

"I shouldn't have trusted them, now look at my predicament ", I said in a hushed tone. Remembering the cold glint in Alvin's eyes when I told him about my expedition and his insistence to hire mercenaries to come with me.

The place I went to explore was an abandoned church in a desolate town far removed from civilization and that is how I found these catacombs.

"Where are you Lexy", One of them called out, a woman, in a singsong voice, making my blood ran cold.

"Damn how come I didn't see this coming. Now I'm running around in these damn catacombs with a bullet in my thigh. I leaned against the wall trying to catch my breath. Seeing blood flowing nonstop from the wound on my thigh. I took hold of my sleeve pulling hard on it tearing the fabric. I wrapped tightly around my wound trying to slowdown the bleeding.

"There is nowhere to run just give up and we will make it a quick and easy death for you", my heart skipped a beat hearing the emotionless voice of the leader. I held my tongue before I could give a retort. He was basically telling me to offer my head on a silver platter. How about he offered his head.

I staggered trying to get as far away as I can from the mercenaries hunting me like an animal.

I kept moving trying my best to keep pace and my life, I walked on for about what felt like an eternity but was only two minutes and met a dead end I felt my hope disappear.

"Fuck, why does this have to be here and now", I tried backtracking and that's when I met them. The leader came first his eyes betraying his violent nature and the others came around the bend. They were dressed in black and carrying guns .

"Ah there you are. We thought you had ranned away", the other two laughed at the joke . They all knew clearly there was nowhere for me to run. I glared at them my hand shaking with rage. I now understood why they wanted us to avoid all the city and towns on the way here.

"I guess its time to meet your maker aren't you overjoyed", he said as he raised the gun to point at me .I gave the trio my middle finger and the gun fired.

There was a brief flash of pain.

Then everything went dark my last thought was at least I died with a bit of dignity and it was quick.

The next thing I knew I was awake and the feel of the cold hard ground under me made me know I wasn't in the underworld but really alive.

'how am still alive ', I could feel but I couldn't move a muscle or talk .That was when I heard a voice.

"I know you are confused but this is only a recording so listen closely .You have been turned in to a vampire, yes a vampire. I don't know which era this is but I'm assuming the vampire society is still hidden as to the contingency plans I put in place to prevent them from conquering the world .Now about vampires, the curse was placed on me by the forces that ruled the cosmos itself, the sun became my enemy and the night became my solace . With the curse came strength and speed on par with the werewolves and healing far surpassing theirs and making me immortal and finally powerful magicks, any magic in the hands of a vampire is stronger. I would think the upper echelons of the human society still hide magic from it commoners because of what happened in the SOM ERA making them the weakest but still the most populous of all the races but races such dwarfs,elves ,werewolves ,dragons and many more had access to specializations and more attuned to certain types of magicks that it made their use of those powers more easier but vampires superceded that all.

My wish as the most powerful mage,mage scholar and The One honoured by all was to bring back my wife from the clutches of nothingness.Taking death essence from the clutches of death itself , essence of life from the heavens and primordial energy from chaos which caused a disruption to the flow of the death and life cycle and reawakening chaos but I still continued with my pursuit. At the end mortal coil got contaminated as result for messing with forces which brought about existence I got cursed by death my soul shall never pass through the cycle of reincarnation it was never like I was going to die jokes on them ,the heavens was banned me from life in the eternity and the chaos made me Lord of Nothingness . I was left in an accursed state shunned by death and life.

I became the Unhonoured One,Lord of Nothing but of all.

When I found this change was transferable it pained me ,my aura it seemed brought it about my beloved apprentice became a vampire.

Seeing that the change brought out nothing but darkness ,that everybody tries to hide in one's mind out in the open, I couldn't do that to my wife.

Letting my apprentice go with the curse in his blood turned out to be one of my biggest mistakes. I went into isolation and when I came back the vampire society grew into something to be reckoned with and their king my apprentice.As my time to stay in this realm was coming to end I created a new batch of vampires to infiltrate his court and act as a stone in his way for world domination.I left the progeny bloodline so that a new progenitor can be awakened to oppose my former apprentice rule

Am sorry ."