
Agonizing love

He ran his hand on her face as he gazed into her eyes. "I found you". He said. His hand fell to his side and his body went limp in her hands. He fainted! * * * Hannah, an assassin was supposed to kill Axel, a CEO, but what happens when he takes something valuable from her and traps her with it? This is a slow-burn novel. Keep reading to find out what happens......

saskh_xle · ファンタジー
162 Chs

Come in

After a long and quiet ride, Axel stopped at the estate. Hannah was surprised that he had stopped at the estate but she said nothing. She thought that they would be going straight to the company to continue working but Axel had driven here Instead. Maybe he had some work to do here. It was his estate after all.

Axel came down from the car and Hannah followed suit. He had come to see how the estate was since it had been a long time since he last came here and there were now more people occupying the buildings.

"Let's go in". He dipped his hands into his pocket and entered the estate and Hannah, who was still confused, walked behind him like she always does.

Nodding his head as he walked around the estate, Axel was satisfied with what he was seeing. He had always wanted to build a place where people would be happy staying and he had done just that.

The estate was located in a secluded place, surrounded by trees and far away from the bustling activities that take place in the city. Anyone would be happy staying here. The silence, peace, and beauty of this estate would definitely attract anyone including himself. That was why he had made a place for himself in the estate, but he doesn't own it anymore. Raymond had asked for it and he had no choice but to give it to him because it was nothing compared to what Raymond was helping him with.

Taking a deep breath, he turned in the direction of the building that once belonged to him. There was no harm in looking at the building and if he had time, he could also check out the small garden behind it.

Though the building was in the estate, it was far away from the rest of the buildings. He had purposely made it like this because it was farther into the bushes and more secluded making it more peaceful and quiet.

Hannah, who had been walking behind axel the whole time, now stood confused as she saw him heading to her house. She didn't tell him that she was now staying at his estate for fear that he may kick her out or disallow her stay here but now that she saw him walking straight to her house, she couldn't help but think that he already knows. Knowing Axel, he could have sent someone to spy on her.

When he stopped in front of her house, she hastened her footsteps and went to stand beside him. Hesitating a little she parted her lips and asked him if he wanted to go in.

Axel looked at her confusedly. Does she plan on entering the house without permission? But then again, maybe she doesn't need permission. It was Raymond's house after all and from what he had seen, Raymond seems really close to her.

Hannah noticed that Axel was silent, so she took his silence as a yes and opened the door. She entered the house and gestured for him to come in too.

Axel didn't have the heart to refuse. He couldn't refuse when the doors of the house had been opened to him. He had made this specific building for himself. Everything was designed by him and according to his style. He didn't even get the chance to see it when it was done and now that he had an opportunity, he wasn't going to let it go.

Nodding his head, he entered the house and was wowed by its beauty. He was not all that surprising to him. He had personally designed it so it was bound to be beautiful. Just like he thought, everything was perfect, just how he liked it. Too bad he isn't the owner anymore. He looked around the living room for some time and his eyes were getting hungry to see more. He wanted to see the rest of the house. He started to think that coming in was a bad idea because looking at the beauty of the house, he wanted nothing more than to call Raymond and get the house back from him.

But he couldn't.

"I'll be leaving now". He said to Hannah. It was best if he left before he does something stupid. He turned around and started walking towards the door when he heard a loud squeal behind him. He tilted his head to the side. Surely that squeal did not come from Hannah.

"Mommy!" Penelope screamed and ran at full speed towards Hannah and since Hannah was already squatting with her arms spread out, Penelope crashed right into Hannah and wrapped her small arms around Hannah's neck and Hannah hugged her back.

Axel stood frozen at the sight in front of him. Hannah was hugging a child and if he heard right, that child just called her mommy.

"Mommy, I missed you so much". Penelope cried out with her arms still wrapped around Hannah's neck.

"I missed you too Penny". Hannah replied, "how are you?" Hannah asked as she rubbed Penelope's back.

"I'm fine". Penelope said and pulled away from the hug and that was when she noticed axel. "Who is he?" She pointed at Axel, her gaze turning curious.

Hannah looked back and forth between Axel and Penelope before replying. "He is my boss. I work for him". Hannah said to Penelope whose eyes were fixed on Axel like he was the most interesting thing in the world at the moment.

Suddenly, she left Hannah's side and went to stand in front of Axel. "Hello!" She greeted him with a small wave.

"Hey, little one". Axel said and bent down to rub Penelope's head. "What is your name?" He asked with a smile that made Hannah jolt a little as she had never seen him smile before.

"My name is Penelope". She answered cheerfully. "Can I ask you something?" Axel raised an eyebrow in surprise. He has only met the girl and she already wants something from him. He didn't know what she wanted but he still nodded and smiled.

"Sure. Go ahead"