
After my death

I am a hero who was born and forged in war. I was born to fight the enemies of the kingdom. But now I am an enemy of the kingdom. Because I never expected the kingdom to betray me when I no longer served them. And now I am reborn as a dark elf. The race I fought as a hero. And I will do everything I can to kill those who betrayed me. _______________________ Hello, I am the author. I've actually written about 15 different synopses but nothing convinces me.

FA_AFMD · ファンタジー
43 Chs


When I saw Ingrid trembling as she cried, I couldn't help but go and comfort her.

Let's just say that, for some reason, I felt like she remembered a moment where she lost everything.

I don't know what exactly happened to her, but it's still not important.

At least not at this time, not right now

As I hugged her I could feel how she was calming down.

We stayed like this for 5 minutes while I patted her head.

I don't know if our past situations are comparable, but I lost everything too so I can't help but feel a little closer to her.

Maybe one day she will tell me his past.

I shouldn't think much about it, after all, I still don't know where her loyalty lies.

Just because I was betrayed doesn't mean I'm going to believe that loyalty doesn't exist.

I will simply tear off the limbs of those who betray me.

Maybe continuing to take care of her will get me her loyalty. Although I must admit I don't know much about it, I have never had subordinates.

I had temporary partners for what I was doing and never bonded with anyone except Mikela and Victor, but I feel it's worth looking for a connection with Ingrid.

It's an irrational feeling.

Ingrid is moving, coming out of my embrace.

After moving, she raises her head and looks me deeply in the eye.

I can't discern anything about them.

Her green eyes just look at me, with no affection, resentment, doubts, nothing.

I can't know what she's thinking.

Ingrid stood and said. "Thank you, master."

Her voice is slightly warmer than the usual monotony she usually has.

"You're welcome, Ingrid," I say with a calm smile.

"Master, it would be best to rest now. Since Mr. Elijah has not returned, I will take the first shift."

"You're right, I'll go to sleep now"

Saying that, I lay on the floor and closed my eyes as Ingrid walked away a little.

I settled my sword so I could quickly draw, just in case, and fell asleep.

In the morning.

As soon as the sun rises, I wake up slowly and get up to get my things ready.

Elijah is sitting near the bonfire, now extinguished

Ingrid is sharpening her spear with a serious look, she seems to take this seriously.

As I arrange my weapons, I ask Elijah. "Did you get information, Elijah?"

"Yes, young master. There are about 300 villagers in the village, as well as 2 rank 1 wizards and 60 unranked soldiers."

"The villagers concentrate in the fields because it is planting season, there are 30 soldiers accompanying the villagers, protecting them in case of attack and the other thirty are concentrated in the village. The 2 rank 1 magi are inside the chapel with the priest, who is unranked"

"In addition, there is a distance of 2 km between the village center and the soldiers protecting the peasants. Young master What's your plan?"

After listening to Elijah's information, I think about what would be the most efficient way to attack.

Attacking the peasants first would be stupid, it will alert the soldiers in the center of the village, and give the wizards time to prepare and fight more efficiently.

None of us specialize in stealth, so a quick assassination is left out.

I'm actually surprised no one detected Elijah. The man is dressed in white and he suck at stealth

I can't use possession, I don't trust Elijah and Ingrid enough to show it.

I think this could work.

"We will divide, Ingrid can take 30 soldiers, so you will go to the fields and kill the ones who protect it. Most likely, the villagers will run to the center of the village, because they know that the wizards are there, but before you attack, I will attack the center. Wait for the soldiers in the field to move, the will try to return to the village to attack me. When that happens, you attack"

"Master, can you beat 2 rank 1 wizards?" asked Ingrid with a little worry in her eyes.

"There should be no problem as long as I am not attacked coordinated, and that is rare in rank 1 wizards, in the worst case, I hope you move to my position when you finish your work."

"Yes, master"

"Okay, then let's move," I said as I got up.

After running to the village, I froze looking at him.

It's the same town where I murdered Victor.

My mind slows down as I remember, but I force myself to calm my nerves.

I feel a little dizzy, thinking about the whole situation.

I look a little more at the village and see the soldiers.

They are dressed in light armor. They are low-ranking soldiers and judging by how they stand, not very professional.

