
Chapter 9-1: talent collector

//At home//

//Mayfair Street//

Inside the room, Caroline lay comfortably on the bed for a while.

After they arrived, she had taken a light shower without having to touch her hair. She put on cute and warm yellow pajamas, and then pulled the Korean novel with her to read.

'Perfect Secret Love'

The title of the cover of the translated book was attractive, which attracted her, after a passing coincidence, through an application on the Internet.

And because the day was special, Leon did not dare to intrude or try to do anything that would increase the distance between them.

In the end, he was still human and felt guilty. So, he thought of doing something as a surprise that would ease the situation, but who expected that things would get out of hand later.

On the one hand, this was an absolute and must be implemented. On the other hand, no one likes to remain in the shadows on the pretext that he will be rescued and guarded, or for his own benefit.

Perhaps, the only person best suited for the smooth talk after Kaiden, was Nam Shin.

Leon is a bright and warm personality, wherever he goes, he is popular. Therefore, he always pushes her to try everything new with trivial arguments, which may seem inconsequential at times.

At least, his condition is better and more sober than the insane Kristen impulse.

Nam Shin by nature, he is a calm and understanding person as well. He might not be so adventurous unlike him, but he would put himself at risk in order to ensure her.

He is a gentle and likable character, and has a sweet tongue, but his outlook is always innocent.

After 10 pages, Caroline was satisfied, and enjoying the reading.

It was a different feeling from studying the material hard, but it was as familiar as Becca when she was getting into an addictive state.

In the end, the feeling was beautiful, like tasting wine with loved ones, under a clear moonlit night, twinkling with stars.

When the clock approached 10 and 45 PM, her tablet rang, indicating that a message had reached the group.

Immediately after that, she closed the book and placed it at the top of the stairs by the bed. Next, she left a bookmark bearing the classic One Direction Band background at the paused page.

When she entered the chat, the first thing he met was a resume from Becca.

'Is every one asleep?' she asked, waiting for a response.

Naturally, she thought of a video call within the group, after making sure that the rest of the GX elite members were busy or even in bed, but she backed out at the last minute.

Kristen, who is usually always active for 24h, took longer while the three dots danced down the screen on her Messenger app.

<I'm fine. Lucy is currently watching TV. As I'm used to staying up late, no one will suspect me› She sent an innocent emoji, along with her reaction.

'Okay, that's good' Becca sighed, with a shallow, crooked smile.

'Obviously it's going to be uncomfortable for the next few days' Kristen commented with an unclear ambiguity. Kayden's suspicions were a real obstacle to them if they were realized.

<I will send the report. It may be incomplete, but I am still working on it› she added.

On the other hand, Caroline kept reading the responses silently with her eyes. She did not comment much, she only replied in the affirmative, coinciding with Becca.


<We agreed>

<Let's meet the Memory Restaurant, it will be more comfortable> This was Becca's last message before closing the chat.

When returning to the report shown at the top of the screen, which is sent, newly in the form of a file. She tapped it lightly, before she read it.

On the first page, the report collected personal and other information about Guren Santore's working life, along with a photo of him as a young child and teen.

His family was average and well off. His father worked as a teacher in England, in the countryside. His mother was a regular nurse before settling home months before his birth.

He was a successful and ambitious person, who loathed living in the country and cleaning up the dung, or plowing the land. Living in that kind of environment was dishonorable to him.

Because his education was too high to stay there and study, his parents sold the house there and moved to the city at the earliest opportunity in order to complete his studies.

When he graduated, it was difficult to find a good job and live comfortably. So he switched from one job to another part-time, until half a year passed.

One day, a request was made to meet with him, in a 4-star private restaurant, in a private room.

It was some kind of lucrative deal with ulterior motives. Because he was young in his twenties, he seemed secure despite his realization.

With his honorary results and lack of knowledge connections, he was listed to become an official at the prestigious Brad Ford High School with achievement.

The person he met that day was wearing a classic hat with camouflaged features, hard to detect under dim lighting.

In exchange for high wages and prestige, he must watch out for the most outstanding, and genius students.

Grants offered abroad and trips, were just a cover for his illegal business.

Supply and demand was simple. And because he had never met the real president, he did interact with one of his peers.

The first page revealed with some hidden details his way of life and how he got to where he is now, over the years.

On the second page of the report, a logo of an underworld organization is included in the bold, and dark font.


The effect of this name was chilling, like hair erections along the body, leaving cold sweat that was difficult to clean.

For a moment she fell silent and remained in place, stiff, in such a way that she could only perceive her breathing.

Genome's reputation was at the bottom with the government, and it had a criminal record.

However, no one was able to prove the existence of a witness, or incriminating evidence, that the crime had occurred.

It was like a much stronger Dettol cleanser, without leaving a trace. But it bears weight on the other hand.

In its beginnings, it used to be a charitable joint-stock company, as it invested its money in supporting orphanages, hospitals, and then pioneering schools, over time.

The way it crawls was shady and deadly like a virus that cannot be eradicated once it penetrates.

The laws in 'Genome' were strict and tightened. The rooms allowed were limited and mixing was prohibited.

Roaming was, it is forbidden without an order. So, everyone settled into their secluded rooms in silence. Either for study, rest time, or when eating.

Genome has never accepted useless individuals.

While carrying out live experiments, the lives of some were often violated, and the method of their burial is unknown.

The only option for them was to obey and do more to survive. Simply put, the situation was even more bleak as a prisoner.

Prior to that, a list of detained and previously kidnapped individuals who were nurtured from ages 6 to 18 was presented.

Although there are some missing points, the last page clearly mentions his wife and only daughter, Mary.

They were the only two photos that included family members.

When looking towards the report. It was clear that, despite all these years, his wife had yet to discover his shady business. Which enhances his protective potential as she lived a luxurious life.

Her father was an architect, while her mother had entered the teaching profession at university, majoring in French and Italian, both.

Returning to Marie, Kristen mentioned that she had met her while studying and living in Italy.

And because Kristen's nature was lively and lovable, they shared most of the traits that strengthened their relationship.

Everything was going smoothly, until the day she was invited to her house for a white night together, with some company, and she accidentally saw a picture of the family. There, everything changed, and she became more aware.

\\ Note: A white night in my country - Algeria - means staying up all night without sleep until night comes the next day. That is, you will continue to live your day in the same natural way until night comes again. Hope my simple explanation is clear to you guys.//

Although the glass of the rectangular windows was insulated, the mist from the heavy rain was intense, and harsh.

Looking at the digital clock, on the other hand, it was past midnight, by a few minutes.

It was outside, cloudy and dark, and as the last streak of twilight faded, the shining stars were gone, and the dark clouds seeped like swarms of bees enveloping the bright rooftops of the city.

After she finished reading the report, she archived it, with a proprietary, innovative, and unknown security system, then left her tablet.

The silence was an ally.

She let out a sigh of relief, left the warmth of the bed, and walked to the window without having to put on her slippers. Half of her right torso rested on the side of the hard glass, and she sank into the view.
