
Age of Evolution: An Original Take on HSOTD

In a world overrun by the undead, a diverse group of survivors led by the resilient Saya and enigmatic Sora navigate the dangers of a post-apocalyptic landscape. Their journey unfolds against the backdrop of evolving threats, both from the relentless zombie hordes and the remnants of organizations responsible for the catastrophic outbreak. As the group strives for survival, tensions rise and suspicions grow, especially surrounding Sora's mysterious capabilities. Unveiling a hidden world of reactive evolution, where unique abilities manifest in response to the chaotic surroundings, the group discovers that their destinies are intertwined with the organizations that shaped the world's fate. Haunted by the past and driven by a desire for redemption, Sora leads the group through perilous encounters, strategic confrontations, and internal conflicts. Along the way, relationships form and evolve, each member revealing their unique abilities and grappling with the moral complexities of this new reality. The story unfolds as the group faces challenges, uncovers secrets, and ultimately strives to reshape the world that has fallen into darkness. With bonds tested and alliances forged, "Age of Evolution" is a tale of survival, resilience, and the enduring strength of human connections in the face of an uncertain future.

Soraino · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 4: Slumber of the Dead

The first rays of dawn painted the interior of the bus in soft hues, gently waking Sora from his brief slumber. He glanced down to find Saya still peacefully asleep, her head resting on his shoulder. Playfully, he poked her cheek, prompting her to stir and greet him with a sleepy smile.

"Morning," she mumbled, letting out a small yawn. Sora inquired about her sleep, to which she replied, "Honestly, that was some of the best sleep I've had in a while."

Taking a moment to observe their surroundings, they noticed the rest of the main group still lost in the embrace of dreams. In the back, however, the other group was awake, and the teacher continued his insidious campaign of manipulation. He proclaimed, "A leader is what we need, and I volunteer to overrule those in the front and make a true system!"

As the main group started to stir, Sora stood up, his gaze piercing as he confronted the teacher, "Overruling who, exactly?" The confrontation hung in the air, the bus once again a battleground for control and influence.

The teacher turned around with a devilish grin, his eyes gleaming with a sinister determination. His voice took on a hypnotic quality as he began weaving a web of manipulation, attempting to ensnare the group in the front.

"I alone can save you from the hellish world that's come to be," he proclaimed, each word dripping with an unsettling assurance. His persuasive rhetoric sought to convince the survivors that his leadership was the only path to salvation in the midst of the apocalypse. The air grew heavy with the weight of his words, and the vulnerable survivors in the front seats found themselves caught in the crossfire of conflicting loyalties.

As the group in the front began to stand up, the teacher, desperate to maintain control, pointed at Misa, exclaiming, "She can't leave! She's the nurse, the medic! What if I were to get injured?" The attempt to manipulate emotions hung in the air, but Sora, sensing the danger, reacted swiftly.

With a sudden swing of his bo staff, Sora struck the teacher squarely in the stomach, causing him to double over and fall to his knees. Before the manipulative words could continue, Sora decisively smacked the top of the teacher's head with the staff, sending a clear message. In a defiant gesture, he flicked off the rest of the students who were still under the teacher's influence as the main group departed the bus, leaving behind the toxic influence that threatened to poison their unity. As Sora stepped off the bus, attempting to lighten the mood with a casual remark about finding a cafe for coffee, Saya's reaction was swift. Her hand met his cheek in a resounding slap, and her face flushed with anger as she demanded, "What were you thinking, deciding for us to leave the only safe spot we had?"

Sora, undeterred by the sting of the slap, maintained his composure. "Would you rather have us stay there until he manipulates us all under his touch?" His words hung in the air, prompting a moment of reflection for Saya. Despite her initial anger, she found herself reluctantly agreeing with him, realizing the potential danger they had narrowly escaped by leaving the bus. The group now faced the challenges of the outside world, uncertainty looming over their every step.

Yuki and Mayako, sensing the tension in the air, moved to calm down Saya, reassuring her that they needed to stay level-headed in these uncertain times. Sora, meanwhile, pondered their next move. It occurred to him that their distinctive school uniforms could make them easy targets, both for zombies and any potential threats among the survivors. With this in mind, he suggested, "Let's head to a clothing store. We could use some new clothes – something less conspicuous than these uniforms."

The idea gained approval from the group, and they set out on foot, navigating the eerily quiet streets. The once-bustling town now lay in disarray, remnants of chaos and panic evident in every corner. The journey to the clothing store became a tense trek, the group acutely aware of the dangers lurking in the shadows. As the group dispersed into the clothing store, the eerie quietness of the town pressed in on them. Sora navigated through the aisles, picking out a black tee shirt and a pair of tan khakis, complemented by a black long-sleeve shirt for layering. Meanwhile, the girls explored their options, opting for comfortable skirts and pants paired with crop tops and jackets that provided both style and practicality.

Half an hour passed, and as the others reconvened near the store entrance, Saya couldn't help but notice Sora's absence. Concerned, she questioned his whereabouts. Misa, with a mischievous grin, teased, "Maybe he's taking extra time to pick out something that looks good for you." The comment elicited an eye roll from Saya as they waited for Sora to return. 

Suddenly, Sora emerged from behind a rack of clothes, clad in his new ensemble. Saya, caught off guard, couldn't help but think that he actually looked quite nice outside of his usual school uniform. Her surprise was evident in a subtle raise of her eyebrows and a momentary pause in her banter. Sora, with a grin, playfully remarked, "What? Surprised I can clean up well?"

Saya couldn't resist rolling her eyes at Sora's comment. "Idiot," she teased, a smirk playing on her lips. Misa, on the other hand, chimed in, "Wait! I have a friend with a high-walled apartment. It's practically a fortress, and it's not too far from here."

Sora, with a mockingly disapproving look, said, "You almost forgot about that? Stupid nurse." 

Misa, feeling a bit guilty for the oversight, apologized, "Sorry, guys. I completely forgot about my friend's place."

Saya seized the chance to tease Sora, saying with a mischievous grin, "Yeah, Sora. She just simply forgot. Can't you ever forgive her?" Sora smirked in response, surprising the group and eliciting laughter, momentarily lightening the tense atmosphere.