
Age of Evolution: An Original Take on HSOTD

In a world overrun by the undead, a diverse group of survivors led by the resilient Saya and enigmatic Sora navigate the dangers of a post-apocalyptic landscape. Their journey unfolds against the backdrop of evolving threats, both from the relentless zombie hordes and the remnants of organizations responsible for the catastrophic outbreak. As the group strives for survival, tensions rise and suspicions grow, especially surrounding Sora's mysterious capabilities. Unveiling a hidden world of reactive evolution, where unique abilities manifest in response to the chaotic surroundings, the group discovers that their destinies are intertwined with the organizations that shaped the world's fate. Haunted by the past and driven by a desire for redemption, Sora leads the group through perilous encounters, strategic confrontations, and internal conflicts. Along the way, relationships form and evolve, each member revealing their unique abilities and grappling with the moral complexities of this new reality. The story unfolds as the group faces challenges, uncovers secrets, and ultimately strives to reshape the world that has fallen into darkness. With bonds tested and alliances forged, "Age of Evolution" is a tale of survival, resilience, and the enduring strength of human connections in the face of an uncertain future.

Soraino · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 7: Evolution of the Dead

As the group settled into this newfound haven, the reality of their predicament began to sink in. The collaboration with the JTF offered a semblance of safety, but it also raised questions about the extent of Saya's father's involvement in the broader events that had unfolded. The estate, once a bastion of privilege, had now become a battleground for survival, and the group found themselves entangled in a complex web of alliances and uncertainties.

 Sitting in the elegantly adorned room, Saya's father fixed his gaze on the group, his eyes sharp and assessing. "Surviving out there is no small feat. How did you manage to navigate through the chaos?" he inquired.

Saya, with a nod toward Sora, spoke with a sense of pride, "This is Sora. He played a pivotal role in leading us through the challenges. Quick thinking, resourcefulness, and a bit of bravery."

Sora, despite his usual nonchalant demeanor, acknowledged the compliment with a modest nod. The rest of the group looked on, a mix of exhaustion and relief evident on their faces. Saya's father, still maintaining an air of authority, seemed to approve, recognizing the value of capable leadership in these dire times. Saya's father eyed Sora with a mix of suspicion and authority. "What's the story behind your tattoo?"

 Sora casually replied, "Just a reminder of the past. Nothing too special." However, Saya's father wasn't satisfied. He approached Sora, his demeanor becoming more intense. 

"Explain your tattoo," he demanded, his voice unwavering. "You bear the mark of one of the three post-apocalypse organizations."

The revelation hung in the air, causing a collective gasp from the group. Sora's mysterious tattoo had just unveiled a layer of his identity, leaving the others questioning the true nature of their enigmatic leader. Sora's nonchalant demeanor melted away, replaced by a tense glare as he locked eyes with Saya's father. The air in the room grew heavy with unspoken tension. Saya's father, unfazed, took charge. He approached Sora, his expression stern.

"What do you know about the three organizations?" he demanded.

Before Sora could respond, Saya's father swiftly moved, pinning him against the table. The room fell silent, and Sora found himself in handcuffs. The group watched in horror as Saya's father escorted their enigmatic leader downstairs, leaving them with unsettling questions about Sora's true identity. As Saya was caught in a heated argument with the guards, Yuki, Mayako, and Misa huddled together while Kai sat aside, their voices hushed as they discussed the unfolding situation.

Yuki spoke first, her voice tinged with concern. "Do you think Sora is in trouble?"

Mayako, her brow furrowed, replied, "I don't know, but there's definitely something about him that Saya's father doesn't like."

Misa chimed in, her words slightly slurred from the lingering effects of the alcohol, "Maybe it's just a misunderstanding. We should trust Sora, right?"

The trio exchanged uneasy glances, grappling with the uncertainty of their predicament. Meanwhile, Saya persisted in her attempts to break through the guard's resolve, demanding to be allowed downstairs to see her father and get answers about Sora. The atmosphere within the estate crackled with tension, mirroring the mystery that surrounded Sora and his enigmatic tattoo. Saya's father emerged from the lower level, his hands stained with fresh blood. The sight sent a shiver down Saya's spine, and she couldn't contain her anxiety as she asked her father with a tremor in her voice, "What have you done?"

