
After The World's Recalibration: The Master Of Doors (prototype)

With the help of the gods, humans on the brink of extinction from their pointless wars have been given another chance to redeem themselves, and with the restrictions on earth gone the planet is open to invasions from other worlds. Heroes emerge in New Earth to stand against their foes. While the gods prepare to face an unknown for lurking in the shadows.

athosanimewrites · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 11 Doors

Mira observed the Qi users for a while and gave instructions before she left them for the five elemental users. Mira walked up to one of the female fire users "Jasmine, show me your progress"

Jasmine a 5'9 tall girl

Short black hair

Light skinned

18 years old,

Fire / Qi user.

Jasmine wore the same set of sleek black armor everyone did. She took in a deep breath and stepped forward. "I am going to need a wider space instructor Mira" she said. She moved to a corner with no students and everyone whispered as she walked, Thanos over heard some of the things they said. 'the most talented first year of this generation, hmm this is interesting' Thanos thought to himself. She was away from everyone, after a few seconds she placed a foot forward and everyone felt weird. " What's this?" Someone asked, "it's like the energy in the room is moving towards her"

Thanos frowned, 'its not that the room I feel energy leaving my body.'

[It is advised that you leave the room if the intensity increases. Excessive draining of the internal heat is dangerous to your body]

'system what is she doing?'

[This is a technique created by Jasmine, she is a qi and chakra user with the fire abilities. Being a fire ability user she has learned to absorb heat from the outside and not just produce it. By using this ability to the extreme she is able to absorb the Qi and heat in the surrounding further increasing her strength. And anyone who steps withun the range of this area of effect skill, about 20 ft will become sluggish and cold. Their qi and heat will be absorbed by her in a rapid rate. The downside is over heating on her part, just as so little heat is bad for you too much heat is too. That amount of energy will leave her in a vulnerable state afterwards. The lady Jasmine is very talented, this area of effect skill is almost an incomplete domain.]

Thanos was surprised at how detailed the info from the system was, he was happy he had it but he was bothered. When will he learn to do stuff like this, they are all ahead of me, I need to catch up.'

[With me on your side Thanos you don't have to worry about that]

Instructor Mira smiled and walked into the area of effect and drew her sword, she swung her sword but it was slow, it was as if there wasn't power in that swing. Instructor Mira's sword began to freeze slowly and so did her body. But after a few seconds a massive wave of energy exploded from instructor Mira's body and blew apart the ice that had formed, canceling Jasmine's skill in the process. Jasmine was on one knee panting, and as they looked closer they saw steam coming off her body.

'did the instructor just-' Thanos was shocked at the turn of events.

Instructor Mira walked up to Jasmine and helped her to a bench, "take a rest for now. You have certainly improved." She walked back to address the class "You all should take note, her area of effect skill erm.. what do you call it ?" She asked Jasmine,

"Bkaze Drain" Jasmine answered turning her face away, which earned a few chuckles from the students.

"Well" instructor Mira continued, " Blaze drain is almost an incomplete domain and as impressive as it was it still had a downside, overheating. Even if she could absorb the energy there was no way to utilize or expel the energy absorbed. I want you all to have created your own incomplete domains before the tournament starts. Now back to training."

Instructor Mira came up to Thanos who was seated observing the class do their thing.

"That girl err Jasmine, she's pretty impressive" instructor Mira said to Thanos. "To get to her level you will have to work harder and faster and smarter. You see, cosmic energy users are labeled as demigods by mankind because you are able to do the unthinkable with your abilities. You are able to do what other energy users can do, and you guys take it to another level. Now I can't tell you what technique or abilities you will have that is up to you, what I can teach you is how to manipulate your cosmic energy, from there you'll take the wheel."

Thanos sat down cross legged and Mira stood beside him giving him instructions.

Few minutes later.. ..

"Now I want you to give that energy form. Since you already know how to properly manipulate the energy, I want you to give it form. Think about something, it doesn't have to be anything special, for now just use the energy to create something."

Thanos listened to her calmly. Soon he entered his astral plane. He looked at the moon and stars in the sky, he looked at the body of water infront of him.

'can't you help me system?'

[Not in this process. I am not meant to drop things on your plate. this is a crucial part of your ability, for what ever form you give to your ability or how you choose to use it, it should be chosen by you as you will be the one using it. ]

Thanos sighed in helplessness. He sat down and decided to think. He turned back and looked at the door to his astral plane. After a while he smiled and walked through it. He opened his eyes and manipulated his energy, it flowed out of his body and in front of him mist gathered forming a brown wooden door about 6ft tall and 4ft wide, with a golden metallic knob. Instructor Mira had a look of awe on her face and so did the rest of the students. Instructor Mira placed her hand on Thanos' shoulder, "a door, that's eer a weird choice. It's impressive nonetheless." Thanos smiled "thank you" he replied.

"Do you know where it leads?" Instructor Mira asked,

"As a matter of fact I do."

"Take me there instructor Mira said"

Thanos thought for a moment, 'system is it safe to bring other humans into my astral plane?'

[It is not an issue but do understand that there are people with the ability to move through different planes and dimensions. Some of them are bad people. So make sure you know the person you take into your astral plane]

"Umn do you have the ability to travel within planes?"

Mira was taken by surprise by the question, "no I don't " she answered with a chuckle.

Thanos walked up to the door, he turned the door knob and walked in with instructor Mira behind him.

"I will be back shortly class" she said and stepped through the door.

hehe sorry writers block but I'm back

athosanimewritescreators' thoughts