
After The World's Recalibration: The Master Of Doors (prototype)

With the help of the gods, humans on the brink of extinction from their pointless wars have been given another chance to redeem themselves, and with the restrictions on earth gone the planet is open to invasions from other worlds. Heroes emerge in New Earth to stand against their foes. While the gods prepare to face an unknown for lurking in the shadows.

athosanimewrites · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 3 Earth's Evolution

Hermes gathered every human in their rightful places. In Nigeria, on an open field, JC sat down on the grass, he was over 13 meters tall, he had a white lamb in his hands letting it and stroking it's wool. The people there saw him felt at peace it felt as though all the worry from the war had gone, the people in front of him called people out of their houses, streets were filled, some news channels that were still around filmed it.

JC put the lamb down and began to speak.

"Children I know you are in distress, and I know you are confused but I want you to know that the all father has shown you mercy. Things are about to change and we want you to prepare for it. ....."

Zeus, about the same height as JC, rode on a carriage led by four horses made out of wind. He landed in the most populated area leaving the people shocked and awed. Some where scared wondering how they appeared here. A strange man appeared and gave them somethingto eat then brought them here instantly.

"Hmph humanity. If I had my way you would all be dead. I would have sent hail, but the all father is too kind." He sighed, the people did not know what to do some asked is that God?.

The gods spoke and the humans listened. TheNetherlands all father spoke.

"Children. It is time I let you evolve. Brace yourselves, for there will be more trying times than these, but I will give you all you need to survive, my children will be with you for a while to help you and guide you through these times." The all father paused then spoke in a more serious tone, "Humans, this is your last chance, the next time you almost destroy the earth because of your greed, you will regret it. Now let it begin."

The gods felt it, but weren't bothered by it, they have felt it before, in fact it flows through their veins. The humans felt it, the earth felt it. This energy, known as cosmic energy flowed through every living being.

The all father let the earth evolve into a tier one planet with the use of cosmic energy, the most basic planet in all the universe. Cosmic energy can be broken down into many sub forms, and beings can use it, but some beings can only use one sub form, but very skilled and powerful beings can use more or even the purest form of Cosmic energy itself. The most forms of cosmic energy are;

Chakra, which is used to control the elements. The other is Chi, or Ki, this is used to enhance the human body or weapons to the most peak condition, which make them able to perform great tasks.

The last are few people whose bodies are mutated with cosmic energy and are gifted with special abilities, these ones have mana, they are closer to magical energy, these ones are considered the second most powerful. Although there are circumstances which they could lose to the others.

Then there are those who can use all three forms of energy and fuse it to become pure cosmic energy these ones are called magicians and are rare.

Every being has a type of cosmic energy inside it, some that haven't even been discovered.

For three thousand years humans prospered with the help of the gods. The more the humans grew the more the gods stopped helping, after three thousand years humans could stand on their own two feet and no longer needed the gods direct guidance. The all father removed the ban from earth and allowed it to be opened for invasion. Other beings on other planets have set their sights on earth. The gods were worried that it was too soon, even zeus was worried. The gods are not allowed to participate in any human wars unless a God level threat shows up.

"Damn those elven bastards" Zeus shouted,

"Language zeus calm down." JC said

"They wouldn't even wait they are already preparing an invasion." Zeus complained.

"You'd think the elves would be more peaceful." JC said "with Artemis being their Goddess and all."

"I'm going to strangle her when I get the chance. She's probably the one who whispered the invasion into the ear of the elves."

JC chuckled, "like father like daughter I guess"

"What did you say?" Zeus said loudly "I've told you she's no longer my daughter, I disowned her"

"That's why she doesn't like you" JC responded.

Zeus sighed, "I mean look at her twin brother he's calm and cool headed, why can't she be more like him."

JC looked at zeus with raised eyebrows, "I can't believe you just called Apollo cool headed, he is the most hot....."

He was interrupted by Hermes walking into the room. Hermes walked into the room with a smile and a platform on a chair.

"Haha, where's Buddha, I want to tell him I'm back as the messenger. He's not gonna take my place, Hmph."

JC looked at hermes with a frown "Well..."

Hermes looked confused, "well what,.."

Zeus slapped his forehead.

"well did you speak to the all father?" JC asked.

"Oh, ooh. Yeah he agreed to extend the ban for ten more years." Hermes responded smiling, "this means we have more time. Well the humans have more time to prepare. Should we send Ares to train them?"

Zeus looked at them thinking, "I'll think about it, but at the end of the day it's up to him."

The humans received news from Hermes that ten years from now they would have to fight for their planet's survival, the military schools increased training. They created more war heads. They hunted more beasts and created more armor. They did their best to prepare, Earth's military were stronger than ever, they had people who could dish out more damage than Earth's past weapons. But They all felt the pressure and fear of the coming invasion, and so did our protagonist, Thanos Onaosa Asemota.