
Agent on Mission

[Everything is for the main god space, and all acts of cheating and exploiting loopholes will definitely be obliterated]

Claire_Julien · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Meaning of life?

The sound of firecrackers outside the window continued to crackle. This is a very ordinary community. Although there is still a month before the Chinese New Year, every household has already started to set off firecrackers. However, Li Hao sat on the ground in a daze. Behind him, there was a large bookshelf full of books on psychology.

From Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams" to the latest works of behavioral psychology, "Analysis of Micro-expressions", "Introduction to Behavioral Psychology", Li Hao parents have long since passed away, leaving him only a large a deposit, and this room full of books.

  Books will always be Li Hao best friend. Due to his excessive obsession with psychology, when Li Hao interacts with others, he unconsciously perceives the deepest thoughts of the other party...

  Contempt... fear... disgust..too insightful of world affairs, not only did it help Li Hao open the door to society, but even more closed him in his own world.

  Until the advent of the web, This is tantamount to opening a new door for him.

  An exquisite notebook fell in front of Li Hao. On the 16-inch screen, the picture was stagnant. A tram just stopped on the screen and didn't move.

  But to Li Hao, it was meaningless.

  There was blood on his chest, The bright red blood had already stained his white shirt.

  Elder brother...

  Behind him, there was a faint cry for help.

  Li Hao parents were originally single children, and he was also a child without siblings. It stands to reason that when the New Year is over, how can anyone come to his home to accompany him to celebrate the New Year.

  "Help me..."

  Another cry for help, accompanied by the blood on the ground, covered directly in front of Li Hao, and the white floor tiles slowly turned red.

  The four white walls were already covered with red spots, and Li Hao most cherished bookshelf was now also stained with blood.

  It doesn't matter anymore.

  Li Hao stood up staggeringly and everything he originally valued had changed. Just because of one oversight, all is gone.





. . . . . Author Claire debuts in her novels. . . . .





  This morning, Li Hao forgot to lock the door and was pushed open by a little girl.

  "Brother... I want to eat candy."

  The little girl is wearing a pink dress with a yellow knot on her head, her eyes are big, and when she smiles, she looks like a doll.

  "Where are your parents?"

  Li Hao pressed pause on the video he was watching, squatted down and looked at the little girl who was less than his chest. He felt that every holiday was extremely difficult.

  Every festive season thinks about relatives. However, Li Hao relatives have all turned into black and white photo frames and hung on the wall. It is said that doctors cannot heal his family, and no matter how he is proficient in psychology, Li Hao cannot alleviate the loneliness he experienced.

  I don't know, brother, I want to eat candy!

  The little girl tilted her head, stretched out her little hand, and spread it out.

  "Oh, come in first"

  Li Hao himself felt a little helpless. He is only a high school student, so he must not be able to keep this little girl in his home for too long, and he will send her away after a while.

  From welcoming the door, everything that happened next was like a dream to Li Hao.

  There is nothing more touching than the warmth that comes from being in loneliness.

  Even in the most common entertainment program, Li Hao and the little girl laughed happily together after watching the host's apparently not funny jokes.

  She... Li Hao looked at the mobile phone in his hand. I'd better call the police later. At least, let me enjoy a little more time and spend time with people.

  "Brother, brother! Let's play cards"

  Little girl, I don't know where she got a set of cards.

  A deck of the most common playing cards is fifty-four.

  Well, let's draw a card first

  "Don't, don't" The little girl threw herself on Li Hao body and grabbed the playing cards in his hand, "There is one card missing in this deck"

  One less card?

  "Mmm, brother, let's start

  The little girl shook her head and divided the cards into two stacks.

  Brother-brother, what's your name? Bai Ya told me that when you meet someone, you have to ask their name to be polite, By the way, I also have a name and my name is Claire!

[Author is in, Now no other characters can kill me:) ]

   "My name is Li Hao, so let's get started."

  Saying that, Li Hao pushed his glasses and lowered his head to sort out his cards.

  A pair of 2s, a pair of A's, a pair of K's…

  Li Hao suddenly discovered that the cards in his hand were surprisingly smooth, and there seemed to be no single cards at all.

  "Yeah! Brother, brother, I have no cards in my hand!"


