
After Z

5 years have passed since a biological weapon was released on the U.S. leaving the western half of the country as an apocalyptic disaster zone. Zombies known as Zeaks are the main enemy, however enemies can be found everywhere in this world. Follow Zulu team and other reclamation teams to take back LA as the largest metropolitan area that was infected. Unravel their history and discover their futures, if they still have one.

Monty_christo · 都市
12 Chs

10. Zeak are better

As the team approached they could hear grunting, laughing, and even something being hit. The were able to locate a small grate that made them lay on the ground to get a good look. Cap set Brook and Frank as security as he surveyed the room.

Two guards at the front. He could easily spot where these people kept their weapons and food supplies. That should make things easy he thought. Next he spotted the bunks. Most either had people sleeping or resting. A few had some young women tied to them. All of them had a dead look in their eyes as men took turns grunting as the mounted them. Cap could feel the rage like an inferno in his chest. Zeak are better than these monsters. As he continued his recon he noticed a ring, most likely for settling disputes or entertainment. In it was the woman who escaped during the first contact. She was getting the living hell beat out of her for running instead of fighting. The man fighting her was the boss or so Cap assumed. It didn't really matter he intended to kill all of them. He passed several smoke grenades to Brook and signaled to wait for his signal. Brook got to work unbolting the grate so he could drop the grenades when ready. It also gave him a great shooting position as the smoke would fall in the sleeping and entertainment areas leaving him a clean shot at anyone going for the weapons. Clearly these guys were amateurs.

Cap and Frank continued forward. As they reached a turn they found another cain link door, this one wasn't locked. Probably to sneak back behind attackers if they came in guns blazing. Again Frank was relieved Duke was elsewhere. Only one guard was posted and was quickly killed with a knife through his heart and a hand over his mouth. His muffled gasp wasn't even close to loud enough to get someone's attention.