
chapter 18-4: The noise of the soul

The physiological reaction of this body is almost exhausted by the resistance, it feels hot and it swallows with turmoil. Quickly, he left panting for the bathroom.

Caroline, glimpsing his dark and earnest gaze at his, raised her eyebrows two inches, with an innocent childlike expression.

She couldn't think of a reason for his strong trembling and reaction.

With lethargic eyes, she yawned carelessly and dried herself.

refreshed after illness, It was comfortable and soothing.

She enjoyed it until she lost time. Maybe half an hour at most, she didn't remember.

Dennis, who had washed his face, had drowned his hair in water to relieve the pressure.

Without drying, he sat down on the outside toilet seat, letting those lingering drops rebel. After a quarter of an hour had passed, he finally decided to get out.

By then, she was done switching.

Instead of a French dress, she sank into the blackness of guest pants and a pullover with wide sleeves, again, from neck to toe.