  The door was suddenly knocked open!


  Li Hao was shocked when he looked at the door that was knocked open. The end of the year is approaching, there are always some people who are desperate and have no way to go home. In the end, they have to take the risk. Take a knife and try it. If there are careless people, you can go in and find something valuable and getting through this tough year.

  The man in front of him was clearly like this.

  He was in his forties, his clothes were worn out, and his hair was tangled in a mess, like the roots of a tree that had been struck by lightning. Not only was it black, but it also had an unpleasant smell.

  The man's eyes flickered, indicating that he was not firm in his heart, that he was not a repeat offender, and that taking risks was the most appropriate explanation Li Hao could think of.

  But this is also the most dangerous. Because in the face of the unknown, the huge psychological pressure brought about by the robbery is likely to drive the man crazy.

  The vagabond's face was covered with dust, but with the bright fruit knife in his hand, Li Hao didn't dare to move rashly. I'm afraid, just standing up, will stimulate this man and kill him like crazy.

  "You..." The man looked towards the room, glanced at him and smiled grimly, "Don't be afraid, it's going to be New Year's Eve, and now the adults are not at home, I won't embarrass you, give me some money and I'll leave. "


  With a knife in his hand, he broke into the house alone, and now there is only himself in the house and there is a girl who can't reach his chest. Are you really just asking for money?

  Looking at the man arms raised, clearly a defensive move. Just now he mentioned the adults of his family, Li Hao knew that this was just a disguised rhetoric.

  It means that this man is already scared when he sees himself. After all, it was the first time to robbery, but unexpectedly found that the room was not an old man who was too old to walk, or a child without strength.

  There are a thousand ways in Li Hao mind. He can use psychological loopholes to attack this man. However, this is not a game. Once an accident occurs, Claire is just a little girl, and she is bound to be easily affected.

  Brother-brother, who is he?

Claire was just a child, so how could she know how bad the atmosphere was, she still pointed innocently at the homeless man standing at the door.

  "He...he..." Li Hao thoughts turned around, and he immediately thought of the words to coax the girl, "He is here to collect water bills, which my brother promised him last time."

  Oh, Claire nodded obediently, and then said suddenly but brother, why did you forget to take the deck away!


  Li Hao laughed at himself, what time is it now, and she is still thinking about playing card, it really is a child behaviour.

  "Okay, okay..."

  "What are you doing! Stop!"

  The homeless man looked at Li Hao, bent down who went to get the things on the table and immediately screamed nervously.

  On the table, there are not only scattered playing cards, but also Li Hao mobile phone!

  "Don't try to call the police"

  At this time, Li Hao noticed that the homeless man's posture had changed. From the beginning, the defensive stance turned into an offensive stance with hands down and body leaning forward. The homeless person has passed the initial tension. If he gives in at this time, I am afraid it will not be a robbery, but a murder, robbery, and rape.

  Li Hao, who understands psychology, knows that human desires should never be underestimated. You must be tough, otherwise, the form will lose its balance in an instant.

  "Don't scare the kids!"

  Li Hao gave a cold look, then picked up the card and put it in his pocket.

  "Come in with me. I put the money in the bedroom. Take the money and leave. I won't call the police."

  Having said that, Li Hao stood in front of Claire and slowly walked in front of the homeless man. Give him some more pressure!

  "Leave me alone!"

  The homeless man shouted immediately, and the knife in his hand also swung. The position of standing has changed from a new one to a defensive posture. The arms hang in the air, no longer drooping.

  This is enough, if he stimulates him again, the nerves that are tense because of the fear of robbery will be broken. Li Hao did not dare to overestimate the psychological endurance of this homeless man.

  "Okay, okay... Let's take it slow, don't scare the children... If you ask for money, we just need to save our lives, and don't bleed for the new year."

  As Li Hao spoke, he took a few steps back and made a gesture of please.

  "What are you doing!"

  Just as Li Hao turned around, he heard the tramp shouting loudly. Li Hao had a thousand calculations, but he did not expect that Claire would rush to her at this time. Originally, according to Li Hao analysis, Claire should sit on the sofa honestly and watch what happened curiously!

  Damn it!

