
Against the Gods (Untold Tales)

This is a fanfiction of Against the Gods, letting us take a peek at the untold, erotic tales within the novel. This can involve the MC, side characters, and villains. It will be very smutty, be warned! This is just a fun side project for me. My primary novel is called Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples. Check it out if you want a sexy cultivation story. Join my discord for updates and to discuss the novel: https://discord.gg/dY5UApw Support the novel on patreon and get early access to chapters: https://www.patreon.com/kigreenwriting I am not actively writing this fanfic so updates are sparse but if you join patreon, you can make a special request for a chapter.

Kirbyisgreen · 書籍·文学
10 Chs

Punishing a Voyeur (Yun Che x Cang Yue x Xia Qingyue)


The cute shout was followed by scurrying footsteps as Xiao Lingxi fled for her life.

Yun Che and Cang Yue shared a hearty laugh between husband and wife. She was happy that she could share their intimate moment with someone dear to his heart. He was happy because… well which man wouldn't be happy in such a situation?

He pulled her up from the ground and rewarded her great work. He cleaned the mess he made on her face with a warm towel and also wiped the dust from her knees. Afterward, they fell onto the bed again. There were no pressing matters to attend to this morning.

"Yue'er, do you want to know something funny?" He asked as they cuddled.

She swatted his hands away from her breasts and laughed, "What?"

"My Little Aunt wasn't the only voyeur."

"What! Who else was watching?" She quickly covered her breasts with a pillow and looked around in fright.

"Hahaha," He laughed. He ripped that pillow away and started fondling her breasts again, "Don't worry. Out of all the people in the world, she is the only person that has the right to share a bedroom with the two of us."

"You mean…"

Yun Che nodded as he gathered his profound energy. In a flash, Star God's Broken Shadow activated and he disappeared from atop Cang Yue. In a split second, he leaped out of the open window and returned with a beautiful woman in tow.

"Let go!" Xia Qingyue complained.

She struggled lightly but she wasn't putting much effort into it.

Yun Che laughed and patted her ass, "My dear wife, if you wanted your husband's attention you should have asked me a long time ago, not sneakily watch your second sister and me all night and all morning."

"I did not!" She protested but the blush on her face gave her away.

Cang Yue came up to her and together with Yun Che, pulled her to the bed. "Sister Qingyue, we are now family. I am not a stingy woman and I won't put the desires of the first wife ahead of my own. Come!"

"No, that's not what I…"

Xia Qingyue tumbled onto the bed and the other two joined her. She tried to argue her way out of the situation but having been caught red-handed, she felt weak and confused. The final blow came as Yun Che told Cang Yue a story he had heard from Xia Yuanba a long time ago.

"Wow! Sister Qingyue, you did that with your brother?"

"What? No, I mean… yes, but…"

"Sister Qingyue, you're so cruel. You did so much for your dear brother but you won't do the same for your righteous husband?"

"Wait, what?"

Without bothering to respond, Cang Yue found Yun Che's semi-hard cock and gave it a few tugs for emphasis.

"Well? Come on, come perform your wifely duties." She said sternly.

Xia Qingyue sighed in exasperation and looked to Yun Che for help. But he simply nodded his head in agreement with Cang Yue.

"She's right. Yuanba got so many handjobs from you and I can't even get one? I know you can't lose your virginity and I'm not asking for that. After all that we've been through? How many enemies we've fought along the way? Plus, sneakily watching us for long, you deserve a little punishment!"

She stared at him for a long time. Finally, her shoulders softened and she smiled ruefully.

Seeing her stunning smile, Yun Che instantly became erect and excited.

Cang Yue clapped her hands and giggled, "Alright, husband, lay down and let your wives handle everything."

He did as he was told and watched as Xia Qingyue knelt between his legs. She wasn't a stranger to cock, having seen Xia Yuanba's as he was growing up. She finally grasped his shaft with a firm hand and began to gently rub up and down.

"Uhhh," He instantly felt the pleasure, "Qingyue, my wife, your hands are amazing."

Xia Qingyue managed another blush and then concentrated on her task. His cock felt nice in her hand. It wasn't a monster like her little brother's. It was much easier to work with. She started with one hand but eventually added two, steadily stroking him, milking him towards an inevitable end.

Yun Che was starting to squirm even as he was trying to avoid moaning too loudly. It simply felt too good and the thrill of getting his beautiful goddess wife to perform a sexual act with him was simply thrilling beyond reason.

"Wait," Cang Yue interrupted their joyous session, "Sister Qingyue, you can't just get him off with your hands and call it a day."

"…" Xia Qingyue shot her a heated glare.

Cang Yue didn't back down, "Xia Yuanba was your brother. Yun Che is your husband. They are different and they deserve differently. As a good wife, you must learn to take your husband into your mouth!"

"No way!"

"You must!"

Xia Qingyue flatly refused.

So Cang Yue went on the offensive. She went behind Xia Qingyue and pulled her arms back. She then pushed Xia Qingyue downward until Yun Che's swaying dick gently slapped against her cheek.

"Sister Cang Yue, I'm really going to be angry!"

Xia Qingyue could have escaped if she wanted to because she was so much stronger but she didn't want to hurt anyone. She simply used to her normal strength to make her displeasure clear.

"Let go. Hurry and let go… Mmmmph!"

All of a sudden, her mouth was stuffed full of something warm and fleshy. She looked up in shock to find that Yun Che had gotten up and was kneeling in front of her face… with his cock stuffed into her mouth!

"MMmmmm!" She screamed angrily and tried to spit him out.

However, this only lubricated his cockhead which allowed him to slide deeper into her mouth until he bumped against the back.


Even as she was shouting unheard curses and her bastard of a husband, Cang Yue also didn't let her go. She felt two small hands groping the front of her chest, digging into her soft breasts with determined little fingers.

"Qingyue, my dear wife…"

"Your mouth is amazing…"

Yun Che praised her over and over as he fucked her face with tiny thrusts. Each push opened her throat a little more until he was finally able to sink himself to the hilt.

"MmmmMMM!!" Xia Qingyue struggled to breathe and started punching his legs and his stomach.

He finally pulled back, leaving her gasping for air. But before she could recover enough to shout at him, he was back inside her. And all the while, Cang Yue continued to play with her breasts and nipples until she was rock hard. She even felt flashes of heat in between her legs which should have been impossible under any circumstance based on the Frozen Cloud Arts she cultivated.

Yun Che, meanwhile, was flying towards brilliant heaven. Xia Qingyue's mouth was so warm, so wet, and so soft. Her tongue was something that could drive gods mad. Naturally, he was already about to go crazy.

He couldn't last much longer. He was about to burst. He thrust inside her mouth one last time and with a loud shout, surrendered to ecstasy.

Waves upon waves of pleasure surged from his groin. Every muscle in his body squeezed and released in unison. The first jet of hot cum hit the back of her throat, making her flinch. The second load covered her tongue, forcing her to get a good taste of him. There was also a third, a fourth, and countless more until he was utterly spent and her mouth was overflowing with his seed.