

Huo Ling and Yi Bing found Ye Ting crouching under the bench while Jack was staring at him. "Why is Jack here?!" Huo Ling cried in alarm. He was about to run to Ye Ting when Yi Bing stopped him.

"Calm down." Yi Bing said, grabbing the tail of Huo Ling's soul. He can't help but remember for a moment how he also held Huo Ling like a kite. "Both cannot remember their death." He told Huo Ling. "This is common." He said.

"Really?!" Huo Ling said.

Yi Bing stared at Jack and Ye Ting before he took out his Death Note. Then, his eyes widened in surprise. "Jack and Ye Ting's karma to each other ends here." He said as they watched Jack looked at Ye Ting with a confused gaze while Ye Ting was crying like a child underneath the bench.

"What?!" Huo Ling said in shock. "How did that happen?!" he asked.