

A story of a girl who taught she's fated to be a hated but bounced back "After The Storm"

nmesoma_joseph · 若者
18 Chs



© jossyfrosh8


I hated the man so much called the honorable. He was also mother's closest customer, he bought her the recent car she is driving now. He was also a divorcee, if not, I would have reported him to his wife, I still had plans for him though for raping me and making me commit murder…he was turning his face so I looked away…his name was the top list on the people I would deal with in my future when I have finally become...….


I heard a voice behind me and I immediately turned around. When I saw who it was, I have never been so ashamed….

"Are you okay?"

My heart was beginning to rise and fall and my palms were sweaty. I thought I hid my hands so well.

"Hi...hi Francis," I replied.

He was a waiter and he has been my crush ever since mother employed the services of his team to her third 37th birthday celebration a few years back.

I could tell he could be nothing less than five years older than I was…but he was really so cute and nice.

He had told me I was beautiful the first time we met while I was helping him to clean the tumblers…and surprisingly for the first time I had blushed, who wouldn't?

His skin was olive brown, pointy nose, and woven hair. He wasn't muscular but he wasn't thin either. He was wearing an apron and with the way his trousers looked, I could tell he sagged.

He had asked for my phone number but I had no phone so we only met a year after on the next birthday.

That was when he found out that I had a thing for fashion-

"I was hoping I would find you today." He said, beaming at me…

I couldn't even look at him, I felt so embarrassed.

"Here." He handed me a book. It was later I realized it was a fashion book….containing everything about clothing, hair, and accessories.

I couldn't say anything; I just looked at him as my heart kept racing….

"I do not have money to buy this…" I replied but he laughed.

"It's a gift…I thought maybe today if I give you that, you could pay me by telling me your name."

My heart melted. No one has ever given me a gift before…so I smiled and looked at him. He was way taller. I was having a huge crush and I was sweating…

"My name…..my name is scar…."

"Scar? What kind of name is that? Is that a shortened form or something?"

I shook my head. "No, it's just Scar."

He was still smiling. "That is wow….anyways, you are beautiful and you don't seem like a scar to me. Who even names someone that anyway. Can I give you a nickname?"

I nodded.

"How about sunshine?"

His eyes twinkled in the light as his dimples deepened. Within that moment I focused on his lip, it was shiny and had a strawberry color…. strawberry…. I had seen them before. I looked past him… at mother who was now looking at us and my heart sank as I figured it….. mother was sleeping with him too…..

"Hey Sunshine."

I shut my eyes and sighed without turning around, I kept on doing what I was doing.

"Hi" I replied eventually, now wiping the surface of the table.

He took his seat, crossing his legs with his head bowed. "I know you probably hate me." He began.

"Hate you?" I asked without any hint of interest. "Why would you say that?"

"You know the reason." He replied.

"Cos you are sleeping with my mother? And cos you have been staying in our house since the day of the party and I refused to talk to you…or what?" I knew I was being sarcastic but I didn't care . He hadn't left the house since a week ago and mother had him wrapped around her fingers. Even though he made attempt to talk to me, it was better to be hurting in my silence than to make him realize I cared about him. I was sixteen, not stupid.

I heard him sigh, then I took the mopping stick and began to mop the floor. My cramps were all gone and so was the annoying blood flow.

Honorable hadn't stepped foot in our house, I was still hoping he would---"


I stopped as I felt his breath on my neck and his hand on mine. I swallowed hard, stepping away from him suddenly.

"What are you doing?" I demanded.

"I know I hurt you but your mother pays my bills, she needs a baby boy to spend on and I have enough money from her to take care of you. I have seen the way she treats you. You are a queen, you should be treated like one….not like…a…gabbage."

"I do not remember complaining to you." I replied stubbornly.

He was advancing towards me and I kept backing away.

"Look, just because mother is not around doesn't give you the right to take me for a fool, you dunno what I've been through and what I am capable of."

He stopped in his track and knelt down. " I like you so much shine,…"

"Stop calling me that! If you cannot call me my name just stop calling me that." I retorted. Why was I so angry?

"I cannot call you that name baby, you don't deserve it. She told me she didn't want you when she gave birth to you and that you brought so much pain to her life was the reason she gave you that name but…I will turn things around and you will become my scarlett….because you are beautiful. I will take you far away, you can learn your fashion, you will get registered in a fashion school, you will be my girlfriend, we will live together and I will take care of you."

Maybe I was actually stupid but it sounded like heaven to me… even the name scarlett… it felt so much nicer and I forgot the fact that he was screwing my mother. The fashion school was like making my dream come true and for some reason, I could see sincerity in his eyes.

He was close to my feet and so tall that while standing, he could almost reach my chest.

"How old are you?" I asked him.

"twenty-two." He replied.

I smiled ." Six years is okay," I said smiling. "Do you actually mean all those things?"

"I swear." He replied.

"Well, I love Scarlett and how do you want to be my super hero?"

"you just say the word, we will run away from here, you do not need to pack anything. You can start afresh with me…and I swear to you, no sex until you clock 18, I will never take advantage of you. I swear to you. "

All the while, his hands were already around my waist and his lips few inches from mine.

"You knew I have a crush on you right?" I asked shyly.

He nodded, smiling. "I know but I am in love with you."

While we both laughed, he closed the distance between us and placed his lips on mine…..

**** ****

Some minutes later, I was watching Fashion opera, cutting the paper pieces with scissors to learn some styles- Francis was still mopping, we were gisting at the same time and occasionally, he would come kiss me …it was fun..i have never felt like this before…. the thought of finally leaving this place was too exciting for me… we had later decided we would leave early in the morning before mama wakes, he was going to drug her enough to make her sleep deeply, mother has her sleeping pills so overdose will do the trick.

Later, we were sitting down, holding hands and watching the TV together.

"Do you mean that you won't have sex with me until….." I began and he kissed me to kept me quiet.

"Even to hear you talk about sex right now is bad and unhealthy for you… you shouldn't think that right now… when you become an adult… we can have it… that Is if you want…."

I smiled , satisfied. "Someone like you is so rare."

"Living with your mother would have exposed you to lots of things. Tonight, drop them behind, because we are starting afresh together. "

As we kept looking at each other and were about to kiss again, we heard the sound of mother's car and like lightening, we bolted away from each other.

Even as we were doing that, we kept chuckling. I packed the pieces of paper from the table while he grabbed the mopping stick and the pan after me….

I quickly collected it from him and ushered him back…blowing me one final kiss, he ran back, jumping on the settee just in time when opened the door.

I peeped from my room….

"Hello baby boy. You missed me.?" Mother said in a seductive voice, and sat on his legs while dropping her bag on the floor.. she motioned to kiss him but he offered his cheeks instead…

For the first time, I smiled at the disappointed look on mothers face.

"What is wrong with you?" She demanded.

"You took too long." He replied and mother bought it, she was kissing him on the cheeks…

"I m sorry baby…come, let's go inside, let mama show you how sorry she is…" she said to him…

I scoffed in disgust, rolling my eyes and together, they walked to her room, climbing the stairs…

I hissed quietly and went to lie down.. as I was closing my eyes..my door opened suddenly, it was Francis.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded in a whisper. I was panicking.

"baby, just this one last time sex, I promise, I don't want you to think…"

"Go go..go..I know..i won't sleep tonight so we can leave on time…"

Quickly, he kissed me again and I could hear him rushing back upstairs…

I sighed and relaxed ….I felt like I just won a lottery already!