
Against The Demons and Gods With My Beautiful Wives

-WORLD- My wife is a beautiful CEO Against the God Tale of Demons and Gods. The first part of the story would fixed on canon but the later part there would be many thing that changed from the canon

DizzMe · アニメ·コミックス
69 Chs

Chapter 51 Misunderstand

Mo Qianni looked at Yang Chen with an angry expression on her beautiful face. 

Her eyes narrowed, and her lips formed a tight line as she confronted him. The tension in the room was apparent, as if a storm was brewing between them. 

"What did you just say? Are you kidding me?!"

Mo Qianni came back to him with a blank application so that he could fill it out. She couldn't find his resume anywhere. And now she knew that truth.

He didn't come here to apply for the job, but she came here to pursue her CEO! And he said that he was her husband too! The audacity of this man. The good impression she had of him had gone out the window. 

She couldn't believe she had wasted her time and energy on someone who had fooled around like this.

"But it's the truth. If you don't believe me, you can confirm it with Ruoxi. I am really her husband."

Yang Chen sighed. How could nobody believe a good man like him? Did the unlucky god have a personal vendetta against him?

Mo Qianni became even more angry as the man still dared to spout such nonsense. She crossed her arms and glared at him, her anger boiling over. 

"I don't need to confirm anything with her. I know the truth, and it's clear that you're nothing but a liar."

She exclaimed, her voice filled with annoyance. She knew Lin Ruoxi very well, as they grew up together. That girl would never interest herself in a man. Her partner was her work. 

"I am not a liar. And would it kill you just to call her for a bit? I am sure that you will know the truth."

"I will not call her. Do you think she is as free as someone like you?"

"Oh, come on. Just call her for god sake. Or else I am going to barge in."

"Barge in? Then I will call security!"

Yang Chen shook his head. He knew that Lin Ruoxi was not one to easily let people into her personal life, especially when it came to relationships, and he understood Mo Qianni. But everything had its limit. He wasted too much time here already.

He thought about something, then suddenly made a shocking face and pointed toward the entrance door to the office.

"Look! There's a weird naked man coming inside the office!"


Yang Chen pointed behind her, and Mo Qianni actually fell for such a simple trick. Yang Chen moved quickly. His body turned into black smoke. He swiftly disappeared from sight.

Mo Qianni didn't see anyone; she then realized that she had been tricked! She looked back at Yang Chen to find that he was already gone!

"You dare!"

Mo Qianni then called security. She was sure that Yang Chen must have gone to Lin Ruoxi's office. She must protect her friend at all costs!

Yang Chen reached where Lin Ruoxi's office should be. He then opened the door to come in.

The moment he entered, Yang Chen noticed a familiar smell. The air was filled with a faint smell of jasmine, warm yet refreshing. This reminded Yang Chen of Lin Ruoxi.

The entire CEO office was unusually big—way over 100 square meters—and formed a semi-circle. The circular side was all clean, floor-to-ceiling windows from end to end, which allowed the hustle and bustle of the city to be seen from any spot. The thin, white, translucent curtains blew along with the wind from the AC.

On the floor was a soft Mediterranean wool carpet with diverse and archaic designs. Several bonsai trees were placed on the table and corners of the room, while the entire office's lights helped to complement it.

The crystal chandelier on the ceiling was also a rare collector's item; its exquisite workmanship refracted all the light rays into the office with a dazzling luster and brought threads of magnificence and mysticism into the whole room.

Several silver-coated metal bookshelves filled with design books covered the room. Next to the shelves, a huge mahogany desk could be seen. Except, at this moment, behind that desk, the seat of the "CEO" was empty.

"Where is she?"

As soon as he said that, at the right side of the office, a door leading to a rest room had opened, a person elegantly walked out of that door.

And it was Lin Ruoxi, She saw that someone was inside her office without her permission. She couldn't help but speak coldly without even looking properly at who it was. 

"Who are you? Why are you inside my office without permission?"

Yang Chen heard that, and he felt Deja Vu. He quickly said,.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to, but I have to see you as soon as possible."

"Yang Chen?"

Lin Ruoxi was surprised. She didn't think it would be him. And she also felt Deja Vu as she heard the apologetic tone. She then remembered about yesterday.

"N—No, I didn't know it was you. You are my husband, so you can come and go to any place that I am in without permission," 

Lin Ruoxi quickly replied. She didn't want to be misunderstood again.

Yang Chen smiled in relief. 

"Thank you for understanding, Ruoxi. I promise I will tell you beforehand every time. But I don't have your number yet. Oh, and this is your breakfast. Sorry, something happened, and I brought it to you late. I will warm it with my Qi."

Lin Ruoxi looked at the food box that he brought with him. He started to warm it with his Qi. Even though she couldn't see it clearly, she could feel it.

It was warm and gentle. Lin Ruoxi couldn't help but feel touched by Yang Chen's care. She realized that, despite their differences, he truly cared for her well-being.

And as Yang Chen was warming the food for Lin Rouxi, Mo Qianni and the security guards came in.

"That man! Arrest him. Don't let him do anything to the CEO!"

Mo Qianni ordered as she pointed at Yang Chen. The security guards quickly surrounded him, ready to apprehend him and protect Lin Ruoxi.

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