
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · 都市
180 Chs

Chapter 42 (Part 2)

Is she saved? Is she really saved?

She struggled, and quickly sent a line of text messages out: "Youyou, remember me? Seeing that you got the first place in the city, can you come out to meet me when you have time? I want you to recommend basics teaching materials to me please?"

Shame. Actively wanting to learn is really an embarrassing thing.

After Xi Yuqi sent the text message, she looked around, her face was hot, but tried her best to put the phone back into her pocket quickly if nothing happened.

After school, Zhong Youyou received a text message on her phone. She was taken aback for a moment, and she didn't realize who the Xi Yuqi was.

Because the original owner was only a supporting role in the novel, the people around the original owner were also taken by one stroke, and it took a long while before she remembered it. Oh, this Xi Yuqi is one of the vocational high school students who played with her before.

She looked at the text message sent by Xi Yuqi...Help with teaching aid materials?

Zhong Youyou blinked, feeling a little inexplicable. In her impression, this Xi Yuqi and her group of little sisters should be a group of bullies who really hate to learn. Why did they suddenly find her to buy supplementary materials?

Of course, Zhong Youyou didn't know how many people were affected by her being the number one in the city this time.

Buying teaching aid materials is just a matter of effort, she will definitely help, after all, the original owner has also received the help of these vocational high school students before. So, she replied "Okay."

Just, the show that is about to participate in the "extreme brain", she also intends to have all the basic knowledge reviewed.

After testing the wind-wave of the city's first school, it is not so easy to pass. For a while, the entire school is discussing this matter. Zhong Youyou walked on the stairs, some people didn't call her name, and she called "the city's first. "

- "Wow, the city's first, over there."

Of course, just chatting between themselves. However, many people are envious of death, and Zhong Youyou has taken the city's first.

After all, everyone has a fixed impression of Zhong Youyou or her results three months ago.

The solid impression is difficult to change.

Moreover, she has taken the city's first place, they are afraid that this national speech must be changed.

Sure enough, before the weekend, the director called Zhong Youyou to the office smiling, pulling a stool to let her sit down.

"Student Zhong Youyou, speak under the national flag next Monday. Prepare yourself. As the most improved student in the city, you should teach your classmates a good way to improve."

When Zhong Youyou came in, Shi Zhitang had not yet gone out. This time he passed second place in the city and his grades were not bad. However, as his headteacher, he still called him for a training session.

As far as the dean is concerned, it is that the city's number one in his class was robbed by the students in Li Dongping's class. Look at Li Dongping's horrible appearance in the past two days, his eyebrows are almost up to the sky, and he can't wait to walk horizontally in the corridor like a crab. When he sees a teacher, he says, "Oh, do you know the number one in our class... "

The dean was furious when he saw it.

Shi Zhitang stood aside, looking at Zhong Youyou with a complex expression. He did underestimate the speed of Zhong Youyou's progress. When Zhong Youyou was eleventh in the city, he still felt that this ranking was very reasonable, and it was the result that Zhong Youyou should have. But when Zhong Youyou's score was adjusted, he suddenly fell under the pressure. His mood is very subtle and complicated.

Among them, Shi Zhitang has always been the proud son of heaven. The number one in the city has always been his possession, and he can easily get it. He is not so conceited, he naturally knows that there are always people who are better than him, so he never slackens.

But he didn't think of it, and there was a day Youyou was above him.

Yes, starting from this moment, she is really listed as a competitor. Zhong Youyou actually let him feel a sense of crisis, that he never felt before. He is inexplicably feeling that his life will no longer be smooth but disrupted. Will it also get the final champion in the "extreme brain" as the last world?

Zhong Youyou said to the teacher: "Ok, I will be prepared."

Immediately, she glanced sideways at Shi Zhitang who had been staring at her. From Shi Zhitang's eyes for no reason, she sees a bit of competition. Shi Zhitang's eyes were gentle with a sharpness that he did not even notice.