  Li Hao looked at everything that happened behind him and felt like he was dreaming. The little girl suddenly rushed up and pounced on the homeless person, pouted her lips, and kept talking, "Bai ya said that anyone who asks for money with a knife is a bad person!"


It's just a fruit knife and it's just a homeless bum, but...

(Author-- Bruh who is this bum to kill me :c )

  A pool of bright red blood splattered in front of Li Hao.

  All this happened so fast, so fast that he thought he was still in a dream, so close that even the homeless man couldn't believe that he really killed a little girl who was not yet ten years old.

  He picked up the vase on the ground and Li Hao took it, causing a gust of wind, bang, and smashed the whole body on the dazed homeless man.

  Dang bang.

  The homeless staggered abruptly, and the knife in his hand fell to the ground.

  Good chance!

  Li Hao only felt that there was a beast in his heart roaring hoarsely with the knife in his hand, his knees slammed against the homeless man's chest, and with a click, it had been slammed into the homeless man's chest.


  Blood, like an eye spring, gushed out from the wound.

  "Elder brother..."

  Behind Li Hao, there was a faint cry for help.

  "I won't let you die." Li Hao put the knife on the table, turned around immediately, and looked at the little girl lying in a pool of blood.

 Claire, a little girl with a very foreign name and a doll-like appearance.

  A little girl who knows herself and it has not been a day.

  A little girl whose life is in danger because of him.

  "I'll call an ambulance right now, just hold on for a while."


  With a sigh, it suddenly sounded beside Li Hao.

  Who is it?

  Li Hao immediately blocked Claire from behind. Besides the homeless, Claire and him, who else was in the room! Li Hao could hear that it was a woman's voice, and the young woman should be older than himself.

  "Claire can't wait for the doctor to come"

  Can you save her? Whatever you tell me to do, I'll do it!

  It's too late, we need to find a person who volunteers to participate in the game of the Lord God within five minutes and find a world of the Lord God that is suitable for Claire.

  "Me! I volunteer!"

  Li Hao eyes were red, and he almost shouted.

  You...? There was an indescribable sarcasm in this voice.

  "I can't do it! I am willing, I am completely willing!"

  Take out the cards in your pocket and see, all of this is fate.


  Li Hao took out the playing cards in his pocket. The so-called drawing a turtle is to draw a card first, then pick out all pairs of cards, and the single card still in the hand at the end is the turtle.

  What Li Hao held in his hand was a turtle.

  A grey little king.

  This little king is not a common clown image, but two simple characters.

  Lord God!

  "You understand now... Claire, I don't know why, she chose you as her main god agent. This contract has been concluded since you drew this gray main god card. It's useless, the five minutes I just said are now only three minutes."

  Three minutes!

  Damn it! Think about it!

  At this time, Li Hao felt that the world was constantly collapsing, but he couldn't do anything at all.


  The voice of the homeless person was so harsh to Li Hao at this time.

  "How can I let a person participate in the main god game?"

  "Two minutes, it won't help to tell you. You have to find someone and ask him,

"Do you want to know the meaning of life? Do you want to really live? If he agrees, even if you find it, no, It's simply impossible."


  Li Hao jumped up abruptly, took the knife in his hand, and stuck it beside the homeless man's neck with a bang.

  "Save me... save me..."


  A slap instantly woke the homeless man who had become unconscious due to blood loss.

  The knife, a knife exuding silver light, which was held by Li Hao with both hands, hanging over the homeless man's eyes, facing the homeless man's pupils.

  "I ask you, Do you want to know the meaning of life? Do you want to really live?" The homeless man's eyelids blinked, and just as he was about to open his mouth, Li Hao knife scored another point, a bright red blood, the beads appeared on the homeless eyelids.

  "If you dare to say anything you don't want, I will kill you immediately!"

  A turbid smell of urine suddenly entered Li Hao nose, but at this time, he didn't care about these things at all.

  Because of the sound of nature, it rang in his ears.


  Lord God game participant detected.

  Number of people: 1

  Because the main god fell into a coma, there are agents responsible for setting the world and issuing tasks.

  Current Source pool size: 10]

I can't be in one chapter plot character killed me :c





Claire_Juliencreators' thoughts