
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · 都市
180 Chs

Chapter 52 (Part 3)

As a result, many people in this class began to feel a sense of anxiety in their hearts.

They waste their lives in this way, really, will they not regret it in the future?

Let's take English as an example. If we don't talk about family background and the girl in front of her who speaks fluent English, wouldn't her life be smoother in the future than theirs? Because she has the ability and excellence, she will have smooth sailing. And they, is it true that they have to wash the dishes for the people at the opposite school as if they are self-deprecating?

Even if you struggle a little bit and climb up a little bit, it's okay, and you won't regret it in the future.

Ma Zheng couldn't help walking from the back of the classroom to the front, quietly looking at the students in his class, and seeing many students with complex and thinking expressions on their faces, he knew that it was good to have invited this student for this trip.

Academic performance is second, and the most important thing is to have a heart that is upward no matter whether it is upstream or downstream.

But soon, there was some commotion in the class.

"The composition sentence you made up casually, is it plagiarism from the No. 1 Great God in the province on the competition program?"

Xiao Mei stared at Zhong Youyou suspiciously.

She was really angry, as if she had been slapped in the face, eagerly wishing to find a hole in the ground, until now, she could only pick at Zhong Youyou, otherwise, she would really not be able to stay in this class.

However, Zhong Youyou just mentioned the composition example, and the sentence that she took out to amend the sentence turned out to be the original creation of the great god who is the first in the province in the preliminary contest!

She immediately picked up the spirit of twelve points.

Ma Zheng almost laughed angrily at this student who has been causing trouble: "Xiao Mei, if you want to make noise, go to the next classroom!"

"No, you open the forum and take a look. The forum has analyzed the topic that the Great God has done. This sentence is an original metaphor when the Great God is doing a comprehensive Chinese question!" Xiao Mei was filled with indignation as if grabbing Zhong Youyou's little braid. She wished she could stand up and tell the class that Zhong Youyou borrowed something from someone else and said that she thought of it casually.

Vocational high school people didn't pay much attention to that preliminary game.

However, during the seven-day preliminary contest, Xiao Mei watched the whole process because her boyfriend from another school participated. Of course, she was still on her boyfriend's ranking at first, but then her boyfriend disappeared in the tens of thousands of competitions. Among them, her attention has been completely attracted by the gossip on the forum.

That night, the series of operations performed by Wang Nuannuan, the number one God, made her excited.

What do people in the vocational high school admire most? They admire this kind of people who don't talk too much. They are much more domineering than Xi Yuqi, no, they are a hundred times more domineering.

As a result, she admired the great god who was first, and then she knew some of the posts of the great god well. At this moment, seeing Zhong Youyou say that it was a sentence that she thought of casually, she immediately felt it was very familiar.

Then quickly open the forum and check the post. Isn't this the same sentence? She hasn't changed a few words. How dare Zhong Youyou say what she thinks now? Do you want to point your face?

Some people below have watched the preliminary round. Although not many, some people quickly understood what Xiao Mei was talking about and found the post.

Sure enough! What's Zhong Youyou, who took other people's things and said it was his own? Mingde's students are like this? Don't ask for it?

All of a sudden, the class whispered.

Xi Yuqi yelled a few quiet words, no one listened to her anymore, how could they care?

Zhong Youyou simply put down the prepared information, raised her arms, and looked at the group of people in this class speechlessly.

She now suspects that Xiao Mei said just now that everyone in their class had their brains flooded with water. She really didn't think much before. The sentence used in the competition came out of her mind and used it casually. Who knows this Xiao Mei remembers so well, like a QYXLW bastard...?

"Teacher Ma, should I continue talking, or just stop here, right?" Zhong Youyou asked leisurely, tilting her head.

Ma Zheng hurriedly persuaded: "It's okay, classmate Youyou, take a break first, the students in my class are indeed…"

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Mei suddenly raised her phone, stared at her, and gritted her teeth, and said: "I have already sent a private message to the first-placed god, saying that some people take her things without asking, let's see what she says."

Although everyone else in this class felt that Xiao Mei had done too much, after all, the wave of English that Zhong Youyou had just read and the science questions she explained could show her very high level. She just used other people's sentences casually, saying that it was her own. Maybe it was just a momentary memory error, or didn't you care too much about this kind of thing?

Why should Xiao Mei make a fuss instead of holding on to others?

Even a few people couldn't help but speak out: "Xiao Mei, whose surname is Xiao, can you stop a bit, aren't you just jealous of others?"

"Am I jealous?" Xiao Mei was furious and turned around.

"Forget it." Someone rounded it off.

Xiao Mei sent a private message to the number one in the province so soon, they can't say anything, forget it, just look at what the number one in the province says.

Zhong Youyou sighed softly, only feeling that watching Xiao Mei's scene was like watching a child's play.

Suddenly she bent down, pulled out the cable of the projector in this class, took out the mobile phone from her pocket, and said to Ma Zheng who was standing at the door: "Teacher Ma, can you turn on the projector in your class for me?"

Ma Zheng came up to help, and the classmates underneath thought that Zhong Youyou's mental quality was quite good, and Xiao Mei's all was so good, so he turned on the projector to continue the topic?

But the next second…

But they saw that the competition program software appeared on the projection screen.

Zhong Youyou held the phone, lowered her head, and pressed her slender finger twice, she logged into the software.

The login name in the upper right corner is QYXLW.


Wait, QLXLW???

What do you mean???

Even if they didn't participate in the preliminary rounds and didn't pay attention to the preliminary rounds, this nickname that crushed the whole province has been familiar to them. They don't want to know that the gossip of the great gods all the way through the thorns and smashing all directions will pass into their ears.

But what do they see now?

The whole class was stunned.

Immediately afterward, they saw Zhong Youyou backstage on the QYXLW profile and clicked on the latest private message from Xiao Mei. After typing a few words in the reply box with no expression, she picked up her schoolbag and left them indifferently within three seconds. The classroom of the class, looking like this, she should never come again.

"Great God, someone copied you, please contact me, I will defend your rights! It just happened..."

"None of your business."