
After The World's Recalibration: The Master Of Doors (prototype)

With the help of the gods, humans on the brink of extinction from their pointless wars have been given another chance to redeem themselves, and with the restrictions on earth gone the planet is open to invasions from other worlds. Heroes emerge in New Earth to stand against their foes. While the gods prepare to face an unknown for lurking in the shadows.

athosanimewrites · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 8 A New Start

An elderly man held a 5ml blood filled syringe in his hand, he expelled the blood into a testube abd placed it in a cylindrical machine then pressed the on switch at the corner of the machine.

Thanos sat down on a stool, applying pressure to the small puncture at the end of his arm with a cotton swab. After a few minutes the man the machine made a beep beep sound and he elderly man walked up to it and checked the reading on the display.

"94% purity" the elderly man spoke, "that is pure cosmic energy"

Thanos gasped and his mother hugged him, "I'm going to call your father and tell him the news." Jane said as she walked out of the lab. "Thank you sir" Thanos said with an embarrassed smile before he walked out. He caught up with his mother and they both chatted happily as they drove home.

Next Day.

"He hasn't fully comprehended his abilities lieutenant." James Asemota said to the man in camo military uniform seated in front of him.

"Hmm, we can't chuck him in with the current third years he is too inexperienced" the lieutenant said, " and he is too old to be with the current first years.

"Look we can accept your son but you have to understand we aren't here to baby sit him. If he wants to climb up the ranks because even those younger than him have surpassed him here. plus he hasn't even figured out his powers"

While his father discussed his enrollment into the military school Thanos talked to the system. "System how long do you think it would take me to figure out how to use cosmic energy?" Thanos asked the system,

[With your intelligence and state of mind it would take about 1 or 2 weeks to figure it out and a few more to master the aspect which you chose to use it]

After thinking for a while Thanos spoke up.

"Give me 2 weeks sir,"

"What ? " Both the lieutenant and his father exclaimed.

"Give me two weeks and I'll figure out my abilities and I promise to work twice as hard as everyone in my class" Thanos spoke with seriousness.

Seeing and feeling his resolve the lieutenant smiled. "well you are going to need to pass a series of tests, basically weight test, strength, into and dexterity tests, to know your weaknesses and your strengths."

Thanos was happy everything seems to be going well. He followed the lieutenant to a gymnasium, there he checked his weight.

"Hmm 70kg, that's a good body mass"

Then he put him on a treadmill.

"You need to work on your stamina"

He told him to list some weights, to run, do pull ups, pushups.

Thanos was covered in sweat, he was by no means out of shape for a boy his age, but the physical exam did take a toll on him. After resting for a while a rehydrating, the lieutenant came back to him.

"Next is the written test. It's basically a test to know if you know basic math, English, basic battle strategy, martial arts questions. Don't worry too much about it." The lieutenant reassured Thanos, which helped to ease him up a bit.

After taking the written exams, Thanos waited for the lieutenant in a room with his father, where he saw others sitting just like him which brought him to a realization that he wasn't the only one who wants to get into the military academy.

"You passed" the lieutenant said as he stood in front of Thanos. "Get your things ready and prepare, any further information will be sent to your email so be ready at any time for the call, good job kid you did well. The only test you didn't pass is the ability test which we hope you will get the hang of soon. We have some of the best teachers here who have experience in the field and will devote their time to teach you to control cosmic energy, again congratulations on your admittance."

Thanos went back home with his father with joy in his eyes. He waited for a week and finally received the email. His mother and father escorted him to the campus, and when they reached the gates, he hugged them and told them to leave that it would be embarrassing if he walked in with his parents into the campus. They gave him parental advice and drove off.

He found his way to the dorm reception where he got his room number and I.D, both plastic and digital. He entered the elevator and moved up three floors. His dorm building has 10 floors, he is on the 3rd floor. he got walked past some students moving to and from their rooms while he looked for his room number. He looked up 'room number 7 the sign read. He sighed, took out his key card and swiped, he heard a click sound, then pushed the door and walked into the room.

"Would you knock?" he heard someone shout as he walked in. He stood eyes widened as he saw a blonde white girl with her shirt off, with only a skirt and bra on. She sat on the lap of a red haired young man who had his shirt off and a huge unpleasant frown on his face. "who are you?" the red haired guy asked a flustered Thanos who was rocked back to reality. 

"I shouldn't have the wrong room, I'm new here and I was given this key card, it says room number 7."

"Oh, we were informed a new guy would be coming, anyways get out I'm busy come back in 20 to 30 minutes."

Thanos frowned, and gave a slight chuckled, "hehh, you could ask nicely you know" he casually walked in and closed the door behind him. he walked to a double decker bed, "hmm, lower bunk seems to be taken" while Thanos placed his clothes box in a corner and picked a bed, the red haired dude got even angrier as the frown and lines on his face deepened, "HEY, DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME," he yelled, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YEAR AND CLASS I'M IN?"

Thanos turned to face him with a nonchalant expression and a raised eyebrow, "I don't know and I don't care, honestly, and i don't think girls are allowed in the male hostels"

The guy was speechless at the audacity of this new kid who had the guts to talk back at him. he rose up making the girl get up, he started walking towards Thanos but was stopped by the girl, " come on I'm late for class anyways, we'll catch up later Max " she kissed him on the cheek and walked out of the room, leaving the two of them alone. Max walked up to Thanos, anger evident from his expression. " Who do you think you are to-" but he was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

"look " Thanos said to him and placed his hand on his shoulder, " dude, i ain't got no beef with you man, but you gotta understand here this is a four man room. you can have fun with yo girl anywhere else man, you know in private where you won't get caught and get in trouble. i want what's best for you man." Thanos said and gently tapped his shoulder, "look we got off on the wrong foot, let's start over. I'm Thanos Asemota." he stretched his hand out... ..