
After The World's Recalibration: The Master Of Doors (prototype)

With the help of the gods, humans on the brink of extinction from their pointless wars have been given another chance to redeem themselves, and with the restrictions on earth gone the planet is open to invasions from other worlds. Heroes emerge in New Earth to stand against their foes. While the gods prepare to face an unknown for lurking in the shadows.

athosanimewrites · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 6 Power For The First Time







Power level: 55

Energy type: cosmic energy: 0

Cosmic energy absorption manual : lvl 1

The average power level of a human is 50.

You have done well to train your body past those limits]

Thanos was pleased with the system's remark. He decided to follow the manual, it said to get in a relaxed and comfortable position preferably sitting crosslegged. He took off his hoodie leaving only his singlet. He sat cross legged and rested his back on the wall. He sat down and allowed the information in his mind to flow. He followed the words in his mind he rested his hands on his knees, rested his back on the walls, it said to be completely silent to calm your mind, to allow everything fade out, every noise every unnecessary feeling. It said to hear nothing, to feel nothing except the breeze against your skin calmly and slowly no matter how long it took, it said to sit down and feel the energy of nature itself, to feel the energy all around you. .... all around him. He waited, he got impatient, he stood up and walked out of his room to get water to drink he drunk, he sat down and tried again. After almost an hour, he gave up again, 'this isn't working' he thought to himself 'system, are you sure that this is meant to help me absorb cosmic energy?'

[Yes Thanos, but it would take time.

I would recommend you taking a rest to clear your head before trying again]

Thanos said to himself, "this is stressful and pain in the arse" he decided to take a walk to clear his head as that will be more efficient for him than lying down. He got up wiped off the sweat from his body with his towel and walked out of his room while putting his shirt back on. He strolled outside his house walked down the street and observed the world around him. he thought about how this system will changed everything, how his life would be after today, if he is successful in learning the cosmic energy absorption technique given to him by the system. It does beg him to wonder, why did the gods bless him with this gift, the system said it's for a war, but is forbidden to speak of it. 'I guess the thing at hand right now is the invasion that we're going to face ten years from now. Oh well' he thoughts to himself 'i should get back inside and try again.'

He got back into his room and sat back down in the same position and he tried to clear his mind.

Nothing changed and he complained again to the system and it told him be calm and be patient. it's not like he can't be patient but it is so difficult right now.

Hope he's right in front of him, waiting for him to take it, dangling in front of his eyes and it feels like he can't reach it. 'Should I just give up' he asked himself, but the minute that sentence crossed his mind he frowned, 'never again" he said, not after everything he's been through, he finally has a chance to change his life abd he's about to give up, ooh hell nah. 'Back down' he said to himself. As long as it takes, I will sit down here, I will be patient I will wait until I have mastered this art. I will triumph and I will become one of the most powerful soldiers on earth.

He sat back down with a determined expression and a determined heart, he calmed his mind down and and followed the instructions provided. He waited, he cleared his mind of every destraction, of every thought. An hour passed, then another, his mind was tranquil and peacful. A few moments later, he saw himself in a darkness. He was shocked to see himself in another place, 'what is this, wasn't I just in my room?' he said to himself slightly afraid. He looked around trying to make sense of his surroundings and when he looked back, he saw a door behind him. He walked up to the door and opened it, when he walked through the door he immediately opened his eyes and found himself in his room again.

"what the hell was that" he said out loud in panic. He was about to complain to the system but before he could more information flowed into his mind. That was my astral plane. An astral plane is a place that exists in the mind of every individual, it's a place where your mind exists, where you can send your soul or mind when it leaves your body it's like sending a part of your soul or sending your mind outside of your body to a different plane. It exists in this universe and in your mind. what I just did was unlocking the door to my astral plane. that is something that takes a lot of time to master, some people don't even opeb their astral plabe until they've learnt to fully master their mind and their own version of cosmic energy.

Thanos was elated, he was happy, he finally made progress. He closed his eyes again and this time it didn't take as long as before, although much time was spent, bout an hour and a half. He found himself in that plane again it was dark but he could see everything. He was in a field of green grass, the sky was dark and empty, he looked into the distance and so nothing.

He closed his eyes and went through the information in his mind. He sat down on the grass, and after a few minutes he felt connected to this place, like this place was a part of him. Few minutes passed and he began to feel he the cosmic energy rush through him, power that he has never felt before in his life. He felt it rush through his veins, his muscles, his skin, his eyes, every fiber of his being, his very soul. He felt cosmic energy for the first time. He opened his eyes with a smile on his face, but he closed it back a focesed more after realizing that getting distracted at this stage would be dangerous, he could get injured if he messes with the process soo he closes his eyes again and continue absorbing the energy.

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