

A loud neigh woke Fen from his slumber cousing one sleepy eye to half open before sagging shut again.

"No give me another year to sleep I might be ready by then." He half whispered from his makeshift bed of pillows and blankets tightly packed to ward off the Autumn chill threatening to invade the carriage he slept in. Another neigh followed by the cart stopping finally forced Fen to raise his head to view the horse through the gap in the curtain separating the couch and cabben while his dark brown hair stuck up in all directions indicating he'd slept on his face. The two stared at each other while Fen fought the yern to sleep his missmached left eye glowed a deep purple as oppose to his green right eye, both competing in the stare off against the horse.

"Good morning Sasha." Silence followed by Sasha flicking her head to the sky, Fen followed to see the sun perched at its highest point.

"Good afternoon Sasha." A snort was his only response as Sasha resumed pulling the cart along the gravil road. With a slight snicker Fen pulled himself out of bed and changed into some travelling clothes before sliding into the coach seat at the front of the cart.

The duo stayed in silence enjoying the view of trees passing by and birds chirping till Sasha flicked her tail into Fens face. Letting out another sigh Fen retrieved the map stored in his inventory and began browsing its contents.

"looks like theres a river about an hour away think you can make it there for a rest?" A neigh followed by an increase to the carts speed acted as her answer. Fen smiled and closed his eyes willing his level to appear before him.

Fen - lvl 139


*Horse (Sasha) - lvl 23

Not bad he thought considering the highest human normally reach is 45 and horses are lucky to be level 5. In many countries he'd visited most people told him that it was a waste of exp to have anyone non human in your party as exp is shared by 50% to the killer and 50% devided between all party members, so if you wanted to lvl up solo was the best. But Fen had heard a roumer that every level increases a horse lifespan by a year and wanted to test it. In time he'd left Sash in his party while he challenged dungeons till she started to understand him and not in the normal way of animals listening to commands but actually knowing whats being said. Fen believed that with her level her intelligence increased as well but that was only speculation. This was reason enough for him to leave her in his party as he wasn't to fussed on the exp anyway mostly due to nothing being able to scratch him.

Another neigh as the cart stopped Fen opened his eyes to see Sasha glaring at him.

"I was looking at our levels, not sleeping." Silence as the glare continued.

"Was I snoring hmmmmm?" Fen could have sworn Sasha gritted her teeth before she started unhooking herself from the cart using her mouth. A clear lake with lush green grass fell in front of them a stark difference to the forests Trees. Fen guesses every traveller who took this route stopped here for the night or to rest their horses, the perfect place to set up if you wanted to raid them.

As if on que 6 men walked out of the forest wearing basic adventurers gear with swords more threatening than useful. Sence preasance told Fen there were 4 more in the trees probably with bows aimed just in case.

"Well well well what do we have here?" Fen presumed this was the leader as his armor looked only slightly better than the others and he was the only one carrying a shield.

"Just a lone traveler with nothing of value worth stealing so if you'll be on your way that would be great." Fen replied in a casual tone.

Laughter broke out from the men while the leader smiled creapely.

"Ha you can think that all you want but you yourself are valuable, Slaves fetch quite a nice profit if their in good condition and horses to. I'd say we hit quite the jackpot since you've got no guards right boys?" The men cheared while Sasha finished unhooking herself and strode off to the grass, her job was to pull the cart and occasionally (every morning) wake Fen up when he's asleep, fighting was Fens job. Apparently the leader thought she was running away as he ordered two of his men to get her. They didn't make it far as their bodies fell to the ground a dagger loged in each of their throats.

"What the?" Surprise spread across his face as he watched his men's blood fade into the ground. Fen meanwhile pulled out a piece of paper with a picture of a man with the words wanted written in big red letters.

"This wouldn't happen to be you would it?" Fen asked a smug smile as he showed them the wanted poster. The leader swore then yelled at his men to attack but it was to late. Fen had used this time to cast 2 spells slow time allowing him to move 60% faster and blink a short range teleport.

He appeared in front of one of the men fist already in motion breaking armor, skin, muscle before crushing the man heart against his rib cage. Fens other hand was already throwing a dagger tipped with a weak narcotic before he'd removed his fist, spinning in the air coming to rest in the leaders thigh putting him out of the fight. Two left.

Snatching the bandits sword before it hit the ground he danced around the remaining men parrying and blocking but not attacking, almost seeming to enjoy being able to fight. Annoyed at the fact Fen was still standing the leader yelled to his four remaining men hidden in the woods.

"Archers kill him!" Arrows rained down on the swordsmen Fen smiled already knew they were coming and danced around them some missing by only millimeters. The bandits he was fighting weren't so lucky as one fell instantly to an arrow in his chest while the other howled from the barbed tip sticking out of his shoulder. The bandit dropped his sword in an attempt to pull the arrow out, he didn't get far as Fen took his head off while still dancing around new arrows flying around. Fen finally stopped as the last arrow landed right beside his foot, a smile eched into his face while he held 4 arrows one between each of his fingers.

"You guys run out or something." He taughted to the leader before muttering a spell under his breath, the arrows in his hand glowed faintly before he threw them into the air.

"Seek." The leader stared in disbelief as the arrows launched themselves into the trees each with a different target followed by a few bodies hitting the ground.

"Please have mercy." Was all he could mutter as a demon casually walked up to him. Fen pulled the wanted poster from his pocket again.

"Greg Salton Wanted for stealing, forced slavery and murder." Fens eyes were cold as his left eye glowed purple. Greg's mouth flew open but no words came out he needed something anything to plead his case and he fell on a broken record.

"Please have mercy." Fen grabbed Greg's head with both hands.

"You didn't show them mercy so why should you receive any." A loud snap rang through the area as Fen walked away from the corpse who's neck was bent at a weird angle.

Sasha looked quietly at Fen as he turned the wanted poster over and read the story of a man who did everything he could to get his wife back from slavery from working 3 jobs to selling family relics only to receive her broken from the slave whips and malnutrition all because she wanted to travel on this road 4 weeks ago. Lighting a fire in his fingers Fen watched the poster burn while muttering a prayer to those families and lives Grag ruined, watching him lost in the moment Sasha returned to her grazing.