His expression remained stern, unmoved by her fear. "He's not who he claims to be," he replied cryptically.

The tension in the room escalated, and the rest of the group watched in silent apprehension. The fate of Sora, and the truth behind his tattoo, seemed to hang in the air, casting a shadow over the once-promising safety of Saya's father's estate.

Saya's father stood resolute, his gaze unwavering as Saya questioned his judgment. "Those organizations are not to be underestimated, Saya. They're responsible for much of the chaos in the world," he explained, his voice carrying a weight of authority.

Saya, her voice tinged with desperation, pleaded, "But Father, Sora has done nothing but protect us. He's led us to safety. I need to see him, to understand."

The conflicting emotions in the room created an uneasy atmosphere. The group exchanged glances, uncertain of what to make of the situation, as the fate of Sora hung in the balance. Saya's mother descended the stairs, her eyes reflecting a mix of concern and curiosity. She addressed Saya's father with a calm yet determined tone, "Dear, I think Saya is right. We should let Sora explain himself. He's played a crucial role in keeping our daughter and her friends safe. They deserve to know."

Saya's father, torn between paternal concern and the responsibility he felt to protect his family, hesitated for a moment. The atmosphere in the room grew more tense as the group watched the silent exchange between the family members, waiting for a resolution. 

As the group descended the stairs, a heavy silence hung in the air. Their eyes widened in shock as they witnessed Sora, battered and bloodied, chained in the middle of the room. The harsh reality of the situation hit them like a wave, and for a moment, they were left speechless.

Sora, despite his weakened state, lifted his head with a fiery determination. Anger flickered in his eyes as he writhed against the chains, demanding to be set free. The atmosphere in the room tensed further, and the group exchanged worried glances.

Saya's father, with a stern expression, approached Sora and gestured toward the tattoo on his shoulder. "Explain yourself, young man. What are you doing with that tattoo, and why should I trust you with my daughter's safety?"

Without waiting for Sora's response, he produced an iron rod, its tip glowing red with heat. The room fell into a chilling silence as he began to burn Sora's skin, his expression unyielding. The group stood in shock, torn between intervening and respecting the rules of this mysterious and dangerous place. Saya's voice rang through the room in a desperate plea, her shouts and screams echoing as tears streamed down her face. She begged her father to stop the cruel punishment inflicted upon Sora. When he finally relented, the room was filled with a heavy silence.

Sora, though battered and still in pain, managed to lift his head again. He locked eyes with Saya's father and, with a voice full of defiance, asked, "Do you even know the name that this tattoo stands for?"

Saya's father, unmoved by the question, replied stoically, "It does not matter. All of you are responsible for the current state of the world."

The tension in the room escalated as the group grappled with the severity of the situation, trapped in a place where trust seemed a rare commodity, and every move carried life-altering consequences. As Yuki, Mayako, Kai and Misa joined Saya in tearful pleas, their voices blending in a desperate chorus against the torment inflicted upon Sora, the room became an emotional battleground. Saya's father, unmoved by their pleas, continued to stand with an unyielding resolve.

Amid the chaos, Saya's mind began to play tricks on her. The surroundings seemed to speak to her, the padlock on the door whispering its code as if sharing a secret. In a daze, Saya found herself entering the code into the padlock. To her surprise, it worked, and the door swung open, granting her access to the room.

Saya's father turned around, his expression shifting from stern authority to surprise, demanding, "Who let you in?" Ignoring his question, Saya pushed past him, rushing to Sora's side. The reunion was a mix of relief and concern, as Saya desperately tried to assess the extent of his injuries. The room, once a symbol of confinement, now became a stage for a different kind of confrontation. 

As Saya embraced Sora, an unexpected phenomenon unfolded. A gentle, soft green aura emanated from her body, enveloping Sora in a warm glow. To the astonishment of everyone in the room, the injuries that marred Sora's form began to fade away. Burns and bruises healed, and the pain etched on his face transformed into one of bewilderment.

