
Save Gaara (4)

I tried my best to push her from the critical point, but the enemy's attack still managed to scrap her face, as blood spurted into the air, Tenten fell hard on the ground, screamed at the damage she bore. I immediately knelt before her, holding her body from squirming too much as I hovered my hand above her face.


The blood stopped pouring, and the gaping wound gradually closed up with amazing speed, although she was as red as a tomato, I still could see she was missing a nose; if not for me around, she would have died at this moment.


Following my second spell, the missing nose spurted back from their original spot, now she restored to her previous appearance, it just like she had been splashed by a red paint merely.

"Abe, I..." Tenten knew she was gravely injured before, and she had difficulty to breathe, but no more than a few seconds, the painful encounter passed away, she looked at me with complicated eyes, perhaps she thought how many time I had saved her at the current battle.

I smiled at her, and then looked toward the enemy, Neji, Rock Lee, and Might Guy had stood in front to shield us from the danger, my eyes went further, and saw what's left of Sasori, I didn't know if these words couldn't be more irony, because what I saw was no longer human.

The red-haired Sasori... other than his head, the rest of his body was just a puppet, his stomach revealed its inside, but instead of looking his intestines, I saw a sturdy rope with a sharp pole at the end, it's the thing that attacked Tenten before. He also had 10 blades, each five for respective sides. This guy, he modified his own body and achieved immortality by transforming it into a puppet, no wonder he looked so young and could become Akatsuki's member.

"I commend you for successfully pushing me into this state, it's been quite a while, but everything is over," Sasori said with cold, greyish eyes, his killing intent soared to the sky. Then he took out two scrolls behind his back, and the moment he activated it, dozens of dolls with a variety of weapons and red cloak were summoned, swarming his surrounding area.

I could feel the rising tension in the atmosphere, for me itself, I didn't expect Sasori to be this hassle, from his artificial body to those puppets of his, the member of the Akatsuki really was not someone you could underestimate. Although Tenten and the others didn't show it, I knew they were feeling horror, they had been fighting for so long, they must have been tired.

"What should we do now? Should we just take Garaa and make a run for it?" Tenten worriedly said, due to her experience of close to dying, she couldn't help but feel very nervous.

Right now, the best option was indeed to run, there was no need to stay and prolonged the fight, we had rescued Garaa after all.

I looked over to Garaa's position, and I noticed something, where was the dragon that Deidara summoned before? I didn't remember it was falling on the ground after I delivered that fatal blow, was it automatically disappeared after his death? Or was it run away? Why would a clay doll run away?

"Oh, shit!" I quickly traveled to the doll bird's position, I saw it had a hole on the top of its head, and nothing inside, my heartbeat rapidly thumped.

"Deidara has carried away your precious one tail, it's fun sometimes to play a fool," Sasori said with a little smile.

Play a fool? Don't tell me... Sasori deliberately exposed a weakness and let himself got beaten, then when we thought we had won, he struck Tenten immediately, his intention wasn't to kill her, but draw my attention, he must have known I had special treatment for her as I repeatedly came to her rescue whenever she was in a pinch.

This was... we had been tricked by him, like a puppeteer set up his scenario.

I looked at Sasori, the cruel smirk on his face showed his triumph win over us, even Tenten and the others finally figured it out that we were losing, the only option now was to look for Deidara and kept Sasori at bay, so even if we couldn't find Deidara, we still had Sasori as the key to find him or the other Akatsuki.

"You guys, go after Deidara, there is no time!" I quickly appeared beside them.

"You are going to fight alone again?! Abe that's..."

I grabbed Tenten's shoulder, said, "Tenten, they need to capture the Bijuu definitely has a purpose, and for that, we cannot let them succeed, tracking Deidara and retrieve Garaa is the most urgent now, the more people look for him, the better, but someone has to stay behind and capture Sasori, he is our only chance to get information about Akatsuki!"

Tenten bit her lips, then she nodded, with a clenched fist, she immediately left with Neji, Lee, and Guy to chase after Deidara,

Lee: Don't die, dude, let's fight after we come back to the village!

Neji: (nodded)

Guy: If things get tough, don't force yourself.

Now, it was only me and Sasori, along with his puppets, or so I thought.

"Alright, you can get out from the ground now, I know you are never leaving, Deidara," the corner of my lips lifted upward.

"Didn't I say you he's already leaving?" Sasori said with a deadpanned face.

"And I should trust you, why?" I wrinkled my eyebrows, then continued to say, "the time between your attack and Deidara 'leaving' is just too short, you seriously think in that gap, Deidara can leave behind without leaving a trace?"

"Who knows, his creation sometimes can bring out surprise..."

I didn't waste time chat with this puppet anymore, I felt my mana burst out from every spore of my bodies, I said, "Detect."

Immediately I could feel every lifeforce in my surrounding area, the scope I put was also very large and covered even below the ground beneath my feet.

"Travel!" I immediately skipped from my spot and appeared on the empty area several meters in my southwest, then I spread my palm and placed it on the ground, said, "Dig!"

In the instant, a big circular hole appeared on the surface of the ground, exposing Garaa and Deidara who silently had been hiding, I could see the surprise on Deidara's face, he was actually quite pale, and the nose also mouth dripping with blood, probably from my last attack.

"Damn it!" Deidara tried to move out, I grabbed my kunai and aimed it toward him, but it got deflected by Sasori as he furiously sent his dolls toward me at the moment, it's like seeing a tide of a red flood.

Deidara managed to retreat into the safe distance, but he was clearly out of breath, glad to know that my attack was truly taken a toll on him.

Looking at the dozens of puppets in red, I threw my kunai into the air, then I spread open my legs, forming a triangle with both hands, and my eyes peeked through the inside, looking at the kunai, I said, "Big!"

The once kunai only as big as half of my forearm, it grew in size, rapidly achieved four times bigger than me!

I held the kunai with ease, despite the weight supposedly overwhelmed me, it didn't affect the burden of my body even slightly, I twirled the gigantic kunai, then with a grin, I channeled my Qi into the blade, the already humongous weapon now had a longer blade, it was so long that it reached to the wall of the cave, precisely covering the diameter of the area.

Looking at this, neither Sasori nor Deidara ever looked so calm anymore, both had terror in their face.

"Time to end this fight!" I jumped into the air, then rotated the kunai in clock direction, the surge of the red puppets swallowed by the Qi blade, Deidara was swallowed by the Qi blade, and Sasori was also the same, everything around me, was disintegrated. disappeared in a puff of smokes.

planned harem








Every worlds will only have 7 women at most, cos there are only 7 days...

TricksterDrasvelcreators' thoughts