
After practicing 100,000 years, I became immortal

Lin Fen is a student at a university, he works as a food delivery person, he is hardworking and likes to learn new things, for a year, he has been chasing beautiful girls and spending quite a lot of money from work, one day the girl dumped Lin Fen because she found a rich second generation and made Lin Fen heartbroken, heartbroken Lin Fen went near the forest to reflect, at that time he suddenly met a beautiful fairy who fell from the sky, after saving the fairy he received an extraordinary gift. he started training to become better and made the people who once dared to underestimate him because he was poor regret it.

Day_adventure · 東方
30 Chs

a coin that allows practicing for 100,000 years

"Huh?" Lin Fen was shocked.

The woman had just disappeared, how did she do it?

"Is that woman a ghost, she disappeared?" said Lin Fen.

Lin Fen didn't know where Xia Qingyu had just gone.

The woman flew and just disappeared, Lin Fen thought it was a ghost.

Lin Fen looked at the beautiful woman's gift, the beautiful fairy gave several things to Lin Fen.

"I will keep this" Lin Fen decided to keep it, he would try to practice.

Lin Fen felt goosebumps living in this place, so he returned home.

His ugly house was the most comfortable and safest place Lin Fen had ever lived in.

After Lin Fen finished, he just left, Lin Feng immediately took off his clothes and started washing his face.

Lin Fen had pinched his body several times, he felt that all this was not a dream.

"Everything is real" Lin Fen was sure that everything was real.

Everything he experienced before was a reality that could not be denied.

Lin Fen decided to read the book given, he began to learn how to cultivate according to the book.

Lin Fen was confused at first, but he finally tried it after some time.

Lin Fen started to be able to sense Yuan Qi, this was the energy for cultivation, this energy was so thin on earth, so there was nothing to rely on with this matter.

"I didn't expect this to work, it's quite surprising, is that woman also like this, this is so great" Lin Fen didn't believe it at first, but it worked, he became confident again.

"I'll just start slowly" Lin Fen decided to start slowly, he practiced for about 30 minutes, training was not as easy as Lin Fen imagined, it was very difficult and tiring.

"Maybe because my physique is weak" Lin Fen is aware of his physique, he doesn't have a good physique, this is the physique of a normal person who rarely sports and works hard.

So it was normal for Lin Fen.

Lin Fen knew his limits, so he took it slowly.

The second thing is the ring, for the time being Lin Fen can't use it, he just...

Lin Fen looked at the coins given, which appeared dirty and needed cleaning.

Lin Fen decided to go and wash the coin, using this method the coin was quickly cleaned.

"Very good, this looks good" Lin Fen had cleaned it, he managed to clean the coin.

Lin Fen looked at the coin, and he saw that it had some writing on it.

Lin Fen, who was curious, immediately took a magnifying glass and started to read it.

"The path to immortality will open to those who have the determination" Lin Fen read it, the writing was small but still readable.

Luckily, this wasn't an alien language, so Lin Fen could still read it.

A few moments after Lin Fen did this, the coin in his hand began to emit a strange light.

Lin Fen's body was enveloped in a dazzling white light, and Lin Fen couldn't see anything.

A while after that, Lin Fen saw the surrounding scenery change.

"Heh?, where am I now?" Lin Fen was confused, the surrounding scenery changed completely.

Now he was in a place with such a good view, such a beautiful place, this was the best place Lin Fen had ever seen.

Lin Fen was very unfamiliar with this place, because of this, he decided to have a look.

"Wow, is this a dream, such a beautiful place".

Because it was too beautiful Lin Fen thought this place was a dream.

This is a very rare sight because a scene like this can't exist in the real world.

"are you the lucky one" a pleasant voice sounded.

Lin Fen immediately looked for the origin of the sound, he thought about finding the answers to all his questions.

A young woman with a tall build appeared near Lin Fen.

This woman's appearance is so beautiful, it's a shame she looks like a little girl because she's short.

"Who are you?" Lin Fen asked, he didn't know who the person before him was yet.

"I am the one who guards this place and will guide you for the next 100,000 years" she said to Lin Fen.

"100,000 years in the future, I understand. . ., Ehhh . . .?, what did you say?" Lin Fen was of course, shocked when he heard this.

Who could have imagined that he was told to live in this place for 100,000, that was impossible.

"Is there a way to get out?" Lin Fen asked.

Maybe there is a way out of this place.

"There is no way out of this place, once entered, all doors are closed, you are trapped and can only stay here until the time limit.

"but that's impossible, it's too long for me" Lin Fen didn't want to waste his youth.

"100,000 years, what kind of concept is that, when I come out, maybe the whole world will have disappeared or changed completely" said Lin Fen.

"no, where we are now has its flow of time, 100,000 years here is the same as 1 hour outside" the woman in front said to Lin Fen.

"eh?? ?" Lin Fen was surprised, was it possible for that to be done?

"You seem an ordinary human, it's not strange that you don't know anything, I will slowly explain to you" she said to Lin Fen.

"This place is an artifact, you must have used it before, a small coin, that is this place, we are inside the coin" she said to Lin Fen.

"Then you are alone" Lin Fen asked the woman before him.

"I am just the guardian spirit here" she said to Lin Fen.

"You are a Spirit, is that a ghost ?" Lin Fen looked surprised, was the woman in front of him a ghost?

The woman laughed when she saw Lin Fen's reaction.

The reaction shown by Lin Fen was so cute, and she liked it.

"You can say it like that, I won't eat you so that you can rest assured" she said to Lin Fen.

"sigh. . ." Lin Fen felt relieved when he heard this, it seemed like he would be safe.

After that, this woman explained everything, this place is so vast, it is estimated that it is 100,000 x bigger than the Earth.

Many things can be encountered, monsters, medicine, artifacts, raw materials, and all kinds of things are in this place.

Lin Fen just needed to adventure and discover everything in his way.

"Now what is your decision, do you want to train to become an immortal or just stay quiet and wait here until time runs out?" she asked.

"It's clear, I won't back down, I will train" Lin Fen made up his mind, since he couldn't go out, he would train hard.

After seeing a miracle like this, Lin Fen's passion to train as a cultivator burned.

Lin Fen finally discovered another world, a world that he thought only existed in novels.

Now that he had found it, it was something worth trying.

"Such a good spirit, I like the spirit you have" she said to Lin Fen.

"My name is Qing Rou, remember my name well" Qing Rou introduced herself.

"My name is Lin Fen" Lin Fen introduced himself.

"Okay, I will call you Lin Fen, of course you can call me by my name" she said to Lin Fen.

"From now on I will guide you, the first thing you have to do is repair your body, you have to run around this place 50 time" Qing Rou said to Lin Fen.

"huh?" Lin Fen was shocked when he listened to Qing Rou's words.

"Your body is so weak, to become a cultivator, the first step you must take is to improve your physical condition, after that you can practice".

"With your current condition, you won't survive, it's too tough" Qing Rou said to Lin Fen.

"I see, it's not strange that I feel so tired when trying to cultivate, I understand" Lin Fen understood, he knew the reason why he was so tired after cultivating

It was because his body couldn't bear it, now he had to train.

"This will be a very hard training, I hope you are ready for such a hard training" Qing Rou put on an evil face.

It seemed like Qing Rou would enjoy this very well.

"Damn it. . . ." Lin Fen was so annoyed by what happened, he could only run and train his strength and abilities.

Qing Rou told Lin Fen to run 5 mil for 50 laps, this would be the most difficult exercise in Lin Fen's life.

Lin Fen began to train hard, training so hard to forge his body, mind, and heart.


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