
Aged & impregnable:big, bad and beautiful

_Precious_Louis_N · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 5:triumphant & operation clean the system

New epoch


A sweet sound of Wagner piece ,Ride of the Valkyries food to the ears as i walk through the aisles of the the central city foyers mr Frederick approaches me.

Mr Frederick; Mrs Walter

lucy:there you are mr Frederick the law abiding citizen it's lucy, please just lucy!

Mr Frederick; depends on what law you are referring to, I adhere to the law of the wilderness either you are dining or you are the dinner, do you care to join me for a toast?

Lucy: hell no I'll pass, you see politics is extraordinarily based on symmetry and geometry, make the wrong move and you fat ass go'an end up inna body sack or worst so I suggest you keep your nose off my business.

Mr Frederick: before you go lucy, let me remind you that if you have anything incriminating me you will have it removed in twenty four hours because when you loose I'll personally come for you

Lucy; and let me assure you that that by that stint your eyes will be looking down at your shoulders and you do not want to mess with me I know the twenty million used for you campaign was from the known drug lord standing just right around the poll side right there and I have evidence.... Lots of it!

(bach of St Matthew Passion instantly commence)

Lucy: ah that's my queue do you care for a dance fred?

Mr Frederick: think I'll pass for now.

Lucy: well then but will you be available at the general meet were we sign the peace treaty of the election?

Mr Frederick: yes of course I would furthermore like to speak to you manager in private because we are both MD'S aren't we?

Lucy: yes you are right!

The way I spoke to him the only way to speak to someone like him most especially when you have something against him the election is just in a few weeks I rather not drink the wine it must have been tampered with even before the party started.

I met with the president or let's enunciate that the president met with me because they all harbor their eye on me which gives me the Enthuisiasm that I'll triumph over everyone of them.

Subsequently, I exercise my right as a citizen I hid in my secret bunker and don't be waylay I have eye and ears ubiquitous my party numbers where rising quick sadly the ruling party was rising quicker just as I expected the LORD of the RIGS has his hands around manipulating the result soon as it got worst I had to come out because it was too obvious he was swindling I just took me a little while before I could read the results I was winning by a land slide margin, by sundown we then ended up retaining thirteen senate sits, thirty nine house of representatives fifty two state governors and my presidency.

we swept all the parties off their feet in one try the ruling party then accuses us of electoral manipulation so i decided to give mr fred a call of warning to back off and drop all charges held against me.

Lucy:hello fred let me make things clear to you now of those charges aren't dropped in fourth-eight hours you will fall like a penis after an ejaculation slow and steady till you have nothing have i made myself clear don't say i didn't warn you(hangs up the phone).

(CHEERING CROWD) when I was a girl I always dream of making the world a better alcove, a place were everyone will be eqaul, I dreamed of being the game changer politian, a role model to millions of people for generations to come I also wanted my name to never leave the lip of people, for people to proud of something.

With the little leverage I had to build something good in the society alone made me do great things imagine what I couldp do with the power of the executive- very soon after I am sworn in I am going to be shearing my plans which will kick of right away because the futurris now and let me assure you that when I am done with this first term you all will vote for me wholeheartedly because of the work might have accomplished, we have accomplished! Any -questions?

Reporter 1:madam -President what will be your first move one you are sworn in as the president-elect?

Lucy: first I and the governors are going to be tackling national security because a lot of lives has been violated, some killed or even ominous, we will introduce a new security schemes appointing new administrators I will take no further questions thank-you


MR garrison: that was great lucy, anymore talking would have gotten your biracial ass exterminated

Lucy: thank you for the input, I am aware of that but no one can get me killed

Mr garrison: you should be all set for the country house by 6pm today the designers would like to know how you want your office arranged

Lucy: I want everything to be as simple as possible and also I desire the head of the electoral institution to step down immediately send him a missive for his resignation instantly I would like to appoint professor Claire head of the electoral organization and also tell you brother the coln one, that the the position for chief of staff is open still

Mr garrick:the investigation for embezzlement of government funds has commenced hundreds of politicians around the country are ganna end up behind bars momentarily I sure you

Lucy: thanks garry I'll get back to you shortly after I get home I have to take take a furlough this president ship is not gonna be leisurely I assure you

Mr garrison: I'll give you my full support lucy letting you down will be the least of my priorities.

Oh my good lord socked as i went-into my new office, remember when I asked the team designing my office to keep it superficial. well it was a little bit extra the gaint ribbons, I was like a pin when sat in my giant desk everywhere

was lustrous and it all smelled brown new I met some generals because they know I am here for the real deal they know I am going to drag them in the mud and appoint new people

They also wiped lot of data from the system some many illegal transactions

Secretary Tracy; madam President the have a call from me Frederick he says it it urgent

Lucy: what do you want?

Mr Frederick: please I am pleading you don't destroy my career I'll do anything you want i swear!

Lucy: you'll have to work for me!

Mr Frederic: what! Lucy I just can't just ditch my party?

Lucy: no one said anything about ditching your party, you are fully aware of the top most corrupt official help me expose them and I'll decrease your sentence!

Mr Frederick: ok.... What ever you want I'll do it

Lucy: gather as much evidence as you can in 78 hours meet me at country house when you are done I'll set up an appointment for you that'all and fred don't mess with me

Mr Frederick: I won't

(Cut's off line)

Lucy: tracy

Tracy: yes ma'am

Lucy: I desire eye from the military espionage on mr Frederick, every move he makes should and will be reported to me

Tracy: yes ma'am.....mr vice president you walked in quite on time! How is your tour going? You look exhausted you need a nap or two or you might end up having one forever

VP. Charles: hahaha you never seize to amaze me with your dark humor, my tour has ended and it was great al thanks to your grace from God

Lucy: oh true let's have a toast, and how are you liking your new office?

VP Charles: it'good, I won't tell a misconception, the duties are rigid beings lucy:mr Vice President and I will also love to tell you that the entire arms needs cleanup and you are very smart for starting from that aspect now if you'll excuse me I have a lot of paper work in my desk.