
After The World's Recalibration: The Master Of Doors (prototype)

With the help of the gods, humans on the brink of extinction from their pointless wars have been given another chance to redeem themselves, and with the restrictions on earth gone the planet is open to invasions from other worlds. Heroes emerge in New Earth to stand against their foes. While the gods prepare to face an unknown for lurking in the shadows.

athosanimewrites · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 10 Area Of Effect

Combat master Tyson took him to a standard heavy bag. "Throw a punch, just give it a light jab" Thanos listened, he took his stance and threw a jab at it,

"Another one,"

He threw another jab.

"Left hook" Thanos took a step back and threw a hook causing the bag to sway.

"Now a right gut punch, and this time of it your back into it"

Thanos took a deep breath, put his right foot forward then gave a straight punch, which let out a bang causing the bag to swing high up and back down. Some students turned to look at the new kid before going back to work.

[System analysis complete.

Basic martial arts mastery level :70%]

"What" Thanos was taken off guard by the system notification.

"Are we clear?" Combat master Tyson asked, but Thanos was taken by surprise by the notification that he barely heard what the master Tyson said.

"Uh ah y-yes sir" Thanos replied. Combat master Tyson moved a few meters away from him and began to demonstrate the basic martial arts technique for Thanos to see.

[System analysis resumes.]

'system are you analyzing the technique is using?'

[You are correct Thanos. I will analyze the technique and remove any errors and refine it for you to have a better foundation in martial arts]

Combat master Tyson demonstrated some basic moves and Thanos paid utmost attention.

"Okay, class is almost over every one, gather round for one more demonstration" every one gathered and sat back down while master Tyson spoke about how to implement certain techniques in combat, while demonstrating some moves. "You all start preparing in a few months we will be having our intramilitary tournament and a few months after that the inter military tournament will hold. The exact date will communicated once everything is finalized but for now practice hard and get ready. In one or two months your paramilitary practicals will start and you'd be out in the field. Focus on all your classes develop your abilities and be ready, class dismissed."

The next class was two hours after that so Thanos got back to his room to freshen up. It is the ability training class and he couldn't wait to discover how to use his ability.

They were all required to wear basic protection gear that was prepared for them by the academy. It was an all black full body suit which had scale like designs and silver linings. And on the left side of the chest it said W.G.M.A (war God's military academy).

They were in another big room, it was empty except for some digital devices in the far corner. The instructor is a lady this time. She has on, a slick black two piece and had her blue hair tied into a ponytail, she had a katana by her side in its sheath.

"I learned we have a new student today, would you please step forward Thanos Asemota." The female instructor called him forward which he expected. He walked forward and stood in front of the female instructor. 'she looks young,.. .. and beautiful ' Thanos thought to himself.

"I am instructor Mira. What is your ability?" She asked which left Thanos in deep. thought for a few seconds, "the thing is I awakened a few days ago and I learned I could use cosmic energy but I don't know how to use it. " There was murmur among the students, as most of them were either Qi or elemental types, they hadn't expected a special person to be among them.

"Oh, this might be a bit of a hassle because, there is little known about cosmic energy users because there are very few of you, I think you might be the fourth or fifth pure cosmic energy ability user, and the second one from our country."

"I mean I have learned to control cosmic energy to enhance my body a bit but that's all I can do." Thanos said to Mira. She rubbed the bridge of her nose in slight frustration, "okay you will sit with me and I will help you get the basics but for now sir right and listen."

"Okay everyone gather round. You may have been informed that your intramilitary tournament is coming up soon so I am going to do my utmost best to prepare you. Okay separate, qi users to the left and elementals to the right." They listened and separated into two groups there were 15 Qi users and 5 element users. Of the five of them, two were wind earth users and three were fire.

"We have gone over the basic enhancements that your abilities grant you, you have trained them to a higher degree than before and we have dealt with basic domains. Because of our new friend here I will go over it. A domain is an area set apart by you were your various abilities could be enhanced or where your enemy's abilities are left useless against you. We all have different kinds of domains, and they are all based on our various abilities and personalities. I want you all to demonstrate your domains. We have been training for two weeks now you must have made improvements."

She up to the 15 Qi users and watched them one by one as they activated their domains, some failed. Some did not. One of the boys there about 17 years old, with his eyes closed he stepped forward and a six feet wide yellow circle formed on the ground around him. Mira walked stood a few feet away from him, she pulled out a dagger and threw it at the boy, but the minute it entered the range of the circle a yellow hand came out of the ground and caught the dagger, just then the hand disappeared and the ground turned back to normal causing the dagger to fall to the ground.

"Very good Charles " Mira said with a smile, " but you still need to work on it, it needs to last longer. Out there in the field tour domain might be just what saves your life in battle."