Sora looked up at Saya with wide eyes, his shock mirrored in the faces of the onlookers. Saya's father, taking a step back, questioned aloud what his daughter had become. The room, once filled with tension and suffering, now bore witness to an inexplicable display of healing power that left everyone in awe. Saya, still embracing Sora, gently cradled his face between her bosom. His blush deepened as she spoke with unwavering determination, "I don't care what or who he is. He saved our group... he saved me." Her words echoed in the room, carrying a conviction that resonated with the others, causing a shift in the atmosphere. 

Saya's father shouted, "He is evil, Saya! Don't you see?" But Saya, still holding onto Sora, calmly reflected on his statement,

 "If he's so evil, why isn't he attacking me right now?" The question hung in the air, a profound silence settling over the room as her father paused, unable to refute her point. The tension in the room was palpable, and for a moment, even he seemed to reconsider his stance.

Saya pulled back slightly, cupping Sora's cheeks with her hands, their eyes locked in a shared understanding. With a soft smile, she said, "Plus, him? I don't think he even knows how to be evil." In that tender moment, their lips met in a gentle kiss, a silent affirmation of the bond that had formed between them amidst the chaos of the apocalypse.

"That child's father began the Apocalypse!" Her father shouted, Saya looking into Sora's eyes, his gaze lowered onto the floor in shame. 

Sora looked up, meeting Saya's father's stern gaze. "I know that he's evil. Trust me, I know better than anyone else. But why do you think I joined Angel's Remnant? My whole job is to protect people... and I chose to protect your daughter and our friends. I want to find him. I want to find him so badly so I can beat some sense into him," Sora's eyes locked with Saya's, "but right now, I'm dedicated to protecting her." His words held a sincerity that cut through the tension in the room. As the chains fell away, Sora staggered slightly, finding support in Saya's arms. The realization of his misjudgment washed over Saya's father, and regret etched lines on his face. The rest of the group rushed into the room, embracing Sora in a collective display of relief and forgiveness. Saya's father, humbled by the revelation, stepped back, allowing the group a moment of unity and healing. 

Sora, with a genuine grin, walked up to Saya's father, meeting his stern gaze. The question hung in the air, "Can I trust you with her?" 

Without hesitation, Sora extended his hand, firm and steady, and replied, "Of course." The handshake symbolized an unspoken understanding, and as they locked eyes, there was a sense that trust, though hard-earned, had been established. 

Saya's father averted his gaze from Sora to Saya, his eyes holding a mix of curiosity and concern. "Have you undergone reactive evolution?" he questioned. Saya looked at him, puzzled by the term.

Sora, standing by her side, took a moment to explain. "Reactive evolution is when your DNA mutates, granting you supernatural abilities. Your healing powers and the knowledge of the padlock code, it's all part of it."

Saya's eyes widened as the realization dawned on her. The mysterious events and newfound abilities suddenly made sense, and she couldn't help but be astonished by the revelation. Sora and Saya's father took turns explaining the three organizations, shedding light on the intricate web that had woven the apocalyptic world they found themselves in.

"Angel's Remnant," Sora began, "is an organization that emerged after the apocalypse. We aim to protect and assist survivors, offering them a chance at a life beyond the horrors outside."

Saya's father continued, "Dragon's Eye is a secretive organization that operates in the shadows. Their motives are unclear, but they seem to be collecting information and artifacts, possibly seeking control."

Sora then mentioned the most ominous of the three, "Demon's Blood is the organization responsible for starting the apocalypse. They unleashed a virus that turned people into zombies, leading to the chaos we now face. My father is a part of that organization."

As the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, the group faced the harsh reality that their journey was intertwined with these powerful and mysterious factions. Sora turned his gaze toward Misa, a knowing look in his eyes. "Misa, you've already undergone reactive evolution," he said, pointing to his shoulder where the wound from the car door had fully healed. Misa looked at her hands in surprise, realizing the extent of her newfound abilities. The group marveled at the unpredictable nature of their evolving powers, wondering what other surprises awaited them in this chaotic world. Saya turned to Sora with a curious expression. "Do you have any abilities from reactive evolution?" she asked.

