
Chapter187:waking up 2

"honey, are you awake? It's me Kimberly please talk to me."I said when Alex's eyes just fluttered then they stopped. The kicking also stopped. I had gone for a check up with my gynaecologist in the hospital and she told me that the babies were okay. I asked her about the kicking thing and she told me it would start in the fourth month of the pregnancy, so when I heard them kick and I wasn't even four months yet, I thought something was wrong. 

I looked at Alex and sighed why was he testing me? I really wanted him to wake up already." You know honey, I really want to punch right now. Don't you think you are torturing me? I really want to hear your voice and you can't believe what just happened. Your kids just kicked in my stomach. I think they also want you to wake up already. It's like you kinda have a connection the moment your eyes fluttered that's when they kicked. Don't you think that's a good connection? Although I'll be going to check with my gynaecologist if it's fine for them to kick this early."I sat smiling looking at Alex who smiled.

Wait, he's really awake this time."Alex, are you awake? You are making me think I'm hallucinating. Can you talk to me please."I said and Alex's eyes slowly opened. He looked at me and stiffened. God, he was handsome and I've missed him like hell.

"Hello baby, aren't you gonna kiss me to welcome me back or something. I just came back from the dead."he joked and I frowned at him. He thinks this is a joke. I almost went crazy. I looked away from him looking really mad at him." Baby, what is it? It was a joke okay. A silly stupid joke. Don't be mad, I'm sorry."he said and I felt him start to move or something but he then groaned in pain.

I immediately looked at him to see him struggling with the IVs pipes." What the hell are you doing?"I asked him even more angry.

"I need this pipes out of my hand. I'm better now, why do I need them? It's not like I will be pretending aga...... ummm.... what I meant was that it's not like I would be needing them again now that I'm awake."he said and I looked at him suspiciously.

"What did you mean pretending? Were you pretending to be unconscious?"I asked her and he smiled at me thinking his stupid smile would move me. Not this time, it always does but not this time.

"Did I say pretend? That was just a slip of the tongue. Ain't you supposed to be happy I'm awake now? Don't be mad please. Why would I need to pretend to be unconscious anyway?"he asked still smiling. I looked at him still very suspicious of him and chuckled." Okay, if you don't believe me then, ask Stefan if I was unconscious or not. I bet he would tell you the truth."he said but I just looked at him.

"If I find out you are lying to me Alex, you are gonna dance to the music. You are always lying to me and I'm sick of it. Everyone around me is always lying to me and I can't take that anymore."I said.

"Okay baby. Now, can you please hug me. I have missed it."he said and I smiled. See, I can't be angry for long. I moved in for a hug and I hugged him really tight.

"I missed you honey."I told him and he smiled kissing my hair.

"I missed you too baby. So much that all I could hear was your voice. Your voice kept me going and I could feel that longing in my heart."he said and I smiled even more. I'm really happy that I kept him going." I listened to all your stories though. All of them and I had that urge to just wake up and see you but I couldn't and it really sucked being in that place."he said and I laid next to him holding on to him.

"You must have wanted to laugh at my most embarassing moments that I shared with you. Please just ignore some of the things that I said. I was just bored and thought that maybe I could talk to you about my life."I said my face flushed.

"Ooh.. I can't forget anything baby and you are right, you can't imagine how I really wanted to laugh but I couldn't."he said chuckling but at that moment the door opened to see Stefan walk in with a few nurses. He didn't even look surprised, and I wondered if he knew this was gonna happen or something.

"Ooh look...who came back from the dead?"he joked and I frowned at him. I don't like it when they made that joke.

"Turn it down asshole, my wife don't like the joke."Alex said and Stefan looked at me smiling mischievously.

"Oooh...look who is here too. If it isn't the stubborn Kimberly, who could it be?"he said and I gave him a fake smile raising my middle finger at him.

"Fuck you Stefan. You think you will make fun of me with that little joke forever?"I asked him still not backing down on the fake smiling.

"Well, stubborn Kimberly, I sure can. Do you have a problem with that?"he said just to be an asshole to me. I know I might have given him a hard time and he and I have not been in good terms because I did the opposite of what he said and it really made him so raging mad at me.

"Baby, where the hell did you learn to become so naughty? I'm out just for a few days and you are this naughty?"he said and I looked at him. Oh shit, I forgot about Alex when cursing at Stefan and raising my middle finger at him. I could feel the smile on Stefan's face and I felt really annoyed.

"Stefan taught me that."I said and Alex looked at Stefan who had his eyes so wide open that they could pop out of the sockets. He looked at me giving the 'why' look but I smiled at him keeping my head and chin up. I stuck my tongue out just to annoy him.

"What the hell Stefan? That's not something you are supposed to be teaching my wife you asshole."Alex said angrily and smiled at the helpless look on Stefan. It's pay back time asshole. My Alex is awake now, he'll stand up for me when you want to bully me. I said to myself.

"She's obviously lying Alex. My God, you can't imagine what she can do just to make me suffer. You can't believe her, you can't imagine how she is when you are not around."Stefan started then he looked at me smirking. He evilly smirked and I looked at Alex to see what he's gonna do.

"My wife never lie jerkass. And I always believe her, who I'm I supposed to believe if it's her? She's my queen and kings always trust their queens."Alex said and I smiled brightly. Huuh!! Take that Stefan.

"You can't seriously believe her Alex. Did you know she almost burned this hospital down? She's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Just like I said, she is someone else when you are not around."Stefan ratted me out and when Alex turned to look at me, I made a sad look, like I was about to cry.