
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · 都市
180 Chs

Chapter 48 (Part 1)

On Monday, when Zhong Youyou came to school, the whole school was discussing the competition program. The seven days of the preliminary game had passed, and everyone's enthusiasm should have passed. After all, the ten people who will advance to the next level have little to do with them, but it is really the number one mosaic in the province in the live broadcast, which is too funny.

They all watched variety shows. This feeling is quite strange. People they know, Meng Shixuan and Shi Zhitang, appeared on TV to participate in a variety show. If you really made it to the national finals by then, wouldn't it be an instant hit?!

Even the 19th class is discussing this matter, of course, almost all the topics are in the first place.

With Xu Xiaoyue as the center, the girls all gathered with her and discussed happily.

When Zhong Youyou came in, Xu Xiaoyue said: "It's a waste of my feelings. I thought that the first one was a handsome guy."

The girl next to her said: "I didn't expect it to be a girl hahaha, Xu Xiaoyue, are you disappointed?"

When Zhong Youyou heard it, she was immediately guilty and quickly returned to her seat. Wait, she didn't do anything, but why did she feel that she was an emotional liar?

Even the down-to-earth tablemate was paying attention to this matter and asked her: "Zhong Youyou, did you watch the preliminary match of this province this weekend?"

Zhong Youyou quickly took the book out of her schoolbag, and said, "I didn't watch it."

"You should watch it." While doing homework at the same table, he exclaimed: "The first-place god is really super excellent. I didn't expect the big boss to be a girl. The girl can compete to this point in intelligence in the competition. I am really happy to admire her."

"..." This feeling of being blown rainbow farts in person is really amazing. Zhong Youyou became embarrassed, calmed down, and asked: "So, do you think she can win the final national championship?"

The tablemate hesitated and said, "That's...not sure, but I hope she can get it. Although there is only a mosaic on her head, everyone on the forum thinks she is very cute."

Zhong Youyou smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "I borrow your good words, brother."

Deskmate: "? ? ?" I boast that they are number one in the province. Why are you so familiar?

Everyone was discussing this matter in full swing, and laughing in the classroom, Ren Zian, and Sun Man, as usual, sat down to do the topic seriously. However, what others didn't know was that they actually watched the show over the past two weekends.

After all, in those seven days, the first-ranked god almost crushed the students in the province with a terrifying speed of problem-solving and problem-solving rhythm. All students in the province, as long as they are not those in the vocational high school who did not go to school well at all. They have seen her awesomeness-as long as they have seen it, they will have a strong curiosity and want to see what kind of person it is.

Unexpectedly, when the first-placed master went to brush the questions, she walked in a cool style, but when she was on the show, she walked in an off-line style...

This contrast has left a deeper impression on people's minds.

Including Ren Zian, even though he was concentrating on the question at the moment, he couldn't help but put his ears up when he heard the people around him discussing the number one place. If he had a chance, he really wanted to know this kind of person.

However, he raised his eyes and glanced at Zhong Youyou who was leaning against the wall. For some reason, he always felt that the personality of this great god and Zhong Youyou seemed a bit similar. But it should be just his illusion, right? During the first few days of the preliminary contest, Zhong Youyou came to school on time every day.

In the afternoon, a luxury car drove to the entrance of the school, Mrs. Zhong got down from above. It has been almost a month since Zhong Youyou went to the hospital to visit Father Zhong, and it has been almost a month since the cold war between Father Zhong and her.

Mrs. Zhong came to the school because she heard Mrs. Jiang say that Mingde School put banners on the entrance of the school for the 29 students who were admitted to the city's top 100 last time. Mrs. Jiang is also very proud that her son can enter, so Zhong's mother is even more proud. Not only can her daughter enter, but she is also number one!

So, she wanted to come and have a look.

Sure enough, when she walked to the entrance of the school, she saw the pyramid above. Zhong Youyou's photo was hanging on the top, very eye-catching, and the girl in the photo had delicate eyebrows. Mother Zhong looked up carefully, and a lot of complicated emotions were born in her heart. This photo was taken really well, she really looked like her when she was young.

It's been a long time since Mother Zhong has seen Zhong Youyou, and she has also called Zhong Youyou a lot, but without exception, Zhong Youyou hung up or blocked it.