But a hint of anger enters my mind when I see the crest they have on their chest.

It is the crest of the Church of life.

The dagger and the laurel.

The dagger that represents the power of the church.

The laurel that shows peace

I subconsciously touch my forehead, but I don't feel anything.

My mind cooled but my heart beats with excitement for the fight.

"Well Ingrid, go to your position, I will count 10 minutes which is what you should take and start. Good luck. If you feel overwhelmed, leave quickly."

After waiting, I approached with my sword drawn. I avoided being seen as long as possible.

Hiding behind a wall, I watch the movements of the guards. They are basically all standing in slightly separated positions. Except for a couple of houses and the chapel, the center of the village is open. There are no archers and I doubt they know they can surround me.

Some have spears and others swords.

There is one who is sleeping in a chair...

Well, with 6 near me, I should be able to kill them before the others react. After so many die quickly, such an undisciplined troop will be frightened.

Moving quickly I approach the first soldier in line and pierce the sword in his throat. Kicking his corpse to draw the sword I run to the next with agile and fast movements

The next 2 are slightly together so I get between them as I swing my sword in a side's arch, slashing their throats at the same time.

The last 3 are together.

I run towards them but one reacts and raises his spear to force me to stop.

Burying my foot and moving my free hand, I spread a burst of essence to change my movement, dodging the spear as I attack the farthest guard.

He doesn't react when my sword pierces his skull, spilling his brains out.

Sensing danger behind me, I bend my body as I release my sword and pull the dagger sheathed on my chest.

Making a quick turn I bury my dagger in the neck of the soldier who attacked me and take the sword from his hand for myself.

Only the man with the spear remains.

He has a distance advantage, so I quickly throw my dagger with a little essence on my arm.

My throw goes through his heart

The other 24 soldiers are getting ready but I can see their fear. One is pulling out a communicator, probably to warn the other 30.

Good luck, Ingrid.

Droping the sword and taking the spear I send myself to the group of soldiers. I'm much faster than them so it's pretty easy.

It's time to try it in battle.

The spearhead catches fire and becomes sharper.

It's a technique I've been practicing with Elijah, it basically creates a little layer on top of the spear with essence, and I ignite that essence to attack.

The soldiers get scared to realize that I am a magician.

Running forward and using wide cuts and stabs, killing several soldiers. The few that remain gather together while one runs to the chapel.

The soldiers advance towards me, making inexperienced cuts that I dodge with little movement.

For every time I dodge I counterattack by shattering the skulls of the soldiers.

Soon there were 12 soldiers left, but they surrounded me and I am in a bad position.

Moving my spear, gathering essence on the pole and hitting the ground, making the it tremble slightly and destabilizing them.

Seeing this, I make a complete turn with the spear raised, cutting several soldiers at once

There are 3 left. The smell of blood and shit starts to feel

Running towards those who remain, one runs away in desperation and the others attack me. Deflecting his attacks, I cuted his chest and knocked out the other with the pole.

The one who is running is already far away, but sadly. It is without survivors.

Adjusting my grip, I throw my spear towards him, piercing his leg.

The soldier falls to the ground while screaming in pain

My aim is bad, I had aimed to the head

It doesn't matter, it's still going to bleed to death

Looking around, I hear groans of grief from soldiers who have not yet died and I see a horrible scene where there are guts, brain matter and blood around me.

I couldn't care less, though.

The doors of the chapel suddenly open and the two "famous" magicians come out. They are young, 17 or 18 years old, probably students of the imperial academy, a place made to train the new generations.

Dressed in blue robes with hoods, representing rank 1, they walk haughtily as if I was nothing in their eyes.

It doesn't matter, his arrogance benefits me

"Hey you, how dare you kill the soldiers of the Church? Now we will have to kill you," said one of the magicians, his face covered by the hood.

"That's right, I hope you repent in hell"

As I watch them, all I can wonder is at what point the new generations became so arrogant and stupid.

I could have killed these soldiers by using my fire, but I choose to save my essence to fight the wizards. Can't you notice?

Oh, next to the wizard is that one soldier who went to warn them. Later I'll kill him, it's no problem.

Taking a sword from the ground, I put myself in position for combat. Ready for this two assholes