
Agonizing love

He ran his hand on her face as he gazed into her eyes. "I found you". He said. His hand fell to his side and his body went limp in her hands. He fainted! * * * Hannah, an assassin was supposed to kill Axel, a CEO, but what happens when he takes something valuable from her and traps her with it? This is a slow-burn novel. Keep reading to find out what happens......

saskh_xle · ファンタジー
162 Chs

[Bonus chapter] A block of ice

Hannah was as confused as anyone would be if they were in her position. She stared long and hard at the unconscious man on the hospital bed as if trying to solve a very difficult equation.

He was kissing her with so much passion one second and then he suddenly stopped. Hannah thought that he wanted to withdraw but when he stayed in the same position for a whole minute, she decided to move. Then she noticed that he had his eyes closed and seemed to be in a deep sleep. He had fainted.

At that moment, Hannah was incensed. She thought if anyone should faint, it should be her. After all, he was the one who stole her breath with his kisses.

The ringing of Axel's phone, which was extremely loud in the silent car, made her jerk in surprise. She reached for the phone which was in his pocket and saw Alena's name displayed on the screen. Without hesitating, she slid her finger on the screen and took the call.

Alenas' relieved voice came, "All is settled now…" before Alena could complete a sentence, Hannah's frantic voice boomed in her ear.

"Something is wrong with Axel!" Hannah said, her voice laced with worry and panic. She barely heard anything that Alena said as she was too busy trying to get Axel to open his eyes. Her entire body tensed up in worry as she felt Axel's body temperature decrease at an inexplicable speed.

Her brows creased when his lips slowly turned white as well as his skin. His fingertips that were still on her waist were now cold as well. More than her confusion, Hannah was worried. She didn't know what was wrong with him and how badly it affected him.

She placed her fingers on his neck and was beyond relieved when she felt his pulses were normal. She stared at his face for a long time wondering what was wrong with him before taking his palm in her hand and began to rub her palm against it hoping to transfer some warmth to him. She silently prayed that Alena would arrive soon as she was not sure how long she was going to keep watching Axel Axel like this.

Hannah's eyes narrowed when she felt Axel's palm become warm. She quickly checked the other parts of his body and when she noticed that his temperature was slowly turning back to normal, she breathed a sigh of relief.

The relief in her heart did not last though, as his temperature began to increase. He was so hot that his skin turned red and her fingers tingled when she touched him. She could already feel the heat from him even before she touched him.

Luckily, there was a bottle of water in the car. She immediately took it and overturned the bottle letting the water drench him from his hair and soak his shirt.

Hannah thought she was going to go mad when Axel's body turned cold again. What made things worse was that his shirt as well as his hair was already drenched with the water she poured on him earlier. With great difficulty, she removed his shirt and threw it to the other seat. Once again, she began to rub her palm against his it till warmth returned to him and once again, his temperature spiked up to the max.

After a few times of repeating the whole process again and again, Hannah was not even sure of what to do anymore. She didn't even realise that she was already in tears and when she did, she wasn't sure if she was crying out of anger and frustration or out of fear that something terrible was happening to the axle. As she stared at his pale face and cold blue lips, Hannah hoped that nothing would happen to him.

She would rather have him bleeding than see him in this state. At least then she would know what was wrong with him and would have stopped the bleeding a long time ago.

Hannah leaned forward and suddenly hugged him with the hope that some of the warmth from her body would be transferred to him as she waited for Alena to arrive. She felt his body temperature decrease like it wasn't already low enough till she felt like she was hugging a block of ice.

When Alena arrived and saw this scene, she was left in both shock and utter disbelief. When Hannah told her that something had happened to Axel, she had imagined the worst and had immediately left what was left of her work to the others and came here. She thought that Hannah had done something bad to Axel so she hurried here.

But what she saw was the opposite of what she was expecting. Hannah was hugging Axel while Axel looked as pale as a corpse. Without saying a word, she helped Hannah carry Axel out of the driver's seat and laid him down in the backseat. Hannah sat in the rear seat with Axel's head placed on her lap as hot tears slid down her face while Alena went to the driver's seat and drove them to a hospital.