
After I Suicide My Life Restarted With The Life Restarted I Longed For

Have you ever felt like life is just too much to handle? Like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and you can't go on anymore? That's how I felt before I decided to end it all. But then something strange happened, I woke up in a different reality, one where my life was everything I had ever wanted it to be. The question is, what will I do? Accept and happily cherish it or vainly repeat the wounds of history? What is this life I had longed for? *DISCLAIMER!* Please be advised that this book contains sensitive and potentially triggering content, including but not limited to self-harm, physical and sexual abuse, and other traumatic events. These events are depicted in a fictional manner and should not be taken as a guide for real-life actions. The novel does not promote or normalize suicide in any way. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please seek help from a professional.

Haruki_Vanz · 現実
33 Chs

Chapter 29 The Lost And Found Part 4

Chapter 29 The Lost and Found Part 4

Day after that

June 5, 2018 (Old Life)

On that rainy day, as I entered the classroom, I was taken aback by the solemn atmosphere. My classmates were sobbing uncontrollably, and I couldn't fathom the reason behind their grief. But it didn't take long for me to find out. 

Harry had passed away, and I was left reeling. My mind could scarcely comprehend the news - it felt like a cruel joke, a nightmare from which I could not wake.

  The details of his death were as perplexing as they were devastating. According to reports, Harry had fallen from the balcony of the four-story City Hall, his life tragically short by a fatal blow to the head. But how did it happen? Was it an accident, a suicide, or something far more sinister? No one could say for sure, and the mystery only deepened my despair.

  I wanted to cry, scream, or feel anything - but my emotions were as unresponsive as a block of ice. I had only known Harry briefly, but our forged connection was real, and the thought of never seeing him again was unbearable.

  As I made my way home, the raindrops beating against my skin felt like tears from the sky, echoing the grief that weighed heavy on my heart. And when I entered my room, it was as if the darkness had taken physical form, cloaking me in a shroud of sadness.

I noticed a glowing blue stone on the table near my bed, the same stone that Harry had given me. I had been puzzled by its significance, and that confusion remained.

As I picked up the stone, it suddenly glowed bright, and I felt a strange warmth. However, the sensation quickly turned uncomfortable, and I was forced to drop the stone to the floor.

  "What's with this stone?" I asked myself. The stone fell under my bed, and I saw my stainless steel box when I tried to pick it up. And if I remember correctly, inside of it were some of my essential things and the MP3 player that kid gave me 7 years ago. 

  I was intrigued, and at that time, I felt so stagnant. I can't feel anything, and I can't think of anything I want to do. So I picked up the dusty stainless steel box and blew its dust. I opened it and saw the MP3 that was still in there. 

  "When will I meet this boy? He said we will meet again, but when will that be? It has been seven years since I received it."

  "I wonder if it'll still work after a year, maybe I should charge it first. Wait, I don't have a charger in the first place. Anyway I should press the power button in the hope that it still has power left."

After pressing the power button, It powered. 


The MP3 player worked, and I saw two recorded voice files on its screen. But I remember the first time I used it was only a single file.

  One of the recorded voice files is April 5, 2012. That was probably the day he found me, and the other was... The date on the file was…June 4, 2018. I was shocked by that discovery because it had only happened yesterday.

  Upon seeing that, I quickly played the recording.

"Hello hello!! Okay, I think this recording works. Okay, the reason I recorded it is I feel like my future will change. I don't know why I feel that way, but it's true. I feel like this time I can do something else. I can make a change. I feel like I'm having fun because I just thought it was impossible, but now I can make it real, I can do something."

There was no doubt about it. It was still the voice of that boy.

  "I know I only have a little time left, but I know that is enough for me to make a change. I can change the future. Confused maybe the listener, but hopefully the first person to hear it is just myself as well. Hopefully, in the future, I will be the one to hear this recording voice."

  "I'm sorry if I repeat the word future too much; it doesn't really disappear from my mind. I never thought I would feel this after so many years. Anyway, nothing really makes sense to what I'm saying now.

  "This is just my message for my own future. Hopefully, after a few years, I will have found and seen that I've seen the lot I want. Hopefully, the future I already saw the unforeseeable future. The end we long for. So, for the future me, hang in there, okay?

  "Okay, I know everything I said is messy, but I don't have time to explain yet. This is where the chaotic and senseless message for my future self will end."

  Finally, the voice recording came to an end, and I really didn't understand what he was saying at that time, but then…

  "I'll definitely see the unforeseeable future someday. Okay, this is really the end of this recording. I'm Harryson Van Hatten. Message for my future self. Going out."

As the recording ended, I sat there in shock, realizing that the boy who had given me this MP3 player all those years ago was Harrison Van Hatten.

"This is not possible. Is he the kid who found me before? Is that him?! I do not know. Why didn't he tell me anything? Why did he say nothing! I do not know anything. Why? Why did I only find out now?! When he is gone... When I can no longer thank him."

  In the heavy downpour, tears flowed heavily from my eyes. In my dark and cold room, I cried out loud. All the tears that I had not shed before were now overflowing. My last cry. My last emotion.

  I cried for the loss of my first and last friend, for the fact that I would never be able to thank him, and for all the time that had passed between us without me knowing who he really was. It was a mix of emotions, grief, confusion, and regret, all flooding out of me at once.

After Harry's death, a lot changed. The feeling inside the school has changed; many things have changed, including losing my emotions. After Harry's death, no one bullied me anymore because when Harry died, the person who always teased me never went to school again. 

  He was only with us for a month, but the influence of him makes a significant impact on our school. As for me, it was the same. But I'm still filled with regret and questions. 

Why didn't he tell me about it?

Why didn't I see that recording file before?

What did he mean by that unforeseeable future?

How can he fulfill his promise to me?

All of those questions today can be answered… I guess. I guess. 

April 11, 2018 (New Present)


To be continued.