Mrs. Zhong finally realized that Zhong Youyou is actually a pretty cruel and self-reliant girl. She said she wanted to sever ties with them, and she never came back.

This knowledge left her empty and uncomfortable, but she couldn't tell the pain.

She only felt very powerless and didn't know what to do to make up for all that in the past.

The last time Zhong Youyou took the No.1 place in the exam in the city. As a mother, she should give her daughter some praise. But she couldn't see Zhong Youyou's face at all, and the phone couldn't get through, so she had to come to the school gate to wait for her.

Today she deliberately bought a lot of spring clothes, shoes, and bags, and put them in the trunk of the car in two boxes. Spring is about to begin, and she thinks that when Zhong Youyou leaves home, those spring clothes don't seem to be taken away, so she buys a lot of them for Zhong Youyou according to her own ideas-which mother doesn't want her daughter to dress up beautifully and brightly?

Although she knows that the current Zhong Youyou is not as rebellious as in the past, and when she does not wear school uniforms, she also dresses very tastefully, which is not like the person in the past, she still can't help but buy a lot for Zhong Youyou.

...Make up for it more or less.

It seems that a lot of things are like this. In the past, when Zhong Youyou still cared about them and yearned for their affection, they didn't take the hope in the girl's eyes seriously. They always felt that it was their own daughter who picked up the wrong attitude and couldn't run away—but they didn't expect…

She really said to leave and to hate, and to say that she did not want this home.

So decisive, really cruel.

Now, thinking of the scenes in the previous life, thinking of Zhong Youyou still willing to call her "Mom", she unexpectedly unknowingly filled her eyes with tears.

In this way, Mother Zhong waited for more than two hours in the car outside the school with anticipation and sadness. She did not tell the school director of Mingde, otherwise, she should be invited to have tea by the school director at this time.

She didn't want to say anything about it, after all, the storms of the previous city hadn't passed yet. Appearing at school at this time can only cause trouble for Zhong Youyou.

However, after school, she didn't see Zhong Youyou coming out of the school, so she couldn't help calling a student to bring Zhong Youyou to the 19th class.

After a while, Zhong Youyou, who was packing her schoolbags, heard someone shouting outside the corridor: "Zhong Youyou, your mother is looking for you."

"Mom?" Zhong Youyou sounded very ironic. It must not be Meng Qian. After she was humiliated by her last time, she seemed to dare not come to her directly. That's Mrs. Zhong. Didn't I make it clear enough in the hospital last time, why did it happen again?

Zhong Youyou only found it annoying. She packed her schoolbags, walked out neatly, gave the classmate a few canteen coupons, and said: "Classmate, you have to go out of school, right? You help me tell her, not to come to see me."

This classmate glanced at Zhong Youyou in amazement—she was finally recognized by the Zhong family. Why was she so indifferent to her biological mother?

Zhong Youyou didn't say more and went straight to the other door with her schoolbag on her back.

This classmate took the meal ticket from the cafeteria and arrived at the school gate, and replied to the expectant mother Zhong: "Zhong Youyou said...no."

Mother Zhong was taken aback, and the expression on her face suddenly became sad.

It's all about not seeing her, it's just to let the classmates pass it, she is really unwilling to look at her more. Youyou has been away from home for almost four months. Before Mrs. Zhong felt that Zhong Youyou might just be unable to think about it for the time being, and moved out of the house to live, and will come back sooner or later, but now she has panic in her heart.

Now Zhong Youyou is still in high school in this city, so she has not returned home and can't see anyone. Then when she leaves the city to go to university, according to her temper, would she not go home again?! Even when there is no news, and completely lose contact with the Zhong family, telling them to find her?!

"..." Mother Zhong hadn't thought about this issue before.

Suddenly thought at this moment, her face turned out to be like white paper! Yes, she found that Zhong Youyou, a cruel girl, could do this!

This cruel girl!

No, she has to go to Father Zhong to discuss countermeasures quickly. He probably didn't think that far ahead.

But before getting in the car, she met a few girls who came out of the vocational high school. The eldest sister headed by her had long straight hair. She looked much cleaner than the yellow and green killers behind. She felt very familiar.