
Agonizing love

He ran his hand on her face as he gazed into her eyes. "I found you". He said. His hand fell to his side and his body went limp in her hands. He fainted! * * * Hannah, an assassin was supposed to kill Axel, a CEO, but what happens when he takes something valuable from her and traps her with it? This is a slow-burn novel. Keep reading to find out what happens......

saskh_xle · ファンタジー
162 Chs

More work

Hannah spent the rest of the day working nonstop. More work kept coming up like everything was piled up just for her. As far as she could remember, this was the most she had worked all her life.

True to his words, Dave came back to see her, much to her dismay.

"Hi". He greeted and she responded with a simple nod." I didn't see you in the cafeteria, did you go out for lunch?" He asked, smiling as usual as he walked to stand behind the desk, right next to her. Hannah swivelled her seat and moved away from him as she was irritated by him standing too close to her.

Dave looked at her with raised eyebrows, "You haven't answered my question". He said again as he made himself comfortable on her desk.

"I was busy with work, so I couldn't come". She answered, trying not to let her annoyance with him be visible. Deep inside her, there was nothing she wanted more than slitting his throat for interrupting her work and for continuously flashing that sickening smile of his at her.

Dave's eyes roamed around her desk, looking at the stack of files that were arranged on it. "Hmm", he nodded while stroking his chin, "Looking at the pile of work you have, I doubt you will be done before closing hours". He said and returned his eyes to her. Dave suddenly smiled again and stood up from her desk. "Lucky for you, I have completed my work for today, so I can help you since I have nothing else to do".

If Hannah wanted him dead a second back, with what he had just said, she certainly wanted the opposite now. She could use his help right now. Before she could respond, he already got down from her desk and was already facing the computer on the desk, typing away. Hannah moved back to her position and continued going through the files.

The files were reduced gradually, and in an hour, they were done with the remaining files. Hannah felt relieved as she closed the last file. Dave was really helpful and she was glad that he proposed to help.

"I will be leaving now, I will wait for you in the parking lot". Dave said with a smile. She nodded lightly and stood up, picking up some files that needed axel's attention with her and walked to the office. She knocked lightly on the door and when she heard his voice from inside, she turned the knob and when in.

Hannah watched as axel continued typing away with a serious expression on his face. He didn't look tired like she did, instead, he looked like he was keen on continuing his work. Hannah walked to his desk and placed the files on it. "These are files that need your attention". She said. He turned away from the laptop and looked at the files for a second and returned his gaze to his laptop to continue his work. "Are you done with your work?" He asked, eyes still on his laptop. "Yes sir, I'm done with it". He raised his head and looked at her with raised eyebrows. "You're done?" He asked and she nodded. "Okay then. Take the other files from the cabinet over there and work on them". He said pointing to the cabinet near the door.

Hannah's legs almost gave away when she heard him. How can he tell her to work when she had barely managed to finish the first one? Besides, it was almost time for the employees to leave work…. 'From today, you will be working overtime…'His words echoed in her head, disrupting her thoughts. She turned and walked to the cabinet, picked up the files and left the office.

Immediately the door closed, axel stopped typing and leaned back on his seat. He was surprised that she had finished the work he gave her. He had given her a lot of work and was certain that she wasn't going to be done with it today but she was already done. Maybe she was really fast. He thought and went back to his work. He didn't bother going through the files she left on his desk. He had given her the company's old files to go through as punishment and also as a part of her training that Raymond had asked for.

Hannah walked straight to her desk and sat down with a thud. Dave was already gone so she will have to do all the work herself. She sighed loudly. This whole thing about work was tiring and frustrating to her. She looked at the door to Axel's office angrily. "When I get back my annunciator, I will make sure to kill you first". She said out loud, her eyes burning with rage. She leaned back on her chair and picked up her phone to call Raymond. 'Penelope must be hungry by now. She thought sadly. She dialled the number and Raymond picked up on the first ring.

"Hello Hannah, how are you doing?" Raymond asked immediately. "Are you busy?" She asked, ignoring his question. Raymond chuckled softly through the phone. "No, I'm not. Why do you ask?" Hannah purse for some seconds? She hated asking Raymond for help but she had to do it for Penelope. "I need your help with something". She said. Raymond immediately turned serious. "What is it, tell me". " Penelope is home alone, she must be hungry by now and I'm not coming anytime soon, so…" She trailed off, knowing that Raymond understood what she meant. Raymond sighed. "You don't have to worry about that, I have been with her since she woke up. And I already fed her so you don't have to worry about her. Just get done with your work and get home soon". He said. "What is she doing right now, I want to speak with her". Hannah said, making Raymond sigh again. "You worry too much Hannah". He nagged. "I already told you that she is fine and that you don't have to worry about her. Besides, she is studying right now, and if you talk to her right now, she will get distracted". He said.

"Okay," she murmured. "Thank you, Raymond".

"Sigh… I should get used to you saying thanks to me so I don't freeze anytime you say it". Raymond said after a while. "Okay, I will be back soon. Take care of Penelope". Hannah said and hung up.

Raymond stared at the screen of his phone after Hannah hung up. "I'm sorry Hannah". He muttered and raised his eyes to look at Penelope who was fast asleep on the bed. He had lied to Hannah and had told her that Penelope was studying because he knew she would grow suspicious if he told her that Penelope was asleep by this time. "I'm sorry Hannah". He said again. He leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes, sighing repeatedly.