
After The World's Recalibration: The Master Of Doors (prototype)

With the help of the gods, humans on the brink of extinction from their pointless wars have been given another chance to redeem themselves, and with the restrictions on earth gone the planet is open to invasions from other worlds. Heroes emerge in New Earth to stand against their foes. While the gods prepare to face an unknown for lurking in the shadows.

athosanimewrites · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 9 Combat Class 1

After settling in and getting his stuff unpacked, Thanos received a message on his watch from the lieutenant to come see him in his office. He took his key card and left the room.He followed the map provided on his watch by displaying a holographic screen.  He arrived in the same office where he applied for an admission with his parents. "You may come in" he said before even raising his hand to knock. Thanos turned the door knob and walked in. "How did you know I was outside the door,""That's not important." he said and pointed at a seat. Thanos sat down opposite the lieutenant and that's when he noticed someone else in the room siting on a chair beside him. It is the same blonde haired girl that was previously in his room doing..... things.The lieutenant spoke up, "this is my niece, Angela Jameson, one of the best students of War God's Military Academy, and she is going to take you on a tour, and help you familiarize yourself with the various classes you'll be having. any questions?""no sir." Thanos responded, "alright then get going" the Lieutenant said. They both left the office with Angela leading the way. There was silence as they walked, Angela led the way. "By the way I'm Thanos""I know" she responded bluntly, and another awkward silence. "are yo-" but he was interrupted, "look dude, you don't have to make small talk with me okay, I don't feel like talking to you." Thanos raised an eyebrow, "I thought this was supposed to be a tour, but we've walked past a couple of places that I'd have loved to know about.""LOOK KRONOS" Angela said angrily, "its Thanos" Thanos corrected, "Whatever. Look, I'm not your personal tour guide.""well why didn't you say so instead of wasting both our times" Thanos responded harshly. Angela's face was scrunched up in anger and she stormed off, leaving Thanos alone in the middle of the hallway. Thanos walked for a while before stopping in front of a room. On the sign by the side it read, practice room/ power room. He pushed the door open and was appalled by what he saw. The room was filled with the best gym equipment a man could wish for, plus test dummies for testing out your powers and an area for sparring, a race track, a boxing ring in a corner. 'I can not wait to try this out' Thanos thought to himself excitedly.Next day, first class, History, for 2hours.I'd be lying if I said I didn't sleep, its basically a recount of the war and the influx of cosmic, energy by the all father and the arrival of the gods. Next is basic combat class 1, here I'm going to learn how to use my abilities.He arrived, it was a hall, a very big hall. It was filled with 20 students, maybe more, he wasn't paying attention. It looked like a dojo. He went to the changing room and changed into the training uniform giving to him by the school, it consisted of black baggy trousers and white short sleeved shirt made of wool, and training sneakers. He joined the rest of the class on the ground. Yeah they sat on the floor. The combat instructor walked in not long after, in an identical outfit. "Alright class, I am combat master Tyson a replacement for your former teacher. Although he has taught you basics for over three months, I am still going over it before we advance any further, especially because of the new addition to the class." Combat master Tyson gestured to Thanos. "Thanos Asemota rise and introduce yourself." Thanos stood up and walked up to the man, and stood in front of the class. "Hello everyone, I am Thanos Onaosa Asemota, and I am pleased to be in the academy with you. "You, what's your name? you will be a volunteer for a demonstration." Master Tyson said pointing towards a male student in front."Okay sir, I'm Gerald sir." he replied. "I want you to run over the basics of combat tactics." Master Tyson said stood aside. Gerald demonstrated some basic moves, jabs, hooks, low kicks side kicks. Some summersaults, after the demonstration the combat master Tyson demonstrated some advanced moves for them and told them to go over it, he corrected them if they made any mistakes. After a while he pulled Thanos over."Show me what you can do," he said as he took a stance. His two hands up and his fists not totally closed. His left feet in front of the right and slightly apart. Thanos smiled and imitated his stance although his wasn't perfect. "come at me" the master Tyson said and Thanos immediately threw a punch and Tyson moved out of the way. Punch after punch they were all dodged by master Tyson. He took a step back and performed a side kick, which was swiftly blocked by the instructor. He threw a jab, low kick, spin kick but nothing landed, and if it did it did nothing to stagger the instructor. He got tired and out of breath.

"That's enough" master Tyson said. "that was impressive, you seem to have some experience in pre cosmic era boxing"

"my father is a cop so he taught me basic self defense techniques and he loved pre cosmic era boxing and we practiced together sometimes."

The instructor nodded, "you have good form and you even know some advanced moves, but,.. there was no power in your punches. How much do you weigh?"

Thanos frowned, 'why is he asking me that' he thought to himself before responding, "uhh 73kg."

"and your max push up" master Tyson asked,"35 to 40, why are you asking me this sir?"

"You have healthy physique and your strength shouldn't be lacking, so why isn't there power in your punches?"

Thanos scratched his head, "its always been like that for me, I don't know why but I find it difficult to release power when I punch."

"Well we are going to figure it out, that's what combat class 1 is for.

sorry for the scrunched up chapter , it was an accident

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