Zhong Youyou suddenly became interested, becoming a competitor with Shi Zhitang is much more fun than talking about useless feelings! After all, Shi Zhitang in the novel represents the person with the highest IQ in the competition, and defeating him actually aroused Zhong Youyou's ambition.

Shi Zhitang said: "I did all the previous speeches under the national flag. Do you need me to provide some reference?"

Zhong You smiled and laughed very bad: "No need."


Monday morning.

Zhong Youyou stepped out of the class and walked up to the three-story platform where she was speaking under the national flag. The whole school looked at her with raised heads. It can be said that at this moment, she is really eye-catching.

Li Dongping stood at the back of Class 19, wearing black down, shivering with cold, but he didn't feel cold at all with excitement. He looks more excited than Zhong Youyou. This is the first student in his teaching career to stand under the national flag to speak!

In the past, when speaking under the national flag, no matter what the speaker said, the students underneath would not listen. They all played their own way and made fun of each other. And this time Zhong Youyou took the stage, I am afraid that the attention of all the students in the school was the most concentrated.

Zhong Xiyou, who was in the first grade of Grade Two, was so tall and standing at the back, too far away, so he couldn't see Zhong Youyou clearly. He thought with a little annoyance that he had bought binoculars if he had known his sister would speak under the flag…wait, he should take a picture at this time.

I thought that he secretly snuck past the teacher on the left and right sides, quickly pulled out the phone from the mobile phone.

Yay. So proud, his sister actually turned from the worst of grade to the speaker under the national flag.

Zhong Xiyou was a little excited and planned to sell this photo to Father Zhong for tens of thousands of dollars in pocket money.

Even though the students below are all focused on Zhong Youyou, they still have a lot of private discussions. Some people quickly got involved with Zhong Youyou and Shi Zhitang.

"How do you feel? You see how calm they are, maybe they will be crushed back next time, so Zhong Youyou will do it this time, how could it be comparable to the number one in the city, which has been for many years?"

When Zhong Youyou stepped onto the national flag stand, she happened to hear such a discussion from the first row of the two competition classes. She pulled the corners of her mouth, showing no expression.

My classmates are in a very complicated mood now. After being shocked, they gradually accepted the fact that Zhong Youyou really got first place in the city, just like the last time they accepted that Zhong Youyou was the daughter of the Zhong family.

Accepting this fact does not mean that they feel calm. Their mood is still very up and down. Looking at Zhong Youyou under the national flag is like watching a myth from the lowest score in the school to the number one in the city.

Zhong Youyou stood under the national flag, chanting official words into the microphone. She is very experienced in this. The manuscript written is also a manuscript that makes people unable to fault.

The vice-principal saw that she was about to go down after her studies, and was a little anxious, and whispered next to him: "Classmate Zhong Youyou, classmate Youyou, our school has a tradition. After speaking under the national flag, you must take an oath."

"What's the oath?" Zhong Youyou asked in a low voice. She was a little confused, she definitely didn't know the traditions of this school, and there was nothing in the original text. These little details are completely supplemented by the world itself.

The vice-principal explained in a low voice: "Swear an oath about your next goals, such as keep working hard, keep your grades, etc., inspire all the students, and inspire people."

"Oh." Zhong Youyou understood. She paused and turned back to the stage. All the classmates looked at her who had gone down and up again. They don't know what happened, and why didn't they take the oath? So, the whole audience fell silent for a while, waiting for her.

In the cold air, the national flag was fluttering in the wind, and Zhong Youyou's crimson down jacket was covered with a school uniform, which made her face very bright and beautiful. Her hair is now also long, softly draped on her shoulders, and is blowing in the breeze. When I got up a little bit, the figure alone was enough to be breath-taking.

And the whole school listened to her swear oath--

"I swear."

The students in the school raised their ears, waiting for her to say something about the counterattack experience from the worst place to the city's No. 1, waiting for this exciting moment.

However, what they heard was the confident and indifferent voice of the girl

"I swear that this year the national examination paper is not unified, so the province's college entrance examination champion is mine, and the unified paper is mine."


The school is silent.

Wow, awesome...