
After Tomorrow

The stars are bright tomorrow, the stars are bright, civilizations are countless ..... This is the Moon One base, with an unpredictable super-explosion, the Earth split in two, the survivors drove the moon found alien spacecraft, named: Noah, was forced to open a journey to the stars ~!

yanping_zhang · SF
160 Chs

Chapter 105: Mysterious Gravitational Source

The way to use this alien creation is very simple, just input different parameters, it will pop up different screen results. Interesting, very interesting ...Oliver kept experimenting, as if playing with a fresh toy.

All kinds of images, full of alternative astronomical beauty, because the object of its observation is gravitational waves, which look like a ripple-like radiation source.

In fact, human beings are in the midst of such superimposed gravitational waves. They cannot be seen or touched, but they are real. The gravitational force is the weakest of the four fundamental forces. The gravitational force between two protons is only 1/"1.235*10^36" of the electromagnetic force between them, which is almost negligible.

But on a macroscopic scale, gravity becomes the only force that governs the motion of celestial bodies.

The strongest gravitational force is so strong that it far exceeds the strong interaction, and even light cannot break free, and even neutron stars can be torn apart!

It has to be said that it is a miracle of accumulation, from the smallest to the largest, from the weakest to the strongest. Gravity can be said to be the typical struggle of ** silk towards the peak of life.

Even people like Wade, who don't understand science, are immersed in the beautiful picture.

Oliver found that the telescope can even clearly "see" hundreds of millions of light-years away, but also from the picture can roughly estimate the object's mass, size and distance.

But because the gravitational waves are too weak, the machine still has its limits. The farther the distance, the higher the computer's computational capacity and the quality of the observed object is required.

After a simple test, hundreds of millions of light years away, only stars, neutron stars, black holes and other such massive sources can be observed, and can not do anything for other small and insignificant planets.

The closer the distance, the higher the accuracy of the measurement, within a light year can even "see" small meteorites and comets!

But the telescope has a big flaw, compared to the radio telescope, it can not see the specific picture, only a ripple-shaped dots instead. In other words, it can only observe the location of the target as well as the state of motion.

Well ... anyhow, it is countless times clearer than human telescopes, at least human telescopes, can not "see" anything blocked by the planet ...

"The green light civilization's ship is very large, the mass should not be small, and relatively close to us ... should be able to clearly observe." Professor Thomson said cautiously as he listed a series of data on the screen.

Oliver nodded: "Try it then, what is the mass of Sedna's star?"

It was time to get down to business, they had spent so much effort to monitor the green light civilization ships.

This is the important thing, people do not have any sense of security if they cannot see each other's ships.

"Sedna star mass level, should be around 10^20 kg. And the Greenlight civilization's ship, because we don't know the specific material and the related structure, the mass can't be accurately estimated ..."

Professor Thomson pondered for a moment and wrote down a line of data on the paper, "Its diameter is at 150 kilometers, tentatively think ... its overall density is slightly lighter than water, and the mass level is probably around 10^14-10^16 kg. It shouldn't be as light as Noah anyway."

The object of observation for this telescope would be at least tens of billions of tons to start with, or 10^11 kg. A ship like Noah, which is huge and has a mass of only a few million tons, is too small to be observed for sure.

Oliver according to Professor Thomson, enter the relevant parameters, hit the enter key, this time the appearance of thousands of celestial bodies!

This includes a bunch of meteorites after the Earth exploded and the Moon was torn apart ... Well, the solar system does have so many small objects with masses distributed between 10^14-10^20 kg.

It took the crowd a minute to easily find the source of gravity represented by Sedna's star, and then ...

There is no more! No more of that ship!

"What's going on?"

Just for an instant, Oliver felt a chill in his back. He instantly thought of something not so good, could it be that the ship had deliberately hidden? Or had ... already left Sedna Star?

Failure! The gravitational wave telescope they had given high hopes had failed! Wade and the others were also clenching their fists and their foreheads were in a cold sweat, what did the disappearance of the alien ship ... mean?

Just the other day, people can no longer see that ship through infrared light, that is, the alien ship has been repaired. If it was deliberately hidden, humans would have lost its view and could only see it when it was very close!

"Are you sure this is the planet Sedna?" Oliver asked with some incredulity.

"Yes ... this is indeed Sedna's star, it should be it!" Several people confirmed several times again and again, this kind of common sense of astronomy, they could not be wrong.

"But what about the spaceship? Where's the alien ship!"

Wade had shouted out sharply, he did not see the other smaller circle.

Yes, by all rights, there should be a smaller gravitational source, the huge alien ship!

Where did it go?

The crowd searched the image several times and really didn't see a suitable smaller circle near Sedna's star. And the image, hundreds of small gravitational sources, it is not clear which one is an alien ship and which is a meteorite.

A bad chill rose from his heart, and Oliver was so anxious that his sweat stood on end, he even wanted to give an emergency order!

"... may be the problem of the search range?" Professor Thomson was also incredulous, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Could it be that ... they are too close together and the gravitational forces are stacked on top of each other? It's possible ..."

The crowd spent another hour to start targeted exclusion, eliminating those small gravitational sources one by one, and indeed ... found no suspicious traces!

"They are meteorites, not alien ships. Maybe that's it, the gravitational force of the two stacked together, and the alien ship is still staying on Sedna."

After checking these, many members of the Sheriff's Department all sent a sigh of relief in unison, which might be an explanation for one, but it did not completely reassure the crowd. After spending so much time and effort, there was still no observation of the alien ship, making the crowd feel a little helpless.

Professor Thomson added: "Gravitational waves also travel at the speed of light, which means that what we saw was almost 12 hours ago. If it breaks away from Sedna, we must be able to observe a small circle ... Yes, that must be it."

Oliver frowned tightly, which could not be helped. In a vast universe, the lag of information is inevitable. In fact, humans just don't have to see it coming toward Mars ...

The situation has not yet developed to the worst, he slightly reassured, patted Wade's shoulder: "Wade, here is left to you, be sure to 24-hour all-round monitoring, if anything directly notify me."

At the same time he turned his head and said, "Professor Thomson, you are responsible for the maintenance of this telescope, no problem, right?"

Wade immediately saluted and replied solemnly. But Professor Thomson seemed to freeze, his eyes looked straight at the observation image, his voice stiffened and said, "Something is not right!"

Hearing him say that, Oliver and Wade both immediately tensed up, "What's wrong?"

Professor Thomson seemed to be frozen, kept calculating for a long time, and finally slowly spoke, "I just adjusted the parameters and expanded the search range ... you see!"

The crowd looked up in confusion, only to see ... a small orb appearing near Sedna's star, close to its close proximity. But its gravitational strength, more than ten times that of Sedna's star!

Professor Thomson said dumbly, "This is ... a green light civilization ship? Is the mass of the other side too big? Bigger than Sedna's star?!"

"A mass of 10^21 kg! This ... can't be!"

Professor Thomson's face was sweating as if he was talking to himself, "I mean, this ship has a mass ten times greater than that of the Sydna star?! This is absolutely impossible!"