

Alexa's pov

We spent the rest of our night hours locked up in the scary house, and we were still hanging there in the morning. We had tried breaking out the whole night, but it was futile. The locks of the house were strong that we had given up. None of us was able to grasp any sleep despite the fact we were very tired. We instead sat on the cold floor, awaiting our judgment for trespassing into the remote territory.

Later after, the door banged open, startling us. We stood up quickly and waited nervously. The three scary lads from the maze stepped inside. They were still hiding their faces under their devil-like masks.

"Are you here to release us?" Jona spoke first.

"No." The huge scary lad responded

"Then why are you here?" I asked angrily. I was already getting fed up with them.

"And who the hell are you anyway?" Billy asked...

"The ghost devils." The other scary lad responded...

"Ghost devils! What are ghost devils?" Billy asked

"You ask a lot of questions, young man. I am not here to answer your questions. So, you are going to shut up." The huge lad spoke.

"Why are you hiding your faces? If you are the devils, you can't be cowards, or maybe you are just lying." Billy spoke, ignoring the warning. He was always the bravest and most stubborn.

"Billy, come on! Stop talking back at him." I said.

"No, Alexa. Why can't they just show their faces if they are the devils?" Billy responded.

"I think they are just bluffing." He added.

"Bluffing! " The third scary lad exclaimed deeply.

"Yes, I said bluffing dumbass," Billy yelled back.

"Okay. We will show you our faces, and you will tell us if we are bluffing, brave boy." The huge lad said and pulled off his mask. The other two did the same.

"Oooh, my God.!" That was all of us exclaiming in surprised tones, followed by sharp screams.

Under the devil-like masks were real demon faces buried there. Red glowing eyes, long curved horns on the forehead, a wide mouth with long sharp teeth, and an exaggerated long nose with a small horn on it.

They looked scary.

"Do you still think we are bluffing?" The huge ghost devil asked and took a few threatening steps forward. I frowned at everyone and saw the shock on their faces. Kyra was already crying while Malachi was pissing himself.

"No...no...you are not bluffing. I believe you, and I apologize for my rude behaviour. " Billy spoke in a shaking voice. He looked scared now that the huge ghost devil was standing an inch from him.

"Well." The huge ghost devil said and turned to Kyra, standing beside Malachi.

"Have you ever had of the saying that " demons do not like cowards that much?" He asked, tapping on Kyra's shoulder. Kyra nodded her head in disagreement.

"What about you, fear boy? You even shitted on your pants." The huge ghost asked, then laughed hysterically. He was doing the talking as the other ghost devils stood just behind him. I presumed he could be the leader or their master.

"You know, for a girl, I can understand. Women have these weak hearts, but for you, a man...I do not get it." He continued talking.

"I dislike men who are cowards." He added and, without warning, grabbed Malachi and lifted him. Malachi shrieked out.

"I just told you that I despise men who are cowards. Why the heck are you screaming?"

"I...I am.....so.....sorry." Malachi said with trembling lips, and again without warning, the ghost devil threw him over the wall so forcefully that the wall cracked. Malachi screamed again, and the ghost devil started walking toward him.

"I am sorry. I will not scream again." Malachi talked rapidly before the ghost devil reached him.

"Don't kill him." Kyra began begging. She was staring at the ghost devil, punching Malachi all over his body.

"You guys are so stupid. So naive. You are already dead. What makes you think you can die again, girl?" He asked, turning to Kyra

"I....i....." Kyra swallowed her words.

"You free ghosts are so stupid." He said and grabbed Kyra, and knocked her to the floor.

"You can't kill us. What do you want with us?" Billy asked

"You are right. We can't kill you....but we can trap you." The ghost devil responded.

"Why would you want to do that?" Robby asked.

"You know what I hate about you? It's the fact that you are free ghosts. You can do whatever you wish. You can transmigrate between the two worlds while we are trapped here. In the maze." The ghost devil explained. I could read anger in his tone.

"But you can't blame that on us. We are not the ones who trapped you in the maze." Billy said.

"You are still the ones to blame. Suppose you stop acting less evil. Stop pretending like you have souls like you are more human. Then we would all be trapped here, or maybe we could all be free. Who knows. "He spoke rapidly and furiously. I was not even aware of what he was talking about.

"It's not our fault that you chose to be evil. You don't get to blame us for your choices...bad choices." Robby said confidently, and the ghost devil punched his face hard. Robby lost his balance and fell to the floor.

"You don't get to talk back at me. I am a ghost devil while you are weak free ghosts." The ghost devil said.

"You stay here, and tonight we are going to trap you. You will become one of us." He said and started walking away.

"What do you want from us in exchange for our freedom?" I asked, and the ghost devil stopped walking and turned to me

"Nothing, pretty lady. You can't give me anything. You are just filthy losers." He said and continued walking away. Before they stepped out, they returned their masks, walked away, and locked us up again.

"Shit!" I exclaimed.

"Guys, are you okay?" I asked, looking at Malachi and Kyra, then Robby. They were still sitting restlessly on the floor.