Sora glanced at her father before answering, "I have superhuman-like reflexes. I could've dodged the attacks your father threw at me if I wanted to." The revelation left the group in awe, realizing that each member possessed unique and extraordinary abilities, shaping their journey in unforeseen ways.

Sora turned his attention to Mayako and Yuki, offering a grateful smile. "Mayako, your ability increased mine and Kai's stamina on the bridge. That's what allowed us to prevail against that massive horde of zombies. And Yuki, your ability prevented the rest of us from becoming psychotic from all the gore and horror we've experienced."

The group exchanged surprised glances, realizing the intricate ways their abilities intertwined and contributed to their survival. Each member brought a unique strength to the table, forming an unbreakable bond that transcended the challenges they faced. 

Sora chuckled and pointed at Kai, "Oh, and Kai, you accidentally used your momentum manipulation to throw a zombie off the bridge. It was pretty impressive, even if it was unintentional." The group shared a collective laugh, realizing the untapped potential within each of them and the surprises their newfound abilities could bring. 

Saya turned to Sora, curiosity written on her face. "Hey, why am I the only one with two abilities?" she asked, seeking an explanation for the unique nature of her evolving powers.

Sora grinned and patted Saya on the head, teasingly saying, "Well, you're just a special case, Saya. Double the trouble, double the powers!" The group continued to share lighthearted banter as they navigated through the revelations of their evolving abilities. 

Sora addressed the group, his eyes meeting each member's. "We're going to need to train with our abilities," he declared, emphasizing the importance of mastering their newfound powers. "Understanding the risks and weaknesses is crucial. We can't afford any surprises in this new world." 

As the group delved into their training, Sora took the lead in helping each member understand their abilities better. Through meticulous experimentation, they uncovered the triggers, limitations, and potential risks of their newfound powers.

Mayako discovered that blinking or losing sight of her allies meant she couldn't use her ability for 30 seconds. Yuki, with her reality-altering power, found that overuse could lead to migraines or even unconsciousness. Saya, whose healing prowess was a valuable asset, learned that excessive use could result in extreme fatigue. However, her knowledge-hacking ability had no apparent limitation, aside from the occasional discovery of unwanted information.

Kai, mastering the manipulation of momentum, realized that he needed to focus on an object to alter its speed. Overusing this ability could lead to harm, either to himself or others. Misa shared a similar limitation with Saya, where prolonged use of her power caused fatigue.

Sora, with superhuman reflexes, while his ability had no specific trigger, the continuous use of this power could result in exhaustion. Yet, through rigorous training, he had honed his endurance to maintain these reflexes effectively.

The group's understanding of their abilities grew, and they began to form a cohesive unit, aware of each other's strengths and limitations. The days of training forged them into a more formidable force against the challenges of the apocalyptic world. Sora approached Saya's father, discussing the concerning encounter with the evolved zombie on the bridge that had inflicted injuries upon him. The two engaged in a conversation about the potential dangers of these evolved undead and the need to devise effective measures to combat them.

Saya's father expressed his worry that the undead might be evolving at a pace that outstripped humanity's ability to adapt. Sora, with his insights from the front lines, shared his observations on the changing nature of the threats they faced. Together, they brainstormed strategies to confront these evolved zombies, considering the potential escalation of the undead menace.

The urgency of their discussion reflected the gravity of the evolving situation, and the group, including Saya, listened attentively, realizing that staying ahead of the evolving threat was crucial for their survival.

As the time came for the group to part ways with Saya's family, a bittersweet moment unfolded. Saya embraced her parents tightly, expressing gratitude for the safety and shelter they had provided. Her mother and father, though concerned, understood the group's journey and the challenges they faced in this apocalyptic world.

Sora stood by Saya's side, a silent support, and a symbol of the bond that had formed within their group. Saya took his hand, and together they made their way back to the armored vehicle that had become both their refuge and means of transportation. The farewell was filled with mixed emotions—gratitude for the respite, but also a sense of duty and the knowledge that the road ahead remained perilous.

As the group left the manor behind, Saya stole one last glance at her family, the image of her parents becoming smaller in the distance. The armored vehicle rumbled forward, navigating through the post-apocalyptic landscape, and the group faced the unknown challenges that lay ahead.