
After The World's Recalibration: The Master Of Doors (prototype)

With the help of the gods, humans on the brink of extinction from their pointless wars have been given another chance to redeem themselves, and with the restrictions on earth gone the planet is open to invasions from other worlds. Heroes emerge in New Earth to stand against their foes. While the gods prepare to face an unknown for lurking in the shadows.

athosanimewrites · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 4 Power

You'd think that after all the earth has been through humans would learn, that there wouldn't be crime, or villains or bad guys. But at the end of the day,... humans are stupid.

The earth is going to be at war in ten years and there are criminal organisations still causing trouble for society. Some with dumb motifs, some just want to steal, some have eternal rivalry with others,..... like I said humans are stupid.

Right now in a restaurant a group of rubbers just made the worst decision of their lives. They pulled up in a small hover car, about four of them. They walked into the restaurant with level 1 Power fire arms. One went to the cashier and he others went to the customers eating on different tables.

"Alright everyone on the ground now." One of the men shouted. Know this, everyone has a certain level of cosmic energy comprehension having one or more sun energies, but not everyone chose to learn and improve on it, some people just want a normal life. Plus the weapons made during these times were more powerful than before, also the powers that the robbers posses is unknown.

At this moment a black man who looked to be in his late thirties was at a table with his family having a nice meal, he has two kids a girl who's 18 and a boy 15 years old. Their mother sat there beside them. The man has short black hair, gelled back giving him a slick look. His beards were short and trim. He wore black khakis, a simple black shoe and a dark blue buttoned up long sleeve shirt which was folded up exposing his arms. He stood up, "Wait here," he told his family. "Darius darling be careful" his wife said to him, he nodded in response.

"Hey you get down," One of the robbers shouted and pointed his gun at him. But he kept walking towards the robber,

"H-hey, I said get down" the robber shouted again, but the man kept coming toward him. The man stopped a few feet away from the robber "hand over the weapon son, you don't want to do this." The man was stumped by the audacity of this middle aged man in front of him. His partners came over wondering what the issue is, "yo bro this nigga wanna be a hero."

Darius sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, he stepped forward and one of the robbers aimed at pistol at his legs and BAMM a shot rang out and people screamed. But the man stood there like nothing happened. But there was a hole on the upper part of his trousers "Hmm, chi bullets, that's impressive. You're a chi user" the man said while looking at the hole in his trousers, " Aaah my wife is gonna kill me" he took in a deep breath, then moved. As he took a step forward the robbers fell to their knees, it felt like the gravitational pull increased where they stood. The other two saw their partners on the floor and immediately one of them brought out two blades, he made two slashes with the swords and two arcs of yellow energy moved fast towards Darius, but they dissipated when they were just a few feet away from him. The other rubber seemed to have disappeared. The one with the swords ran forward, jumped and spun in the air creating several yellow slashes in the blink of an eye, but they all had the same effect. Darius raised his hand up and a beam of light left his palm way faster then the yellow slashes and knocked back the robbers into a table knocking him out completely. Darius frowned and turned to his left, he held his left hand out in a grabbing motion and pulled causing a loud thud to be heard. Darius lifted his hand up and the there was the fourth robber.

"Invisibility huhh" Darius exclaimed, "a powerful one at that. I couldn't even sense your energy." He threw the robbers down and released his energy from the other two causing them to gasp for air. He walked up to the other robber that was knocked out and slapped him awake then dragged him to join his friends. Darius grabbed a chair and sat close to them causing them to flinch and move back. He took of all their masks and saw that they were all not more than 25 to 27 years old, this discovery caused rage to rise inside him. "You all have a good grasp on your abilities. Even if you don't have money for a private school you could apply for a government school. You could even apply to join the auxiliary police force or the military, but this is what you chose to do with your lives. We are on the brink of a deadly invasion and you're still causing trouble for those around you, why are you so STUPID."

Darius sighed. He took away their weapons and called for the police to come and take away the robbers. He already lost his appetite. He spent time with his family and went home.

While that event took place a young black man of about 19 years, working as a waiter who was behind the counter had light in his eyes. He just saw that middle aged man named Darius take down this email four robbers all alone. He wanted to be powerful but he hasn't been able to use any form of Cosmic energy. Some of his friends say he is a late bloomer, some say he probably won't awaken. He had already lost faith, his parents told him not to worry that the current commanding officer in the world military awakened at 17 and he was able to use cosmic energy, he might just be a late bloomer. " and if you arent, we will love you always" he remembered his father saying that. Right now he is working here to make a little money while still in the university even though his parents told him he doesn't need to. But he says he wants to be able to be independent.

"Get back to work Thanos " he heard someone calling him....

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