you might take the right road and pray that your feet may be nimble enough for you to be able to run from any injustice should you be entangled in one!'

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