"I am okay," Robby responded.

"We are good too," Malachi said.

"I am not okay. I want to get the hell out of this place. I don't want to be here." Kyra spoke.

"Hey, K, no one wants to here...but we can't do anything to save ourselves. Those ghost devils are very strong." I said

"I don't want to get trapped here. I don't want to become a ghost demon. " Kyra said, sobbing.

"I also don't want that. We are going to find a way out." I said and hugged her, although I knew very well that there was no way out. We were already trapped.


We were still sitting down on the cold floor of the scary house. It was about two hours since the ghost devils walked away. Kyra was still leaning on me. Robby and Jona were standing by the door as if they were waiting for it to miraculously open. Billy was hanging around Malachi.

Soon after, the door flew open, and as usual, we quickly got onto our feet as Robby and Jona stepped back. We waited patiently for the ghost devils to step in.

"They are going to trap us, aren't they?" Kyra spoke, shaking.

"They said tonight, not now," I responded.

"Maybe they changed their minds. I think they are going to trap us right now." Malachi said.

"Guys, let's wait and see," I said, trying to sound less worried.

"It's not the ghost devils. " Jona said and took two more steps backwards, and so did Robby.

"What is it?" I asked

"A trapped soul," Billy said, looking through the door and then walking towards the door. We all followed behind him.

"What is a trapped soul doing in the Devil's territory?" I asked.

"I don't know," Billy responded. Before anyone said another word, the trapped soul appeared. It was roaming freely in the air.

"Kelly?" That was Kyra talking. She was staring at the roaming ghost.

"What do you mean, Kelly?" Malachi asked curiously

"It's Kelly, guys. Look at her. It's her." Kyra responded, and we all focused on the ghost's face.

"Ooh, God. It's her." I exclaimed surprisingly. It was truly Kelly.

"Kelly?" Malachi called.

"Yes. Malachi." Kelly spoke in a deep voice. She sounded tremendously deep.

"What are you doing here, K?" Robby asked.

"Freeing you," Kelly responded.

"Freeing us? How did you know we were here?" Kyra asked

"I used my special abilities. I knew you guys were in trouble."

"What special abilities?" Kyra asked.

"Mom helped me discover mine. You will someday discover your sister. Just like them." She responded.

"Anyway, you all need to run away now. You don't have a lot of time. Come on! Get the hell out now." She added.

We hurriedly started walking outside but then stopped at the door. In front of us were the three ghost devils.

"Shit!" I exclaimed.

"Well, well, well done." The huge ghost devil said, clapping.

"What do we do, Kelly?" Billy asked.

"I knew a trapped soul might show up. That's what they do, sticking their noses too deep into our business. They can't mind their business." The huge ghost devil said, looking at Kelly, who was still roaming in the air.

"Get the stupid trapped soul." He commanded, and the other ghost Devil's stepped into the front.

One of the ghosts Devil lifted his hands in the air, and immediately a long chain extended from his hand to where Kelly was. He then enclosed Kelly in the chain, tying her body tight, and then moved her slowly to the ground.

"Kelly! Kelly! " Kyra called, crying.

"Guys, you gotta run fast. You need to get away from here. " Kelly spoke.

"What about you, Kelly?" Malachi asked.

"I'll be fine. You guys just go."

"Don't listen to the stupid trapped woman. You can't leave the maze. You are already trapped." The huge ghost devil said.

"You can. Just leave now." Kelly said.

"We already tried leaving before, but it wasn't working. We can't leave the maze." Robby spoke.

"Each time we tried to leave, we ended up in the same spot," Jona added.

"I got rid of the spellbound they used to lock the maze. You can walk away freely." Kelly said, and immediately the ghost Devil's face saddened.

"What did you just say?" The huge ghost devil asked.

"You heard me."

"Shit! You moron!" The ghost devil exclaimed sadly.

"And you can't follow them 'cause I enclosed you here. You can't step out of this area until the boundary spell wears off....and that could take a day or two." Kelly spoke, then laughed hysterically.

"You will pay for this. You will be the one to get trapped on their behalf." The ghost devil said angrily and dipped his long nails into Kelly's neck. Kelly screamed.

"Kelly?" Kyra shouted.

"What are you waiting for? You should be gone by now." Kelly spoke.

"The spell that unlocked the maze will be wearing off in minutes," she added, looking at her wrist. It was like she could read time from her naked wrist.

"You only have five minutes before the maze closes again. Suppose you don't go now. You will be trapped again." She warned.

"We need to go," Billy said and began walking away.

"Thank you, Kelly," Jona said.

"Guys go," Kelly commanded.

"Goodbye, Kelly," Malachi said, and Kelly nodded her head.

"Kelly! You should come with us." Kyra said.

"No. I can't.... And stop talking and leave now. You got three minutes.".

"K, we gotta go now," I said and grabbed Kyra's hand.

"Goodbye, sister," Kyra said

"Goodbye, sister," Kelly responded, and we all stormed away after I shouted a thank you to her.
