
Against The Tide

Mark comes from humble beginnings. Watch him go against the tide of heaven and ascend in the cultivation world!

Angry7919 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Unstoppable Gale

Chapter 10

Arriving home, he secluded himself for the rest of the night, keeping himself awake with his Qi, powering his body, trying to fully comprehend the technique. Although it was a lot more complicated with specific Qi pathways, timing, and power, the technique could dissolved down to a simple analogy, 'Transfer your Qi throughout the weapon to its tip, allowing you to send your Qi like an explosion through it, though only effective if it is embedded into the enemy, if not, it will cause a limited range blast, unlikely to hit or cause damage.'

Although exhausted, unable to use the technique completely, Mark spent the rest of the night memorizing the specific technique and pathways used to utilize the technique. 

Waking up, he continued working on the technique, and just general training with the spear, since he had no experience with it, basically just picking it up and swinging it around or trying to stab with it. 

Spending the next couple days filled with exhaustion and effort, he managed to get a lot better at the spear and the spear technique.

"Impaled Explosion," He spoke.

A tiny crack went off, like a firecracker, heavily muffled. Pulling away his spear from the tree, he saw a couple inch circle inside the middle, completely hollowed, filled with sawdust. 

With that went most of his Qi though, by his estimates, he could only use this technique thrice, until he almost collapsed.

At the next session of training, something that happened once every week, he showed off his technique to Elder Hao.

"Your comprehension abilities are quite good, even above average," Elder Hao continued, "With you gaining basic ability in fighting, you must fight something else though, one will not gain skill in fighting by hitting a tree all day," 

Waving his hand, he called Koji over,"You will start regular sparring with Koji, you to gain fighting experience," Turning to Koji, "You to have control over your strength," 

Koji clearly had an insulted expression, ready to refute, but held back knowing he couldn't win in an argument against his father.

"Yes Father," Koji said begrudgingly. 

Elder Hao, taking a second to look at Koji, returned his focus to the both of them, "You will begin sparring in a moment, take your positions across from each other, make sure to not go for killing moves Koji," 

Hearing that, Mark suddenly got a bit scared,

"Don't worry, the formation should heal you before you get seriously hurt," Elder Hao said to dissipate Mark's fears, with little effect. 

Koji almost instantly transferred to his starting position, realizing afterward that today he will have someone to fight against and win, usually simply getting every move dodged or blocked by his father.

In comparison, Mark slowly trotted over to his position, his spear firmly clenched in his hand, almost unable to stop shaking, but managing to get over it believing the truth in Elder Hao's words, he needed to fight to learn how to. 

Mark held out his spear in front of him, just a bit better than a child swinging a stick. 

They sat there for a second in complete silence, thinking of there next move before Elder Hao's voice interrupted,


Mark saw a flash in front of him, just barely up to lift up his spear a tiny bit before a force crashed into him, making an ear piercing clash sound, as well as sending Mark flying backwards, just barely able to keep his hand on his spear thanks to its natural abilities. 

Mark fell on his back on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood, just avoiding stabbing himself with his spear. 

Mark managed to endure, barely managing to stand back up with the support of his spear and the recovery formation. 

Looking over, he saw Koji, barely a blur, wielding a sword covered in a wind, although almost silent. He stood tall, anticipating Mark's next move.

After waiting for a while and not seeing any movement, Koji decided he needed to take the initiative. 

"Swift Gale Sword," Koji spoke almost silently, "Unstoppable Gale"

Mark saw Koji swing his sword forward, producing an unstoppable but slow, at least compared to cultivators, gale, destroying everything in its path with its wind. 

Immediately dismissing taking that hit like he did before, Mark quickly infused his legs, jumping to the side as quick as he could, leading into a quick sprint afterwards.

He ran as fast as could around the attack hearing the wind behind him. 

Koji stood there looking on in amusement, producing a snarl at his inferior opponent. 

Mark looked behind him to realize the wind was chasing him, although dissipating in power, it would still last long enough to kill him, it being slightly faster than him. 

Trying to get rid of it, he ran to a tree on the side of the clearing they were in, running behind it. 

It was futile, the wind simply ripping the tree to shreds, empowering the attack with multiple wooden shards being launched out, forcing Mark to Infuse his whole body to protect himself, leading to him exhausting himself. 

After trying to run away, eventually Mark ran out of energy collapsing, looking at his impending doom. 

Just as the Gale was about to reach him, he suddenly saw a figure drop down from the sky, waving his hand at the Gale, making it slowly reduce in intensity, before the items it collected like the grass and wood shards simply dropped to the ground. 

"I should have specified," Elder Hao spoke, "Use only your weapon Koji, this will not be a learning experience if you only win using a technique that only worked thanks to your superior cultivation.