
After The World's Recalibration: The Master Of Doors (prototype)

With the help of the gods, humans on the brink of extinction from their pointless wars have been given another chance to redeem themselves, and with the restrictions on earth gone the planet is open to invasions from other worlds. Heroes emerge in New Earth to stand against their foes. While the gods prepare to face an unknown for lurking in the shadows.

athosanimewrites · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 5 System.

Thanos just finished his shift and was heading home. He wore baggy shorts that went slightly beneath his knees and a hoodie. His backpack was on his back, airpods in his ear listening to music. After a while he took out his airpods and sighed, he already got to the main road, he looked around as cars zoomed up and down the streets, he looked at the various convinience stores getting ready to close down for the night. He closes his eyes for a few seconds, and inhaled sharply, he heard a voice in his head.

[It is a lovely night host.

Give me a moment to process your data,

For now an interface with your stats will be displayed in front of you. Do not panic.

After going through your stats,

You have the choice to temporarily close the interface]

He cleaned his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. A golden translucent screen was in front of his eyes. He reached out to touch it but his hand moved through it and his hand was slapped to the side by a woman who was in front of him. "I sincerely apologise," he said to the lady,

"Well watch where you put your hands man" she snapped back in response. She was about to leave but Thanos called her,"sorry to bother you miss but can you see anything in front of me, something like a screen?"

She raised her eyebrows, "nothing except your ugly face still bothering me."

As she walked away Thanos had confirmed that he is the only person that at could see the screen in front of him, unless that very rude lady was lying to him.

He thought for a while as he walked home then he said, "close interface" and the screen disappeared. He began to wonder as his heart rate increased, 'is this my ability am I going to finally be able to use cosmic energy? Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, maybe its Mana and not straight up cosmic energy, but that voice in my head,,..,.... It's fine I'll figure it out let me get home first. '

Thanos Asemota's house wasn't too lavish, his parents weren't poor and they weren't too rich either, they lived in a house with four flats. They lived on the second flat upstairs. He took his keys out of his bag and opened the doors, no one was home his father is still at the station and his mother is at the hospital, she's a nurse. He went to his room, nothing too fancy hung his bag in the door handle, took off his shoes and got on the bed. 'now, where were we?' he thought to himself.

[Data processing complete]

'woah. What are you?'

[I am a system designed by Lord Hepheastus by order of the all father. I was designed to help you grow stronger as one of the chosen who will lead the upcoming war against #######]

'what was that?' Thanos asked the system in his head.

[It is not yet time for that information to be revealed. For now I am designed to help you get stronger.]

Thanos stared at the wall in front of him with a confused expression. He tried to make sense of everything, it wasn't that difficult to understand plus he wasn't stupid.

This system was designed by one of the gods, Hepheastus to help him get stronger and prepare him for a future war, and clearly its not about the invasion. He sighed, he got up from his bed and paced around the room. It was a chance for him to get stronger and he wasn't going to throw it away.

'i don't know what war the gods want me to fight in, but that doesn't matter at the moment, what matters is that I've been given a chance to finally have the powers that i have always dreamed of and i will not waste this chance.'

Thanos was happy, excited even. He sat back down on his bed with a huge smile plastered on his face.

'system, bring up my stats'







Power level: 55

Energy type: cosmic energy: 0

The average power level of a human is 50.

You have done well to train your body past those limits]

Thanos nodded his head in excitement, he did a few workouts here and there so to see he's above average is a good feeling.

'wait a minute' he said to himself as he checked his stats again. Tears welled up in his eyes, "I can use cosmic energy"

"I CAN USE COSMIC ENEEEERGYYYYYY" he jumped and screamed for joy in his room as happiness filled his heart. "No one will look down on me again. Can't wait for Mom and dad to get home tonight."

After much celebration, Thanos began to worry, yes he had finally gotten power but he could not use it, he didn't kniw how. Cosmic energy users are so few that there's barely any info on how they use their power. 'maybe there'll be something online about how to use cosmic energy'

[It is advised, that you use the Cosmic energy absorption manual provided by the system to you. It is more efficient and is much more detailed than whatever you will find out there.]

'you're telling me that you can teach me how to use cosmic energy?'

[Remember it my duty to help you get stronger. Always consult the system on any matter concerning your abilities before seeking outside sources.]

Thanos was surprised by the usefulness of this system that he had gotten. 'so, umn, how do I get this absorption manual thing's

[System is gathering data]

[System data collection successful. Are you ready for the data transfer Thanos?]

Thanos wasn't sure how to respond, 'umn yes?'

[... .. system data transfer successfull.]

Almost immediately Thanos felt a flood of information enter his mind, words that felt familiar but he knew he didn't study them anywhere.

'so this is the power of the system'

this took a lot please vote leave a comment and follow me on Twitter and Instagram @athosanimewrites

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